commit eab4da9765aadb5f552a309bb2d0c37385ddf239
parent f402064cd60718ac235c98770ad7b58e6498c745
Author: Maarten van Gompel <>
Date: Sun, 22 Aug 2021 12:38:10 +0200
Allow more flexible layouts rather than fixed grid and first layout overhaul
M | config.h | | | 230 | +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------------ |
M | keyboard.h | | | 119 | ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------------------- |
M | main.c | | | 9 | +-------- |
3 files changed, 214 insertions(+), 144 deletions(-)
diff --git a/config.h b/config.h
@@ -1,25 +1,22 @@
/* constants */
/* how tall the keyboard should be */
-#define KBD_PIXEL_HEIGHT 155
+#define KBD_PIXEL_HEIGHT 240
/* if your layout leaves an empty margin, increase this to fix it */
-/* rows for each layout */
-#define KBD_ROWS 4
-/* columns for each layout (maximum keys per row) */
-#define KBD_COLS 10
+/* Maximum number of keys */
+#define KBD_POINTS 66
/* spacing between keys */
-#define KBD_KEY_BORDER 1
+#define KBD_KEY_BORDER 2
#include "keyboard.h"
/* font (see `man fonts-conf` for instructions) */
static const char *fc_font_pattern =
- "monospace:size=14:antialias=true:hinting=true";
+ "FiraMono Nerd Font:size=16:antialias=true:hinting=true";
/* layout declarations */
enum layout_names {
@@ -57,7 +54,7 @@ static struct kbd keyboard = {
* "label",
* 1,
- * [Code, Mod, Layout, Last],
+ * [Code, Mod, Layout, EndRow, Last],
* [KEY_CODE, Modifier],
* [&layout]
* },`
@@ -78,88 +75,147 @@ static struct kbd keyboard = {
* - layout: layout to switch to when key is pressed
static struct key keys_basic[] = {
- {"q", "Q", 1, Code, KEY_Q},
- {"w", "W", 1, Code, KEY_W},
- {"e", "E", 1, Code, KEY_E},
- {"r", "R", 1, Code, KEY_R},
- {"t", "T", 1, Code, KEY_T},
- {"y", "Y", 1, Code, KEY_Y},
- {"u", "U", 1, Code, KEY_U},
- {"i", "I", 1, Code, KEY_I},
- {"o", "O", 1, Code, KEY_O},
- {"p", "P", 1, Code, KEY_P},
- {"a", "A", 1, Code, KEY_A},
- {"s", "S", 1, Code, KEY_S},
- {"d", "D", 1, Code, KEY_D},
- {"f", "F", 1, Code, KEY_F},
- {"g", "G", 1, Code, KEY_G},
- {"h", "H", 1, Code, KEY_H},
- {"j", "J", 1, Code, KEY_J},
- {"k", "K", 1, Code, KEY_K},
- {"l", "L", 1, Code, KEY_L},
- {";", ":", 1, Code, KEY_SEMICOLON},
- {"z", "Z", 1, Code, KEY_Z},
- {"x", "X", 1, Code, KEY_X},
- {"c", "C", 1, Code, KEY_C},
- {"v", "V", 1, Code, KEY_V},
- {"b", "B", 1, Code, KEY_B},
- {"n", "N", 1, Code, KEY_N},
- {"m", "M", 1, Code, KEY_M},
- {"Tab", "Tab", 1, Code, KEY_TAB},
- {"Bk", "Bk", 1, Code, KEY_BACKSPACE},
- {"Ret", "Ret", 1, Code, KEY_ENTER},
- {"Sft", "Sft", 1, Mod, Shift},
- {"Sp", "Sp", 1, Mod, Super},
- {"Alt", "Alt", 1, Mod, AltGr},
- {"", "", 3, Code, KEY_SPACE},
- {"Esc", "Esc", 1, Code, KEY_ESC},
- {"Ctl", "Ctl", 1, Mod, Ctrl},
- {"Sm", "Sm", 2, Layout, 0, &layouts[Special]},
+ {"Esc", "Esc", 1.0, Code, KEY_ESC},
+ {"Tab", "Tab", 1.0, Code, KEY_TAB},
+ {"↑", "↑", 1.0, Code, KEY_UP},
+ {"↓", "↓", 1.0, Code, KEY_DOWN},
+ {"←", "←", 1.0, Code, KEY_LEFT},
+ {"→", "→", 1.0, Code, KEY_RIGHT},
+ {"'", "\"", 1.0, Code, KEY_APOSTROPHE},
+ {"/", "?", 1.0, Code, KEY_SLASH},
+ {";", ":", 1.0, Code, KEY_SEMICOLON},
+ {"`", "~", 1.0, Code, KEY_GRAVE},
+ {"", "", 0.0, EndRow},
+ {"1", "!", 1.0, Code, KEY_1},
+ {"2", "@", 1.0, Code, KEY_2},
+ {"3", "#", 1.0, Code, KEY_3},
+ {"4", "$", 1.0, Code, KEY_4},
+ {"5", "%", 1.0, Code, KEY_5},
+ {"6", "^", 1.0, Code, KEY_6},
+ {"7", "&", 1.0, Code, KEY_7},
+ {"8", "*", 1.0, Code, KEY_8},
+ {"9", "(", 1.0, Code, KEY_9},
+ {"0", ")", 1.0, Code, KEY_0},
+ {"-", "_", 1.0, Code, KEY_MINUS},
+ {"=", "+", 1.0, Code, KEY_EQUAL},
+ {"", "", 0.0, EndRow},
+ {"", "", 0.5, Pad},
+ {"q", "Q", 1.0, Code, KEY_Q},
+ {"w", "W", 1.0, Code, KEY_W},
+ {"e", "E", 1.0, Code, KEY_E},
+ {"r", "R", 1.0, Code, KEY_R},
+ {"t", "T", 1.0, Code, KEY_T},
+ {"y", "Y", 1.0, Code, KEY_Y},
+ {"u", "U", 1.0, Code, KEY_U},
+ {"i", "I", 1.0, Code, KEY_I},
+ {"o", "O", 1.0, Code, KEY_O},
+ {"p", "P", 1.0, Code, KEY_P},
+ {"", "", 0.0, EndRow},
+ {"Ct", "Ct", 1.0, Mod, Ctrl},
+ {"a", "A", 1.0, Code, KEY_A},
+ {"s", "S", 1.0, Code, KEY_S},
+ {"d", "D", 1.0, Code, KEY_D},
+ {"f", "F", 1.0, Code, KEY_F},
+ {"g", "G", 1.0, Code, KEY_G},
+ {"h", "H", 1.0, Code, KEY_H},
+ {"j", "J", 1.0, Code, KEY_J},
+ {"k", "K", 1.0, Code, KEY_K},
+ {"l", "L", 1.0, Code, KEY_L},
+ {"", "", 0.5, Pad},
+ {"", "", 0.0, EndRow},
+ {"⇧", "⇧", 1.5, Mod, Shift},
+ {"z", "Z", 1.0, Code, KEY_Z},
+ {"x", "X", 1.0, Code, KEY_X},
+ {"c", "C", 1.0, Code, KEY_C},
+ {"v", "V", 1.0, Code, KEY_V},
+ {"b", "B", 1.0, Code, KEY_B},
+ {"n", "N", 1.0, Code, KEY_N},
+ {"m", "M", 1.0, Code, KEY_M},
+ {"⌫", "⌫", 1.5, Code, KEY_BACKSPACE},
+ {"", "", 0.0, EndRow},
+ {"Sym", "Sym", 1.0, Layout, 0, &layouts[Special]},
+ {"Alt", "Alt", 1.0, Mod, AltGr},
+ {",", "<", 1.0, Code, KEY_COMMA},
+ {"", "", 4.0, Code, KEY_SPACE},
+ {".", ">", 1.0, Code, KEY_DOT},
+ {"Entr", "Entr", 2.0, Code, KEY_ENTER},
/* end of layout */
- {"", "", 0, Last},
+ {"", "", 0.0, Last},
static struct key keys_special[] = {
- {"1", "!", 1, Code, KEY_1},
- {"2", "@", 1, Code, KEY_2},
- {"3", "#", 1, Code, KEY_3},
- {"4", "$", 1, Code, KEY_4},
- {"5", "%", 1, Code, KEY_5},
- {"6", "^", 1, Code, KEY_6},
- {"7", "&", 1, Code, KEY_7},
- {"8", "*", 1, Code, KEY_8},
- {"9", "(", 1, Code, KEY_9},
- {"0", ")", 1, Code, KEY_0},
- {"'", "\"", 1, Code, KEY_APOSTROPHE},
- {"`", "~", 1, Code, KEY_GRAVE},
- {"-", "_", 1, Code, KEY_MINUS},
- {"=", "+", 1, Code, KEY_EQUAL},
- {"[", "{", 1, Code, KEY_LEFTBRACE},
- {"]", "}", 1, Code, KEY_RIGHTBRACE},
- {",", "<", 1, Code, KEY_COMMA},
- {".", ">", 1, Code, KEY_DOT},
- {"/", "?", 1, Code, KEY_SLASH},
- {"\\", "|", 1, Code, KEY_BACKSLASH},
- {"↑", "↑", 1, Code, KEY_UP},
- {"↓", "↓", 1, Code, KEY_DOWN},
- {"←", "←", 1, Code, KEY_LEFT},
- {"→", "→", 1, Code, KEY_RIGHT},
- {"Sp", "Sp", 1, Mod, Super},
- {"Alt", "Alt", 1, Mod, AltGr},
- {"Ctl", "Ctl", 1, Mod, Ctrl},
- {"Sft", "Sft", 1, Mod, Shift},
- {"Ret", "Ret", 1, Code, KEY_ENTER},
- {"Bk", "Bk", 1, Code, KEY_BACKSPACE},
- {"", "", 3, Code, KEY_SPACE},
- {"Bsc", "Bsc", 2, Layout, 0, &layouts[Basic]},
+ {"Esc", "Esc", 1.0, Code, KEY_ESC},
+ {"Tab", "Tab", 1.0, Code, KEY_TAB},
+ {"↑", "↑", 1.0, Code, KEY_UP},
+ {"↓", "↓", 1.0, Code, KEY_DOWN},
+ {"←", "←", 1.0, Code, KEY_LEFT},
+ {"→", "→", 1.0, Code, KEY_RIGHT},
+ {"⇈", "⇈", 1.0, Code, KEY_PAGEUP},
+ {"⇊", "⇊", 1.0, Code, KEY_PAGEDOWN},
+ {"⇤", "⇤", 1.0, Code, KEY_HOME},
+ {"⇥", "⇥", 1.0, Code, KEY_END},
+ {"", "", 0.0, EndRow},
+ {"1", "!", 1.0, Code, KEY_1},
+ {"2", "@", 1.0, Code, KEY_2},
+ {"3", "#", 1.0, Code, KEY_3},
+ {"4", "$", 1.0, Code, KEY_4},
+ {"5", "%", 1.0, Code, KEY_5},
+ {"6", "^", 1.0, Code, KEY_6},
+ {"7", "&", 1.0, Code, KEY_7},
+ {"8", "*", 1.0, Code, KEY_8},
+ {"9", "(", 1.0, Code, KEY_9},
+ {"0", ")", 1.0, Code, KEY_0},
+ {"", "", 0.0, EndRow},
+ {"", "", 1.0, Code, KEY_SPACE},
+ {"", "", 1.0, Code, KEY_SPACE},
+ {"", "", 1.0, Code, KEY_SPACE},
+ {"", "", 1.0, Code, KEY_SPACE},
+ {"", "", 1.0, Code, KEY_SPACE},
+ {"", "", 1.0, Code, KEY_SPACE},
+ {"", "", 1.0, Code, KEY_SPACE},
+ {"", "", 1.0, Code, KEY_SPACE},
+ {"", "", 1.0, Code, KEY_SPACE},
+ {"", "", 1.0, Code, KEY_SPACE},
+ {"", "", 0.0, EndRow},
+ {"Ct", "Ct", 2.0, Mod, Ctrl},
+ {"`", "~", 1.0, Code, KEY_GRAVE},
+ {"'", "\"", 1.0, Code, KEY_APOSTROPHE},
+ {"-", "_", 1.0, Code, KEY_MINUS},
+ {"=", "+", 1.0, Code, KEY_EQUAL},
+ {"[", "{", 1.0, Code, KEY_LEFTBRACE},
+ {"]", "}", 1.0, Code, KEY_RIGHTBRACE},
+ {"\\", "|", 1.0, Code, KEY_BACKSLASH},
+ {"Del", "Del", 1.0, Code, KEY_DELETE},
+ {"", "", 0.0, EndRow},
+ {"⇧", "⇧", 2.0, Mod, Shift},
+ {";", ":", 1.0, Code, KEY_SEMICOLON},
+ {"/", "?", 1.0, Code, KEY_SLASH},
+ {"", "", 1.0, Code, KEY_SPACE},
+ {"", "", 1.0, Code, KEY_SPACE},
+ {"", "", 1.0, Code, KEY_SPACE},
+ {"", "", 1.0, Code, KEY_SPACE},
+ {"", "", 1.0, Code, KEY_SPACE},
+ {"⌫", "⌫", 1.0, Code, KEY_BACKSPACE},
+ {"", "", 0.0, EndRow},
+ {"Abc", "Abc", 1.0, Layout, 0, &layouts[Basic]},
+ {"Alt", "Alt", 1.0, Mod, AltGr},
+ {",", "<", 1.0, Code, KEY_COMMA},
+ {"", "", 4.0, Code, KEY_SPACE},
+ {".", ">", 1.0, Code, KEY_DOT},
+ {"Entr", "Entr", 2.0, Code, KEY_ENTER},
/* end of layout */
- {"", "", 0, Last},
+ {"", "", 0.0, Last},
diff --git a/keyboard.h b/keyboard.h
@@ -1,7 +1,3 @@
-/* clang-format off */
-/* clang-format on */
enum key_type;
enum key_modifier_type;
struct clr_scheme;
@@ -14,6 +10,7 @@ enum key_type {
+ EndRow,
@@ -39,18 +36,19 @@ struct clr_scheme {
struct key {
const char *label;
const char *shift_label;
- const uint8_t width;
+ const double width;
const enum key_type type;
const uint32_t code;
struct layout *layout;
- uint8_t col, row;
+ //actual coordinates on the surface
+ uint32_t x, y, w, h;
struct layout {
struct key *keys;
- struct key *gridpoints[KBD_POINTS];
+ uint32_t keyheight;
struct kbd {
@@ -58,7 +56,6 @@ struct kbd {
struct clr_scheme scheme;
uint32_t w, h;
- uint32_t kw, kh;
uint8_t mods;
struct key *last_press;
@@ -70,58 +67,77 @@ static inline void draw_inset(struct drwsurf *d, uint32_t x, uint32_t y,
uint32_t width, uint32_t height, uint32_t border,
uint32_t color);
-static void kbd_init_layout(struct layout *l);
+static void kbd_init_layout(struct layout *l, uint32_t width, uint32_t height);
static struct key *kbd_get_key(struct kbd *kb, uint32_t x, uint32_t y);
static void kbd_unpress_key(struct kbd *kb, uint32_t time);
static void kbd_press_key(struct kbd *kb, struct key *k, uint32_t time);
static void kbd_draw_key(struct kbd *kb, struct key *k, bool pressed);
-static void kbd_draw_key(struct kbd *kb, struct key *k, bool pressed);
static void kbd_draw_layout(struct kbd *kb);
-static void kbd_resize(struct kbd *kb, uint32_t w, uint32_t h);
-kbd_init_layout(struct layout *l) {
- uint8_t i = 0, width = 0, ncol = 0, col = 0, row = 0;
+static void kbd_resize(struct kbd *kb, uint32_t w, uint32_t h, struct layout * layouts, uint8_t layoutcount);
+static uint8_t kbd_get_rows(struct layout *l);
+static double kbd_get_row_length(struct key *k);
+uint8_t kbd_get_rows(struct layout *l) {
+ uint8_t rows = 0;
struct key *k = l->keys;
- struct key **point = l->gridpoints,
- **end_point = l->gridpoints + (KBD_POINTS);
- memset(point, 0, sizeof(uint8_t) * KBD_POINTS);
- while ((k->type != Last) && (point < end_point)) {
- width = k->width;
- ncol = col + width;
- if (ncol > KBD_COLS) {
- width = KBD_COLS - col;
- col = 0;
- row += 1;
- for (i = 0; (i < width) && (point < end_point); i++, point++) {
- }
- continue;
+ while (k->type != Last) {
+ if (k->type == EndRow) {
+ rows++;
+ k++;
+ }
+ return rows + 1;
- k->col = col;
- k->row = row;
- col = ncol;
+kbd_init_layout(struct layout *l, uint32_t width, uint32_t height) {
+ uint32_t x = 0, y = 0;
+ fprintf(stderr, "Init layout\n");
+ uint8_t rows = kbd_get_rows(l);
- for (i = 0; (i < width) && (point < end_point); i++, point++) {
- *point = k;
+ l->keyheight = height / rows;
+ struct key *k = l->keys;
+ double rowlength = kbd_get_row_length(k);
+ while (k->type != Last) {
+ if (k->type == EndRow) {
+ y += l->keyheight;
+ x = 0;
+ rowlength = kbd_get_row_length(k+1);
+ } else if (k->width > 0) {
+ k->x = x;
+ k->y = y;
+ fprintf(stderr, "(%d/%f)*%f -> %s\n",width,rowlength,k->width, k->label);
+ k->w = ((double) width / rowlength) * k->width;
+ x += k->w;
+ k->h = l->keyheight;
+ k++;
+ }
+kbd_get_row_length(struct key *k) {
+ double l = 0.0;
+ while ((k->type != Last) && (k->type != EndRow)) {
+ l += k->width;
+ return l;
struct key *
kbd_get_key(struct kbd *kb, uint32_t x, uint32_t y) {
struct layout *l = kb->layout;
- uint32_t col = KBD_COLS * ((float)x / (float)kb->w);
- uint32_t row = KBD_ROWS * ((float)y / (float)kb->h);
- return l->gridpoints[(row * KBD_COLS) + col];
+ struct key *k = l->keys;
+ fprintf(stderr,"get key: +%d+%d\n",x,y);
+ while (k->type != Last) {
+ if ((k->type != EndRow) && (k->type != Pad) && (k->type != Pad) && (x >= k->x) && (y >= k->y) && (x < k->x + k->w) && (y < k->y + k->h)) {
+ return k;
+ }
+ k++;
+ }
+ return NULL;
@@ -167,12 +183,13 @@ void
kbd_draw_key(struct kbd *kb, struct key *k, bool pressed) {
struct drwsurf *d = kb->surf;
const char *label = (kb->mods & Shift) ? k->shift_label : k->label;
+ fprintf(stderr, "Draw key +%d+%d %dx%d -> %s\n", k->x, k->y, k->w, k->h, k->label);
Color *fill = pressed ? &kb->scheme.high : &kb->scheme.fg;
- uint32_t x = k->col * kb->kw, y = k->row * kb->kh, width = k->width * kb->kw;
- draw_inset(d, x, y, width, kb->kh, KBD_KEY_BORDER, fill->color);
+ draw_inset(d, k->x, k->y, k->w, k->h, KBD_KEY_BORDER, fill->color);
+ uint32_t xoffset = k->w / (strlen(label) + 2);
+ fprintf(stderr, " xoffset=%d\n", xoffset);
wld_draw_text(d->render, d->ctx->font, kb->scheme.text.color,
- x + (width * 0.35), y + (kb->kh / 2), label, -1, NULL);
+ k->x + xoffset, k->y + (k->h / 2), label, -1, NULL);
@@ -180,11 +197,12 @@ kbd_draw_layout(struct kbd *kb) {
struct drwsurf *d = kb->surf;
struct key *next_key = kb->layout->keys;
bool pressed = false;
+ fprintf(stderr, "Draw layout");
wld_fill_rectangle(d->render, kb->, 0, 0, kb->w, kb->h);
while (next_key->type != Last) {
- if (next_key->type == Pad) {
+ if ((next_key->type == Pad) || (next_key->type == EndRow)) {
@@ -195,16 +213,19 @@ kbd_draw_layout(struct kbd *kb) {
-kbd_resize(struct kbd *kb, uint32_t w, uint32_t h) {
+kbd_resize(struct kbd *kb, uint32_t w, uint32_t h, struct layout * layouts, uint8_t layoutcount) {
struct drwsurf *d = kb->surf;
kb->w = w;
kb->h = h;
- kb->kw = (float)w / (float)KBD_COLS;
- kb->kh = (float)h / (float)KBD_ROWS;
+ fprintf(stderr, "Resize %dx%d, %d layouts\n",w,h,layoutcount);
drwsurf_resize(d, w, h);
+ for (int i = 0; i < layoutcount; i++) {
+ fprintf(stderr,"i=%d\n",i );
+ kbd_init_layout(&layouts[i], w, h);
+ }
d->dirty = true;
diff --git a/main.c b/main.c
@@ -258,7 +258,7 @@ handle_global_remove(void *data, struct wl_registry *registry, uint32_t name) {}
layer_surface_configure(void *data, struct zwlr_layer_surface_v1 *surface,
uint32_t serial, uint32_t w, uint32_t h) {
- kbd_resize(&keyboard, w + KBD_PIXEL_OVERSCAN_WIDTH, h);
+ kbd_resize(&keyboard, w + KBD_PIXEL_OVERSCAN_WIDTH, h, layouts, NumLayouts);
zwlr_layer_surface_v1_ack_configure(surface, serial);
@@ -315,13 +315,6 @@ main(int argc, char **argv) {
keyboard.vkbd, WL_KEYBOARD_KEYMAP_FORMAT_XKB_V1, keymap_fd, keymap_size);
- /* init layouts */
- for (i = 0; i < NumLayouts; i++) {
- if (layouts[i].keys) {
- kbd_init_layout(&layouts[i]);
- }
- }
/* assign kbd state */ = &draw_surf;