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      1 $def with (renderedfilms, unrenderedfilms, cameras, menu, selected,name,scene,shot,take,str,randhash,thumb,vumetermessage,func)
      2 $var renderedfilms = renderedfilms
      3 $var unrenderedfilms = unrenderedfilms
      4 <script>
      5 function timedRefresh(timeoutPeriod) {
      6     setTimeout("location.reload(true);",timeoutPeriod);
      7 }
      8 </script>
      9 connected 
     10 $for i in cameras:
     11     $i
     12 <br>
     13 <a href="/?func=view">VIEW</a> <a href="/?func=up">__UP__</a> <a href="/?func=record">RECORD</a><br>
     14 <a href="/?func=left">LEFT</a> <a href="/?func=middle">MIDDLE</a> <a href="/?func=right">RIGHT</a><br>
     15 <a href="/?func=delete">DELETE</a> <a href="/?func=down">DOWN</a> <a href="/?func=retake">RETAKE</a><br>
     16 <a href="/?func=picture">PICTURE</a>
     17 <a href="/?func=search">SEARCH</a>
     18 <div id="menu" style="margin:0 auto; width:99%">
     19 $vumetermessage
     20 <br>
     21 $ y=0
     22 $for m in menu[3:]:
     23     $if selected == y:
     24         <b>$m[:-1]</b>
     25     $else:
     26         <a href="?selected=$y">$m[:-1]</a>
     27     $ y+=1
     28 <br>
     29 </div>
     30 $if thumb != '':
     31     $ picture="static/Videos/" + name + "/scene" + str(scene).zfill(3) + "/shot" + str(shot).zfill(3) + "/picture" + str(take).zfill(3) + ".jpeg"
     32 $else:
     33     $ picture="static/Videos/" + name + "/scene" + str(scene).zfill(3) + "/shot" + str(shot).zfill(3) + "/take" + str(take).zfill(3) + ".jpeg"
     36 $ take_link="static/Videos/" + name + "/scene" + str(scene).zfill(3) + "/shot" + str(shot).zfill(3) + "/take" + str(take).zfill(3) + ".mp4"
     37 $ scene_link="static/Videos/" + name + "/scene" + str(scene).zfill(3) + "/scene.mp4"
     38 $ film_link="static/Videos/" + name + "/" +name+ ".mp4"
     39 $if selected == 0:
     40     <a href='$film_link'><img width="99%" src="$picture?$randhash"/></a><br>
     41 $elif selected == 1:
     42     <a href='$scene_link'><img width="99%" src="$picture?$randhash"/></a><br>
     43 $elif selected > 1:
     44     <a href='$take_link'><img width="99%" src="$picture?$randhash"/></a><br>
     45 <br>
     46 $if func=='show_all_films':
     47     <h1>FILMS</h1>
     49     $for i in renderedfilms:
     50         <p>--------------------------------------------------------------</p>
     51         <h2>$i</h2>
     52         <a href="static/Videos/$i/${i}.mp4"><img width="80%" src="static/Videos/$i/scene001/shot001/take001.jpeg?$randhash"/></a><br>
     53         <p>Copy project to your destination:</p>
     54         <pre>scp -r pi@tarina.local:~/Videos/$i ~/films/$i</pre>
     55     <h1>Films unrendered</h1>
     57     $for i in unrenderedfilms:
     58         <h2>$i </h2>
     59         <p>Copy project to your destination:</p>
     60         <pre>scp -r pi@tarina.local:~/Videos/$i ~/films/$i</pre>