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commit 21b409de69b60aff979ef6df7934b062b578d12a
parent f625c27ceae64fa5ae58773e9f8fdaa903a18525
Author: rob <>
Date:   Mon, 21 Nov 2022 13:10:54 +0200


Mcoder.fountain | 183+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------
1 file changed, 129 insertions(+), 54 deletions(-)

diff --git a/coder.fountain b/coder.fountain @@ -49,7 +49,8 @@ PUMPING TECHNO MUSIC alá MR ROBOT. CODER got some kinda machine that is rotatin CLOSE UP Ladybugs eatings some Aphids. Lot of plants. Small plant buddies coming up from ground in purpleish growing light light. -EXT. TRACTOR WOODS +EXT. WOODS - DAY + A tractor in the woods. Cutting down trees. There's someone with skiis in the woods on a hill. He stop byy just lookin. He goes for the hill. He skiis to the tractor lookin ginda stupid but cool i guess. He dont fall. He go to tractor. Tractor open door. Throws a box on the ground. We see TRACTOR MAN. Look sad and look like he be sitting there for a long time just smokn cigarettes and drinkin coffee. TRACTOR MAN @@ -74,7 +75,6 @@ Coder pic up the box, it look ok, Coder's like sup man? ok, ok, i lookin in to i Close up of coder he start thinkin, long time ago I did this stupid thing, wait a minute, yeah now I remember. He goes off a downhill, whoa, he almost drop the box. INT. CODER HOME - Close UP Coder fixing the thing. Plugin the device in to this roatry thing he buildin. We see screen. COder is writing in the terminal. nmap 27.27.27.* @@ -172,7 +172,9 @@ inga naga? Hunter is shaking hi head. HUNTER -Ska du ha soppå? +Ska du ha sooppå? + +Coder nods. CUT TO: @@ -202,6 +204,7 @@ That's fine. That's fine. That's fine. He do somekind Kung Foo and throws all the breads he just been checkin to Madbaker with the bread stick. KUNG FOO MASTER hang these bread stick on a place where there are many full sticks with bread. CHEF picks one up. EXT. BAKERY + A white VAN with open trunk. It's full of these full bread sticks. Chef walks in to picture and puts the last full bread stick that can be fitted in the van then closes the van doors. He go driving. INT. REALLY FINE DINING RESTAURANT @@ -216,60 +219,122 @@ Some chef cut the rye bread, he puts he nose deep down in the bread and snort th EXT. FORREST BLUE MORNING +Shots of trees gettin the first sun light. CLOSE UP sun raisin from behind the trees. CODER -They can get some things from there. GASOLINE. Aand if u good u can hack it a little, try some things out. But it can get fucked up quickly there if you try messing with it, best way to do it is to get the hell out NOW! TURN ON, TUNE IN and DROP OUT is Truer than True Romance Buddy! SOme things are really fucking wierd and fucked up these days. +We got it pretty good. Got it together you know. No buddy want to mess with anybody from where im from. I meen, you have to stick with the ones you gotta around. Villages rule. Some steal everything you got. It's the Wild WIld West out there some places. Many lost their homes. They move in these scavenger groups. You're out numbered out there if you live to far out and if you put up a fight, they try to kil you, they wana fight you, they crazy ass motherfuckers and they gonna kill you anyways. We call them the SCANVENGERS. A pack is best as a village two to three hundred or so. And could you imagine, these good villages around, they living the best days of their lands, they started producing everything again, making awesome local food from responsible home grown stuff again. Everybody got out into the lands and microbiology and mycology, we had the knowledge to do it. Even more than before. Never before had there been a Permanent Culture movement taking over this fast. We started taking more responsibilites, our lands florished. We saw more possibilites to create food and forrests and foodforrests than one could ever have imagined, we got busy living, IRLING, as we say it. -CODER -We got it pretty good. Got it together you know. No buddy want to mess with anybody from where im from. I meen, you have to stick with a pack. They try to come in to villages you now. Steal and rob everything you got, if you put up a fight, they try to kil you, they wana fight you, they crazy ass motherfuckers and they gonna kill you anyways. The SCANVENGERS. The pack is best as a village two to three hundred or so. And could you imagine, these villages where living the best days of their lands, they started producing everything for themselves again. Everybody got out into the lands, we still had the knowledge to do it. Even more than before. Never before had there been a Permanent Culture movement taking over this fast. We started taking more responsibilites, our lands florished. We saw more possibilites to create food and forrests than one could ever have imagined, we got busy living, IRLING, as we say it. +EXT. CODER YARD + +Coder comming back from the woods to his yard, he got a two full plastic bags with him, on one there's a text "GNIIDEL". Like lidl. But Gnidel brand. Coder stand there thinking. -Coder in his yard, sunny golden blue sky and that blue greenish thing that the plants get in the shadows which you can see those beautiful sunny days. He is doing this Permanent Culture thing. +EXT. CODER TARD SUMMER DAY + +Sunny golden blue sky and that blue greenish thing that the plants get in the shadows which you can see those beautiful sunny days. He is doing his Permanent Living and Culture thing in the green blueish green plants. Then he building a Flow Hive. CODER -We preserved all of those beautifal perennialls and started livin and depend on our own invironment. It was freakin beautiful. We made our local grown food events. Our local cooked food dinner some aRrr own oome breewn rastabruuu and hooooomead liqurage! ands hooome the mighty of the mighty ooome gooon ganja iit reaal sun ool ool sunner maan it reaal sun oool oll warm this summer maan an it da beest. Then later outside and later inside parties with awesome musicans from Around I guess, Everyting was pretty solid and nice in our community but the outside grew more fuckin wieard and mean by every year. And then this fucking SCANVENGERS thing, the bug. People getting murder and raped for nothing. I don't know much about it. No one knows what the Fuck is Going on with that. But people have gotten fucking crazy over something for sure. I dont even wanna talk about it. +We preserved all of those beautifal perennialls and started livin and depend on our own invironment. It was freakin beautiful. We made our local grown food events. Our local cooked food dinner events and some aRrr own oome breewn rastabruuu and hooooomead liqurage! ands hooome the mighty of the mighty ooome grooon ganja, iit reaal sun ool ool sunner, simmer, summer maan it reaal sun oool oll warm this summer maan an it da beest. Then later outside and later inside. Parties man, parties, with awesome musicans from all Around I guess, some lost them homes but it'd matter no more. It was really happenin for real, it was Real fakin change! it was the let's change the world communities around the world. Everyting was pretty solid and nice but the insiders also grew more fuckin wieard and MEAN by the years. And then this fucking SCANVENGERS thing, the bug. People getting raped and murder and raped for nothing. I don't know much about it. No one knows what the Fuck is Going on in that mad world. But people have gotten fucking crazy over something for sure. I dont even wanna talk about it. -Coder putting wood in his fireplace. +INT. CODER ROOM +Coder putting wood in fireplace. He in just a morning rock. The MoccaMaster is brewing. CLOSE UP Coder do his taking coffe before it has brewed done thing. Coder put the coffee filter thing on another cup, then puor the fresh dark black coffee in his Mug. Is Big White Mug with two chiraffes on beach and text comic sans "LOVE YOU DAY AND NIGHT". He put coffee mug next to keyboard spilling a little on the keyboard he go burn some stick of wood he take from plastic bag Gnidel TM. It's a wood got sicknes and produce "Koda". Smelly thing that has a good odor. It's all inside the wood and make it burn like mad. Coder get's the fire going with these special wood sticks. CODER -We still need wood. We put the last drops to do whatever is for sure a surplus. Yeah, but Wood. Nothing burns like wood. Now here's something I gotta tell ya. +(V.O.) +We still need wood. We put the last drops of our free black energy to do whatever. Got some cool shit from those years. Internet. Computers. Is nice! ...yeah, but wood. Nothing burns like wood. Now here's something I gotta tell ya. +INT. COBBHOUSE WOOD WINTER Cobhouse, Rocket Stove. Nice and cozy. Coder sitting writing. heating hiis bare foot on the Stove while having some rastabreaw and rastastew. +Coder is writing something on his rasta computer. + CODER -We got good at burning wood. Not wasting any of those gases, and we had the solution right in front of use all the time. The preppers knew. The cobhouse builders knew it and oOh boj have we been building like never before and things are actually much better now than back when we grew food that we couldnt afford and it was killing us. The ongoing brainwashing was totally killed by the experts in the end, and in a funny way. Every single time. Life works in absolutely hilarious ways, anyways, there was a fork, people started just laughing at the people believin in Politics, or they just wanted to have nothin to do with them, as little as possible. These robbers are the bastards. Taking all your freedoms away on national debt. Seems like nobady can run a country these days, few exceptions, overall picture is not looking that dandy maan. We can't just run around this way, around and around chasing our own tail. Every single time. We can stop the war now man. Or later, I prefer now. There's no better surplus if we talking about not using gas or coal or oil. Wood is when you think the best way to start responsible living right here right now buddy! grow some trees and see them grow, climb in them! nurture them. Plant them on the best spots, where they got best water or you can wxperiment and groe wm in dry place wiht almost no water, u be surpised of what would come outta it. We need to stop depend on these bonuses we've grown to love to hate and we have just build these dandy cob hoiuse with the rocket stove. +We got good at burning wood. Not wasting any of those gases, and we had the solution right in front of use all the time. The preppers knew. The cobhouse builders knew it and oOh boj have we been building like never before. Lot of people. I mean I think we'd be a third by know of eveybadi around and things are actually much better now than back when we grew food that we couldnt afford and it was killing us. We can stop the war now man. Or later, I prefer now. There's no better surplus if we talking about not using gas or coal or oil. Wood is when you think the best way to start responsible living right here right now buddy! grow some trees and see them grow, nurture them! climb them. Plant them on the best spots, where they got best water or you can experiment and groe some in dry places with almost no water, u be surpised of what come outta it for sure. + +Coder scrolling some kinda music shop online. He upload new sound to the site. Name of the sound. Groundingsound. HE check a box include date in filename. File is uploading. Coder goes to a site looks like twitter or youtube. Presses something. + +INT. WORLD NEWS COMPUTER SCREEN +What happens when we run out of oil? + +The Chip Will Change Everything Commercial +(Tries to be a Musical score and does it okey until it misarable fails as everything in a Socialist society.) + +Every baadi +Chip in +a little bit +it your body +Chip in +a little bit +it you body + +ain't nobody +stopin +ya +ain't +anybadi +lovin +ya +but +uuuuuuuS! + +Dadadadam! + +NEWS GUEST +Everything is just gonna get so so much better from here. Trust me. Trust in us. In You. Everybody is welcome to the must trusted World Wide Team. Here are the TEam Members! Weee have Esmeraldaa! Esmeralda is very good at everything, what she does she does best. Look at her no body has such a big giant smile than her. I meen Look at her. She soo cuuute. + +CODER +(V.O.) while the show goes on +nope it is impossible! Why they still fall for it? believing something as stupid as that. Good brainwashing. We all fall for it, we always do, before we grow up. Something however are meant to be leaven and is meant to be the road to stick to and maybe try other paths only to find oneself on that same path. Back to the original you. You born what u born too. + +EXT. INT. CHICKEN COUP + +Coder is now outside on chair in chicken coup feeding his chicken. He blows his tuba. Chicken all inside looking like wtf awful sound! Coder zoomes out while sitting there on his chair in chicken coup. Camera also slow ZOOM OUT. + +CODER +(V.O.) +Some people just got really stupid and focus on them selfcenterd thinking all problems just from these wierd stupid things about them and believing throwing money they dont have on eerything solves eevrything without havin to solev nothin. LIke cutin of your own dick solve anythin? + +EXT. CODER YARD - WINTER 420pm + +Coder walks from red shed to house in his morning coat. + +INT. CODER HOUSE +Coder closes door walk past chili plants. CLOSE UP Ladybugs eating Aphids. CODER -nope it is impossible! Why they still fall for it? believing something as stupid as that. Good brainwashing. We all fall for it, we always do, before we grow up. Something however are meant to be leaven and is meant to be the road to stick to and maybe try other paths only to find oneself on that same path. Back to the original you. You born what u born too. Cant change ur kromosome. It come down to that. They think they raise their voice a little and the evybadi hav to call man lady. wtf!? In movies even Arnold can have babies but movies make anything possibbe as you'll see in this movie! +(V.O.) +What u do with these peoples, we the retarded debt people? It's been a plague. Worse even I believe. CODER -Some people just got really stupid and focus on them selfcenterd thinking all problems just from these wierd stupid things about them and believing throwing money they dont have on eerything solves eevrything without havin to solev nothin. What u do with these peoples, we the retarded debt people? +(V.O.) +Thank god you cant change ur kromosome and that they didn't know what the fuck they were dooing. PEople started zoning out on that BS propaganda. You born to what you born to. It come down to that. Men can't just raise their voice a little and become a lady. wtf!? In movies Arnold can have babies but movies make anything possibbe as you'll see in this movie! Picture of scrolling through World Depth Clock CODER -I meen really?? What are we doing and why are we doing it? +I meen really?? What are we doing and why are we doing it? I meen look at it! I meaan it scam. -I meen look at it! I meaan it scam. Scam! everyting look around everythin a scam! +Coder looking at FInnish national depth. In 2037. It fuckin peakin astronicially since 2020. Everythin before that is just a flat line. +Money printer goes Brrrrrrrrrr. Mr. Robot mise-o-sen. Pumpin music. CODER -paper turning people with bullshit jobs who dont produce aything of any value to whom whatsoever, who killing evybadi and evything it touches maan! If we would have not run outta oil these peple would have killed us for sure. Thank fucking god it got scares. You dont play by their rules. and we ok! it just that a good amount of peoples still belive that crap. we got internet, its more decentrilzed than ever cuz its patched by the common people. Magic internet money is dong just fine. (pcture of bitcoin, price now 420.535, went up to 1270.000). +(V.O.) +paper turning people with bullshit jobs who dont produce aything of any value to whom whatsoever, who killing evybadi and evything it touches. They need us to fix their bodies so they can live with them self. If we would have not run outta oil these peple would have killed us for sure. Thank fucking god it got scares. You dont play by their rules. and we ok! it just that a good amount of peoples still belive that crap. we got internet, its more decentrilzed than ever cuz its patched by the common people. We the Plebs and Magic internet money is dong just fine. (picture of bitcoin, price now 420.535, went up to 1270.000). A scene where a camera tries to identify Coder. We only see the camera start searching for object. No answer CUT TO: -EXT. CODERs Yard +EXT. CODERs Yard - SOMMER DAY NOON AROUDN 420pm Coders House from a distance. We see his yard is looking nice and good. Alot of green things. Nice. Butterflies and Bees just got in the picture. It's about midday. A little past four probably. A sound best described as millions of computers talking. Changing frequencies. Low humming. Space crafty. Rotating Earthy. That's right, rotating earthy, you nailed it! This sound actually blends in with the bees quite a bit. -Closeup on mud and huge mushroom sprucing up from dead wood on the ground, CODERS feet comes into picture as his feet gets muddy. We see a red shed, he walks along one of the walls with just a morning coat and a mug in one hand and a bucket in the other. He throws food scraps from the bucket on ground and puts the bucket away hanging on a rusty nail. He opens a hidden door on the side and gets in. He lifts a hanging carpet which reveal a window underneat. He opens the window and the chicken run out, neat!. Here comes the Arrr, the most pirate of pirate Cock of a chicken there is. CODER sits down on a chair and sips his drink, the chicken are looking at him and then continue eating scraps of potatoes and beetroot and whatnot while the space computer earth sound fades. He picks up a Tuba or a big instrument. The Chicken know, they better get in. He blows the tuba. All Chicken are inside. CODER gets up, puts tuba somwhere and closes the hidden door and takes the bucket with him as he walk in the mud where he came from. +Closeup on mud and huge mushroom sprucing up from dead wood on the ground, CODERS feet comes into picture as his feet gets muddy. We see a red shed, he walks along one of the walls with just a morning coat and a mug in one hand and a bucket in the other. He throws food scraps from the bucket on ground and puts the bucket away hanging on a rusty nail. He opens a hidden door on the side and gets in. He lifts a hanging carpet which reveal a window underneat. He opens the window and the chicken run out, neat!. Here comes the Arrr, the most pirate of pirate Cock of a chicken there is. THe JAck Sparrowiest Cock you'll probably ever seen and ever will see in motion pictures. CODER sits down on a chair and sips his drink, the chicken are looking at him and then continue eating scraps of potatoes and beetroot and whatnot while the space computer earth sound fades. He picks up a Tuba or a big instrument. The Chicken know, they better get in. He blows the tuba. All Chicken are inside. CODER gets up, puts tuba somwhere and closes the hidden door and takes the bucket with him as he walk in the mud where he came from. EXT. CODERs House The sound gets louder as we see CODERS small country side house in a big picture. CODER gets in the picture with his bucket walking towards the door. We see many cables coming from the house to the ground. These cables are all around the house. CLOSE UP TILT TO cables moving from house to ground as the spacy sound gets louder. INT. CODERs House - Coder opens the door, a black cat runs in before him. He walks past a bunch of chili plants, there's Aphids on some of the leaves and stems. Close up on a Ladybug larvae eating an Aphid bug alive. CLOSE UP on motherfaakin Lady Bugs. They Aswesome. Coder walk to the kitchen and fills up his mug with more from a red teapot. There's a bunch of spiders in the celling. Close up on spider. He throws the bucket on the floor. Coder sips some of that Whatever-Is-In-His-TeaPot-Pot beverage. The sound gets louder. We see a spectrogram of the sound in a monitor. CODER puts on headphones and we see his face, first time. Young man in his 30's. No hair, clean shaved. He turns a few nobs as the sound gets clearer and louder. Adjusting the high frequencies. We see Coders face as we hear him typing on a keyboard. We hear another sound which Coder then tunes to the first one and the both sounds start playing melodies in the fifths. What The Fuck!? CODER listens for a while and puts headphones away then turns a big knob and the sound gets louder. CODER gets away from the spectrogram monitor. @@ -287,7 +352,6 @@ EXT. ROAD SOLDASBACKÅN EXT. / INT. CODERS HOUSE Zooming in on coder while he is writing code. He finnishes it. We are now inside the house. - He press enter and there's a power outtage. Everything boots up, comes back on. He logs in. Gets into the terminal and runs a script. This time there's not a power outtage. But his sound system blows up. It sounds like a spinnin UFO disc over your house just about to crack open the roof. There's no power outtage still, the script is still running. The big fireplace is shaking. Coder is astonished over of what has just happen. He tunes the momentum of the sound a bit lower. @@ -303,38 +367,8 @@ INT. CODER He is sitting and coding, lights coming from his little room. The Electric box is shaking, the sound is making everything shake. It is going underground, the roots come out from the ground. Lighting is happening under the grounds like mycelium network. Close-up on a rising roots coming from a crack. Close ups electric poles, light poles buzzing wierdly. Some cracking and poppin. Everything seems to be somehow connected to the frequency in a bad way. -WORLD NEWS -What happens when we run out of oil? - -The Chip Will Change Everything Commercial -(Tries to be a Musical score and does it okey until it misarable fails as everything in a Socialist society.) - -Every baadi -Chip in -a little bit -it your body -Chip in -a little bit -it you body - -ain't nobody -stopin -ya -ain't -anybadi -lovin -ya -but -uuuuuuuS! - -Dadadadam! - -NEWS GUEST -Everything is just gonna get so so much better from here. Trust me. Trust in us. In You. Everybody is welcome to the must trusted World Wide Team. Here are the TEam Members! Weee have Esmeraldaa! Esmeralda is very good at everything, what she does she does best. Look at her no body has such a big giant smile than her. I meen Look at her. She soo cuuute. - -HAPPINESS IS FREE IN THE LINK -Free yourself, your link, Freedom, Happiness is Freedom, No worries -Boot yourself to happiness, chip the way now, just chip in. Chip yourself. +INT. COMPUTER SCREEN +HAPPINESS IS FREE IN THE LINK commercial. Free yourself, your link, Freedom, Happiness is Freedom, No worries. Boot yourself to happiness, chip the way now, just chip in. Chip yourself. Chip In Now Chip yourself to your ultimate freedom now. @@ -348,19 +382,38 @@ Chip it awaaay now! MumBa MumBa! Dansa Dansa! -SCANVENGERS, they rob people from food and money and rape woman. Sometimes they even eat them. They drink käsidesi and look like shit. +In TV news. + +NEWS ANCHOR +now who would you say these SCANVENGERS are? you say they rob people from everything they got and rape the woman? kill the children? + +GUEST +(in telephone) +tha't right. If you put up a fight. They kill you. Sometimes they even eat eat you. You lose everythin, they take your house, car, all food, everythin. + +NEWS ANCHOR +(cut the guest) +Some say they not actually in control of their bodies. THey say they an avatar in a game. Have you heard something more about this? +GUEST +Tha'ts right. The people gotten the chip from their brain removed and who not died say it be like wakin up from a coma. +Close UP Coder. Dont know what to think. -Some say they not actually in control of their bodies. THey say they somehow an avatar for other users on the eurolink protocol. +EXT. SCANVENGERS INTRO - NIGHT WOODS + +They drink käsidesi and look like shit INT. SCANVENGER Rob Family Scene + SCANVENGERs pick up an axe, spade, and tools from the shed. Ultimate fight scene. Dad gives a hell of a good fight and would have won he only hesitated when he should have killed them. Only cause of his good well willing heart, he die and his daughter get killed and probably raped, god only knows what this sick fucks can do. I mean it was a Good fight. And they would totally have made it but Scanvengers had a gun. They shot him dead like a dog. Son saw this. Hiding. They shoot Daughter and rape Woman. They most evel. Only Evel men. They sey they avatars. Players playing controlling humans thinking real life is a game, what would you do if u could respawn all the time in this world? Anyways the son run away. Son run away. EXT. CODER hacking wirepole + Coder climbs up radiotowers // wirepole to install raspberry pi antenna to shoot wifi Internet to his buddies. While he talks about lady bugs, borax and ants, aphids. EXT. BAKERY + Hoodie goes to the factory to get bread. The bakery has bars on the windows making it look like a jail. A big neon sign "Fresh Baked Bread" on the roof of the factory, with only the words "sh Baked B" lit. Under that a another sign "Euro-Bread-o-Mat". Hoodie walks to the bread-o-mat that looks like a simple vending machine. There's a sign "Eurocoins only" with an "Insert Coin Here" sign and a arrow to a coin slot. He puts a couple of coins in the slot. Inside Bread-o-mat. There're rods with jengor which the breads are hanging upon. One of the rods start turning and a bread fall down. We can see that many breads are moldy inside the machine. @@ -368,9 +421,11 @@ Inside Bread-o-mat. There're rods with jengor which the breads are hanging upon. The bread falls down into a little metallic pocket out on the wall. It's so dry that it breaks into a thousand pieces. CUT TO: + SCANVENGER ONE and TWO raise up from their hiding place in woods close to the factory. They see Hoodie gathering all the bread pieces from the Bread-o-mat. CUT TO: + Hoodie gathers the pieces and eats them together with a voinappi. He then puts the bread in his pocket and starts walking with his mouth full of bread and butter. SCANVENGER ONE (O.S.) @@ -422,6 +477,7 @@ The minigun turns towards Hoodie. Scanvenger Two is freaking out. Minigun is now pointing close to Hoodie. It start shooting again with loud mean bangs escalating rounds per second. SCANVENGERS head pops, Hoodie ducks under Scanvenger Two's body and grabs one of his arm pulling the headless body over his back. MINIGUN shoots rounds in the headless torso, Hoodie takes cover from what's left of the body and keeps running. Scanvenger Two's arm blows off. His ass blows off. MINIGUN keeps minigunning. Hoodie trying to get away from the minigun. CUT TO: + EXT. SOMEWHERE NOT SO FAR FROM HERE MADBAKER, on his way to bakery. He got to accept the situation, it is what it is. He get his hands on some of those Eurocoins, which is nice, then he can get some of those hard to get things. He dont love doing it, but you get to see later, he is also our inside man to Eurolink. @@ -444,9 +500,11 @@ MADBAKER Now, that's better! CUT TO: + Back in the van. There is more smoke and fire. Electric buzzing. REALLY LOUD MUSIC. Speakers pumpin. Speakers pumpin. Madbaker is grooving to the music. He notice something is smelling very bad. CUT TO back of the van, speakers are on fire. Madbaker turns around and is absolutely freaking terified cuz his speakers are burning! They are on fire! For Real! EXT. SOMWHERE NOT SO FAR FROM THAT VAN + To 8-year old kid with their bikes. KID1 @@ -509,6 +567,7 @@ Everything is back in normal speed. Madbaker accidentaly turns the wheels with one of his legs while he tries to get the fire extinguiser. He sits down on the stearingwheel to get the fireextinguiser from passanger side front locker. We hear this nice small rubber burn sound. Very short and sharp. Two of those sounds. EXT. CROSSING + Madbakers wheels CLOSE UP. Wheels turning to left. The boy is now standing still with his bicycle in the middle of the street and looking at the van which is really about now to hit him. @@ -525,9 +584,11 @@ The Van then turns very sharp to the left and then sharp to the right making nic Kid2 opens up his eyes. He is relivead as fuck. He was about to die but didn't. INT. VAN + Madbaker is back on the street going somewhat straight. He is still turning the wheel a little while he extinguises the fire with the small extinguiser. Not that shaky actually pretty ok job. While everything is going on the music just keeps playing from the speakers, even they look destoryd from all the foam and fire. It's all a little too loud and a over saturated. Madbaker succeeds turning of all of the fire and calmly turns around and continue driving, where to? to the bakery I guess? EXT. CROSSING + The boy is standing looking on the back of the red van, Theres a big sign of the horns hand sign printed on one of the window doors and "Eat my bread or Die!" text on the other window. The boy is relieved. He takes a big sighs. KID2 (V.O) @@ -572,15 +633,18 @@ A song start playing LOUDLY from the middle of the song. The speakers are wildly Madbaker pushes the little loader with bags of rye to the dough maker. He looks at his almost ready made dough and starts adding rye flour from the bags. Behind him in the window we see the minigun that is still shooting at a little piece of minced meat that rasta is hodling on to while dancing. EXT. BAKERY + The last limb blows of off Scanvenger Two, he wasn't limbless yet, I guess, but now he really is. Hoodie sees Madbaker and tries to get his attention. The Minigun is still overheating and in sniper mode. INT. BAKERY + Madbaker start making the dough. Adding some salt. Turning it around. Testing it. A little more flour. No, some more. Hoodie in the back, I mean front, outside, looking into the bakery from the window, trying to get Madbakers attention. There's a button on the wall near Madbaker which say "TURN OFF ADS" with ADS crossed over with a textmarker then there's written "MINIGUN" with that same textmarker. MADBAKER hmm.. mmnjaa.. yaa aa. nu då kanske? EXT. BAKERY + Scavenger Two who looks like a big piece of minced meat by now. Hoodie is standing in an open place. There is no where to take cover once the little piece of minced meat is gone. Minigun is however shooting a bit less. Close up on minigun. There's a screen saying, "minigun overheating, using stealth sniper mode. Minigun done overheating in 3, 2, 1". @@ -590,6 +654,7 @@ Minigun is now in full auto fire mode. Again that cool swirling up sound that al CUT TO: INT. BAKERY + Madbaker is now puting pieces of dough on the scale to measure them. Music is now some stupid chill vibe jazz. And Madbakers is really enjoying thinking he is all alone there making his bread that he loves to make. We see Hoodie trying to take cover in the window. Empty shells hitting the window. Blood is flying all over Hoodie. MADBAKER @@ -599,25 +664,30 @@ Madbaker throws another piece of dough on the scale. CUT TO: EXT. OUTSIDE + Hoodie throws the almost done piece of minced meat on the ground. Minigun makes it disappear by shooting at it. It's like a red cloud. Evaporated blood cloud. CLOSE UP zoom on minigun pointing at Hoodie. CLOSE UP ZOOM on Hoodie. He dont know what to do. He tries to stand still. He is not that good at that. CUT TO: INT. BAKERY + Madbaker is now putting dough on owen plates and presses them with a tool slicing a hole in the breads. INT. MINIGUN SYSTEM + We see how the Minigun Automatic Intruder Defender sees the world. It is pixlated and objects have guesses around them of what computer has guessed it is. Some things are just plain wrong. It is trying to identifie Hoodie. There's a box around him. And a text "identifing unidentified_420.obj..." Bliping sounds. CUT TO: EXT. OUTSIDE + Hoodies face. His eyes shut. He opens up one carefully. Minigun systems still searching. Hoodie looking for a cover. Still searching. Bliip Bliip Bliip. ALARM SYSTEMS Object identified as Plant Object. INT. MINIGUN SYSTEM + "Identified!". There's a green box around Hoodie and it says "Aurora Ruderalis. Plant Object". There's also a red text blinking "System Activated". "System still Activated", "System deactiated". Everything becomes green and nice. The minigun goes back into hybernation mode. @@ -625,6 +695,7 @@ The minigun goes back into hybernation mode. Hoodie takes another piece of dry bread from his pocket. Hears Madbakers music stupid jazz chill out music. Hoodie shakes some brains of of himself. INT. BAKERY + Madbaker putting bread in the owen. He sees that there's a small hole in one of the bakery windows. He gets teriffied like when his speaker got on fire. He stops the music and walks to the window. What the hell is going on? already two times something like this today. Close up on burning speakers up on this owen thing. Madbaker looks through in the small hole in the window and sees Hoodie standing there outside. Hoodie looks small as the hole, he is chewing on a piece of bread. HOODIE @@ -694,14 +765,17 @@ I know a guy who can help with your speaker. Just stop here, I show you man. Hoodie jumps outta the van. Goes into the bush. EXT. HOODIES BATCAVE + Hoodie climbs a humongus rock with 5 steps. He whisles. A bird flies away makin a stick which holds Hoodies bike from moving make it move forward between the rocks. The bicycle has moved to the other side of the rock and keep moving moving as Hoodie jumps off the rock on the bicycle and bicycles away. He comes back to the road. EXT. PAAVALSBY + Hoodie followed by Madbaker is now on the country side. Hoodie riding the bike in a hill with trees on both sides with Madbaker following behind. Humongus trees making it look like a tunnel. A small bridge. Railroad. Horses. Lots of things along the way. Country side looking awesome. INT. MADBAKERS VAN + Hoodie holds on to Madbakervans window and takes momentum from van so he dont need to do nothing else to move forward. HOODIE @@ -1056,6 +1130,7 @@ MADBAKER Thanks a loot buddy! EXT. CODER YARD + Hoodie and Madbaker go from Coedr Yard. Grab window Hommansby Raakan style. EXT. HOODIES PLACE