commit 15e3c51894b8dfe9a467f62c538d57b84e1368ad
parent ecba024d0e27448605762d09a2e516dab164ee61
Author: rob <>
Date: Fri, 17 Mar 2023 15:32:21 +0000
control camera from a browser
6 files changed, 194 insertions(+), 52 deletions(-)
diff --git a/ b/
@@ -58,9 +58,9 @@ apt-get update
apt-get upgrade -y
if [ "$version" = "buster" ]
- apt-get -y install git python3-pip python-configparser ffmpeg mediainfo gpac omxplayer sox cpufrequtils apache2 libapache2-mod-wsgi-py3 libdbus-glib-1-dev dbus libdbus-1-dev usbmount python3-numpy python3-pil python3-smbus python3-shortuuid wiringpi make gcc cmake pmount
+ apt-get -y install git python3-pip python-configparser ffmpeg mediainfo gpac omxplayer sox cpufrequtils apache2 libapache2-mod-wsgi-py3 libdbus-glib-1-dev dbus libdbus-1-dev usbmount python3-numpy python3-pil python3-smbus python3-shortuuid wiringpi make gcc cmake pmount python3-ifaddr
- apt-get -y install git python3-pip python-configparser libav-tools mediainfo gpac omxplayer sox cpufrequtils apache2 libapache2-mod-wsgi-py3 libdbus-glib-1-dev dbus libdbus-1-dev usbmount python3-numpy python3-pil python3-smbus python3-shortuuid wiringpi make gcc cmake
+ apt-get -y install git python3-pip python-configparser libav-tools mediainfo gpac omxplayer sox cpufrequtils apache2 libapache2-mod-wsgi-py3 libdbus-glib-1-dev dbus libdbus-1-dev usbmount python3-numpy python3-pil python3-smbus python3-shortuuid wiringpi make gcc cmake python3-ifaddr
echo "installing python-omxplayer-wrapper..."
sudo pip3 install omxplayer-wrapper
diff --git a/srv/static/style.css b/srv/static/style.css
@@ -16,3 +16,7 @@ pre
color: #fff;
+ color: #FCD612;
diff --git a/srv/ b/srv/
@@ -2,6 +2,11 @@
import web
import os
+import socket
+import ifaddr
+import sys
+import time
# Get path of the current dir, then use it as working directory:
rundir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
@@ -10,19 +15,76 @@ if rundir != '':
filmfolder = '/home/pi/Videos/'
+basedir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
# Link video directory to static dir
if os.path.isfile('static/Videos') == False:
os.system("ln -s -t static/ " + filmfolder)
films = []
+adapters = ifaddr.get_adapters()
+for adapter in adapters:
+ print("IPs of network adapter " + adapter.nice_name)
+ for ip in adapter.ips:
+ if '::' not in ip.ip[0] and '' != ip.ip:
+ print(ip.ip)
+ networks.append(ip.ip)
urls = (
- '/', 'index',
+ '/?', 'index',
'/f/(.*)?', 'films'
app = web.application(urls, globals())
render = web.template.render('templates/', base="base")
+store = web.session.DiskStore(basedir + '/sessions')
+session = web.session.Session(app,store,initializer={'login': 0, 'user': '', 'backurl': '', 'bildsida': 0, 'cameras': [], 'reload': 0})
+def pingtocamera(host, port, data):
+ print("Sending to "+host+" on port "+str(port)+" DATA:"+data)
+ s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
+ s.settimeout(0.01)
+ try:
+ while True:
+ s.connect((host, port))
+ s.send(str.encode(data))
+ if host not in cameras and host not in networks:
+ session.cameras.append(host)
+ print("Found camera! "+host)
+ print("Sent to server..")
+ break
+ except:
+ ('did not connect')
+ s.close()
+def sendtocamera(host, port, data):
+ print("Sending to "+host+" on port "+str(port)+" DATA:"+data)
+ s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
+ s.settimeout(0.1)
+ try:
+ while True:
+ s.connect((host, port))
+ s.send(str.encode(data))
+ print("Sent to server..")
+ break
+ except:
+ ('did not connect')
+ s.close()
def getfilms(filmfolder):
#get a list of films, in order of settings.p file last modified
@@ -82,15 +144,53 @@ def counttakes(filmname, filmfolder, scene, shot):
class index:
def GET(self):
+ interface=open('/dev/shm/interface','r')
+ menu=interface.readlines()
+ selected=int(menu[0])
films = getfilms(filmfolder)
renderedfilms = []
unrenderedfilms = []
- for i in films:
- if os.path.isfile('static/Videos/' + i[0] + '/' + i[0] + '.mp4') == True:
- renderedfilms.append(i[0])
+ for f in films:
+ if os.path.isfile('static/Videos/' + f[0] + '/' + f[0] + '.mp4') == True:
+ renderedfilms.append(f[0])
- unrenderedfilms.append(i[0])
- return render.index(renderedfilms, unrenderedfilms)
+ unrenderedfilms.append(f[0])
+ i=web.input(func=None)
+ if i.func == 'search':
+ session.cameras=[]
+ # ping ip every 10 sec while not recording to connect cameras
+ pingip=0
+ while pingip < 255 :
+ pingip+=1
+ pingtocamera(network[:-3]+str(pingip),port,'PING')
+ elif i.func == 'rec':
+ sendtocamera(ip,port,'REC')
+ elif i.func == 'retake':
+ sendtocamera(ip,port,'RETAKE')
+ elif i.func == 'up':
+ sendtocamera(ip,port,'UP')
+ elif i.func == 'down':
+ sendtocamera(ip,port,'DOWN')
+ elif i.func == 'left':
+ sendtocamera(ip,port,'LEFT')
+ elif i.func == 'right':
+ sendtocamera(ip,port,'RIGHT')
+ elif i.func == 'view':
+ sendtocamera(ip,port,'VIEW')
+ elif i.func == 'middle':
+ sendtocamera(ip,port,'MIDDLE')
+ elif i.func == 'delete':
+ sendtocamera(ip,port,'DELETE')
+ if i.func != None:
+ session.reload = 1
+ raise web.seeother('/')
+ if session.reload == 1:
+ time.sleep(0.35)
+ interface=open('/dev/shm/interface','r')
+ menu=interface.readlines()
+ selected=int(menu[0])
+ session.reload = 0
+ return render.index(renderedfilms, unrenderedfilms, session.cameras, menu, selected)
class films:
def GET(self, film):
diff --git a/srv/templates/base.html b/srv/templates/base.html
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ $def with (content)
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Tarina | video & audio recorder with glue</title>
- <link rel="stylesheet" href="/static/style.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet"/>
+ <link rel="stylesheet" href="/static/style.css?v=33" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet"/>
diff --git a/srv/templates/index.html b/srv/templates/index.html
@@ -1,7 +1,30 @@
-$def with (renderedfilms, unrenderedfilms)
+$def with (renderedfilms, unrenderedfilms, cameras, menu, selected)
$var renderedfilms = renderedfilms
$var unrenderedfilms = unrenderedfilms
+function timedRefresh(timeoutPeriod) {
+ setTimeout("location.reload(true);",timeoutPeriod);
+$for i in cameras:
+ $i
+<div id="menu" style="margin:0 auto; width:80%">
+$ y=0
+$for m in menu[3:]:
+ $if selected == y:
+ <b><a>$m</a></b>
+ $else:
+ $m
+ $ y+=1
+<a href="/?func=view">VIEW</a> <a href="/?func=up">__UP__</a> <a href="/?func=record">RECORD</a><br>
+<a href="/?func=left">LEFT</a> <a href="/?func=middle">MIDDLE</a> <a href="/?func=right">RIGHT</a><br>
+<a href="/?func=delete">DELETE</a> <a href="/?func=down">DOWN</a> <a href="/?func=retake">RETAKE</a><br>
$for i in renderedfilms:
diff --git a/ b/
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ while probei2c < 10:
def main():
- global headphoneslevel, miclevel, tarinafolder, screen, loadfilmsettings, plughw, channels, filmfolder, filmname, scene, showmenu, quality, profilelevel, i2cbuttons, menudone, soundrate, soundformat
+ global headphoneslevel, miclevel, tarinafolder, screen, loadfilmsettings, plughw, channels, filmfolder, filmname, scene, showmenu, quality, profilelevel, i2cbuttons, menudone, soundrate, soundformat, process, serverstate, que, port
# Get path of the current dir, then use it as working directory:
rundir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
if rundir != '':
@@ -193,6 +193,7 @@ def main():
que = Queue()
process = Process(target=listenforclients, args=("", port, que))
+ nextstatus = ''
@@ -215,45 +216,6 @@ def main():
elif serverstate == 'off':
- #Check controller
- if process.is_alive() == False:
- nextstatus = que.get()
- if "*" in nextstatus:
- tarinactrl_ip = nextstatus.split('*')[1]
- nextstatus = nextstatus.split('*')[0]
- print('tarinactrl ip:' + tarinactrl_ip)
- process = Process(target=listenforclients, args=("", port, que))
- process.start()
- if nextstatus=="REC":
- pressed="record"
- elif nextstatus=="STOP":
- if recording == True:
- pressed="record"
- elif nextstatus=="RECSOUND":
- if recording==False:
- pressed="record"
- onlysound=True
- elif nextstatus=="PLACEHOLDER":
- selected=2
- pressed="insert_shot"
- elif "SYNCIP:" in nextstatus:
- ip = nextstatus.split(':')[1]
- stopinterface(camera)
- run_command('rsync -avr --update --progress --exclude="*.wav" pi@'+ip+':'+filmfolder+filmname+'/'+'scene'+str(scene).zfill(3)+' '+filmfolder+filmname+'/')
- sendtoserver(tarinactrl_ip,port,'SYNCDONE')
- #run_command('scp -r '+filmfolder+filmname+'/'+'scene'+str(scene).zfill(3)+' pi@'+ip+':'+filmfolder+filmname+'/')
- startinterface()
- camera = startcamera(lens,fps)
- loadfilmsettings = True
- elif nextstatus=="NEWSCENE":
- scenes, shots, takes = browse(filmname,filmfolder,scene,shot,take)
- scene=scenes+1
- shot=1
- take=1
- elif nextstatus=="RETAKE":
- pressed="retake"
- print(nextstatus)
- nextstatus=''
if recording == False:
if pressed == 'middle' and menu[selected] == 'SHUTDOWN':
@@ -3338,7 +3300,61 @@ def flushbutton():
def getbutton(lastbutton, buttonpressed, buttontime, holdbutton):
- global i2cbuttons
+ global i2cbuttons, serverstate, nextstatus, process, que
+ #Check controller
+ pressed = ''
+ if process.is_alive() == False and serverstate == 'on':
+ nextstatus = que.get()
+ if "*" in nextstatus:
+ tarinactrl_ip = nextstatus.split('*')[1]
+ nextstatus = nextstatus.split('*')[0]
+ print('tarinactrl ip:' + tarinactrl_ip)
+ process = Process(target=listenforclients, args=("", port, que))
+ process.start()
+ if nextstatus=="UP":
+ pressed="up"
+ elif nextstatus=="DOWN":
+ pressed="down"
+ elif nextstatus=="LEFT":
+ pressed="left"
+ elif nextstatus=="RIGHT":
+ pressed="right"
+ elif nextstatus=="VIEW":
+ pressed="view"
+ elif nextstatus=="MIDDLE":
+ pressed="middle"
+ elif nextstatus=="DELETE":
+ pressed="remove"
+ elif nextstatus=="REC":
+ pressed="record"
+ elif nextstatus=="STOP":
+ if recording == True:
+ pressed="record"
+ elif nextstatus=="RECSOUND":
+ if recording==False:
+ pressed="record"
+ onlysound=True
+ elif nextstatus=="PLACEHOLDER":
+ selected=2
+ pressed="insert_shot"
+ elif "SYNCIP:" in nextstatus:
+ ip = nextstatus.split(':')[1]
+ stopinterface(camera)
+ run_command('rsync -avr --update --progress --exclude="*.wav" pi@'+ip+':'+filmfolder+filmname+'/'+'scene'+str(scene).zfill(3)+' '+filmfolder+filmname+'/')
+ sendtoserver(tarinactrl_ip,port,'SYNCDONE')
+ #run_command('scp -r '+filmfolder+filmname+'/'+'scene'+str(scene).zfill(3)+' pi@'+ip+':'+filmfolder+filmname+'/')
+ startinterface()
+ camera = startcamera(lens,fps)
+ loadfilmsettings = True
+ elif nextstatus=="NEWSCENE":
+ scenes, shots, takes = browse(filmname,filmfolder,scene,shot,take)
+ scene=scenes+1
+ shot=1
+ take=1
+ elif nextstatus=="RETAKE":
+ pressed="retake"
+ print(nextstatus)
+ nextstatus=''
with term.cbreak():
val = term.inkey(timeout=0)
if val.is_sequence:
@@ -3364,7 +3380,6 @@ def getbutton(lastbutton, buttonpressed, buttontime, holdbutton):
readbus = 255
readbus2 = 247
- pressed = ''
if buttonpressed == False:
if event != '':