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tarinaserver.py (7464B)

      1 #!/usr/bin/env python3
      3 import web
      4 import os
      5 import socket
      6 import ifaddr
      7 import sys
      8 import time
      9 import random
     10 import hashlib
     12 # Get path of the current dir, then use it as working directory:
     13 rundir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
     14 if rundir != '':
     15     os.chdir(rundir)
     17 filmfolder = '/home/pi/Videos/'
     19 basedir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
     20 sys.path.append(basedir)
     22 # Link video directory to static dir
     23 if os.path.isfile('static/Videos') == False:
     24     os.system("ln -s -t static/ " + filmfolder)
     26 films = []
     28 #NETWORKS
     30 networks=[]
     31 adapters = ifaddr.get_adapters()
     32 for adapter in adapters:
     33     print("IPs of network adapter " + adapter.nice_name)
     34     for ip in adapter.ips:
     35         if '::' not in ip.ip[0] and '' != ip.ip:
     36             print(ip.ip)
     37             networks.append(ip.ip)
     38 network=networks[0]
     40 urls = (
     41     '/?', 'index',
     42     '/f/(.*)?', 'films'
     43 )
     45 app = web.application(urls, globals())
     46 render = web.template.render('templates/', base="base")
     47 web.config.debug=False
     48 os.system('rm '+basedir+'/sessions/*')
     49 store = web.session.DiskStore(basedir + '/sessions/')
     50 session = web.session.Session(app,store,initializer={'login': 0, 'user': '', 'backurl': '', 'bildsida': 0, 'cameras': [], 'reload': 0, 'randhash':''})
     52 port=55555
     53 ip=''
     54 cameras=[]
     56 session.randhash = hashlib.md5(str(random.getrandbits(256)).encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()
     58 ##---------------Connection----------------------------------------------
     60 def pingtocamera(host, port, data):
     61     print("Sending to "+host+" on port "+str(port)+" DATA:"+data)
     62     s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
     63     s.settimeout(0.01)
     64     try:
     65         while True:
     66             s.connect((host, port))
     67             s.send(str.encode(data))
     68             if host not in cameras and host not in networks:
     69                 session.cameras.append(host)
     70                 print("Found camera! "+host)
     71             print("Sent to server..")
     72             break
     73     except:
     74         ('did not connect')
     75     s.close()
     77 def sendtocamera(host, port, data):
     78     print("Sending to "+host+" on port "+str(port)+" DATA:"+data)
     79     s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
     80     s.settimeout(0.1)
     81     try:
     82         while True:
     83             s.connect((host, port))
     84             s.send(str.encode(data))
     85             print("Sent to server..")
     86             break
     87     except:
     88         ('did not connect')
     89     s.close()
     92 def getfilms(filmfolder):
     93     #get a list of films, in order of settings.p file last modified
     94     films_sorted = []
     95     films = next(os.walk(filmfolder))[1]
     96     for i in films:
     97         if os.path.isfile(filmfolder + i + '/settings.p') == True:
     98             lastupdate = os.path.getmtime(filmfolder + i + '/' + 'settings.p')
     99             films_sorted.append((i,lastupdate))
    100         else:
    101             films_sorted.append((i,0))
    102     films_sorted = sorted(films_sorted, key=lambda tup: tup[1], reverse=True)
    103     print(films_sorted)
    104     return films_sorted
    106 #------------Count scenes--------
    108 def countscenes(filmfolder, filmname):
    109     scenes = 0
    110     try:
    111         allfiles = os.listdir(filmfolder + filmname)
    112     except:
    113         allfiles = []
    114         scenes = 0
    115     for a in allfiles:
    116         if 'scene' in a:
    117             scenes = scenes + 1
    118     return scenes
    120 #------------Count shots--------
    122 def countshots(filmname, filmfolder, scene):
    123     shots = 0
    124     try:
    125         allfiles = os.listdir(filmfolder + filmname + '/scene' + str(scene).zfill(3))
    126     except:
    127         allfiles = []
    128         shots = 0
    129     for a in allfiles:
    130         if 'shot' in a:
    131             shots = shots + 1
    132     return shots
    134 #------------Count takes--------
    136 def counttakes(filmname, filmfolder, scene, shot):
    137     takes = 0
    138     try:
    139         allfiles = os.listdir(filmfolder + filmname + '/scene' + str(scene).zfill(3) + '/shot' + str(shot).zfill(3))
    140     except:
    141         allfiles = []
    142         return takes
    143     for a in allfiles:
    144         if '.mp4' in a or '.h264' in a:
    145             takes = takes + 1
    146     return takes
    148 class index:
    149     def GET(self):
    150         films = getfilms(filmfolder)
    151         renderedfilms = []
    152         unrenderedfilms = []
    153         for f in films:
    154             if os.path.isfile('static/Videos/' + f[0] + '/' + f[0] + '.mp4') == True:
    155                 renderedfilms.append(f[0])
    156             else:
    157                 unrenderedfilms.append(f[0])
    158         i=web.input(func=None,selected=None)
    159         if i.selected != None:
    160             sendtocamera(ip,port,'SELECTED:'+i.selected)
    161         if i.func == 'search':
    162             session.cameras=[]
    163             # ping ip every 10 sec while not recording to connect cameras
    164             pingip=0
    165             while pingip < 255 :
    166                 pingip+=1
    167                 pingtocamera(network[:-3]+str(pingip),port,'PING')
    168         elif i.func == 'record':
    169             sendtocamera(ip,port,'REC')
    170         elif i.func == 'retake':
    171             sendtocamera(ip,port,'RETAKE')
    172         elif i.func == 'up':
    173             sendtocamera(ip,port,'UP')
    174         elif i.func == 'down':
    175             sendtocamera(ip,port,'DOWN')
    176         elif i.func == 'left':
    177             sendtocamera(ip,port,'LEFT')
    178         elif i.func == 'right':
    179             sendtocamera(ip,port,'RIGHT')
    180         elif i.func == 'view':
    181             sendtocamera(ip,port,'VIEW')
    182         elif i.func == 'middle':
    183             sendtocamera(ip,port,'MIDDLE')
    184         elif i.func == 'delete':
    185             sendtocamera(ip,port,'DELETE')
    186         elif i.func == 'picture':
    187             sendtocamera(ip,port,'PICTURE')
    188             session.randhash = hashlib.md5(str(random.getrandbits(256)).encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()
    189             session.reload = 1
    190         if i.func != None:
    191             session.reload = 1
    192             raise web.seeother('/')
    193         time.sleep(1)
    194         interface=open('/dev/shm/interface','r')
    195         vumeter=open('/dev/shm/vumeter','r')
    196         menu=interface.readlines()
    197         vumetermessage=vumeter.readlines()[0].rstrip('\n')
    198         try:
    199             selected=int(menu[0])
    200         except:
    201             selected=0
    202         try:
    203             name=menu[3].split(':')[1]
    204             name=name.rstrip('\n')
    205         except:
    206             name=''
    207         try:
    208             scene=menu[4].split(':')[1].split('/')[0]
    209         except:
    210             scene=1
    211         try:
    212             shot=menu[5].split(':')[1].split('/')[0]
    213         except:
    214             shot=1
    215         try:
    216             take=menu[6].split(':')[1].split('/')[0]
    217         except:
    218             take=1
    219             session.reload = 0
    220         thumb="/static/Videos/"+name+"/scene"+str(scene).zfill(3)+"/shot"+str(shot).zfill(3)+"/picture"+str(take).zfill(3)+".jpeg"
    221         print(thumb)
    222         if os.path.isfile(basedir+thumb) == False:
    223             print(basedir+thumb)
    224             thumb=''
    225         return render.index(renderedfilms, unrenderedfilms, session.cameras, menu, selected,name,scene,shot,take,str,session.randhash,thumb,vumetermessage,i.func)
    227 class films:
    228     def GET(self, film):
    229         shots = 0
    230         takes = 0
    231         i = web.input(page=None, scene=None, shot=None, take=None)
    232         if i.scene != None:
    233             shots = countshots(film, filmfolder, i.scene)
    234             takes = counttakes(film, filmfolder, i.scene, i.shot)
    235         if i.scene != None and i.shot != None:
    236             shots = countshots(film, filmfolder, i.scene)
    237         scenes = countscenes(filmfolder, film)
    238         return render.filmpage(film, scenes, str, filmfolder, counttakes, countshots, shots, i.scene, takes, i.shot, i.take)
    240 application = app.wsgifunc()