commit c4d7b388c39f52e5ebdb91feed1d77e0b6af5724
parent b4eaec0cfaf00ecb5c50cb393698fa15dc9911b7
Author: rbckman <>
Date: Thu, 8 Sep 2022 11:19:02 +0300
reading temp with raspberry pi
2 files changed, 99 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
diff --git a/ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
+import time
+# set pin number for communicate with MAX6675
+def set_pin (CS, SCK, SO, UNIT):
+ global sck
+ sck= SCK
+ global so
+ so = SO
+ global unit
+ unit = UNIT
+ GPIO.setup(CS, GPIO.OUT, initial = GPIO.HIGH)
+ GPIO.setup(SCK, GPIO.OUT, initial = GPIO.LOW)
+ GPIO.setup(SO, GPIO.IN)
+def read_temp(cs_no):
+ GPIO.output(cs_no, GPIO.LOW)
+ time.sleep(0.002)
+ GPIO.output(cs_no, GPIO.HIGH)
+ time.sleep(0.22)
+ GPIO.output(cs_no, GPIO.LOW)
+ GPIO.output(sck, GPIO.HIGH)
+ time.sleep(0.001)
+ GPIO.output(sck, GPIO.LOW)
+ Value = 0
+ for i in range(11, -1, -1):
+ GPIO.output(sck, GPIO.HIGH)
+ Value = Value + (GPIO.input(so) * (2 ** i))
+ GPIO.output(sck, GPIO.LOW)
+ GPIO.output(sck, GPIO.HIGH)
+ error_tc = GPIO.input(so)
+ GPIO.output(sck, GPIO.LOW)
+ for i in range(2):
+ GPIO.output(sck, GPIO.HIGH)
+ time.sleep(0.001)
+ GPIO.output(sck, GPIO.LOW)
+ GPIO.output(cs_no, GPIO.HIGH)
+ if unit == 0:
+ temp = Value
+ if unit == 1:
+ temp = Value * 0.25
+ if unit == 2:
+ temp = Value * 0.25 * 9.0 / 5.0 + 32.0
+ if error_tc != 0:
+ return -cs_no
+ else:
+ return temp
diff --git a/ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+# before import the max6675, you must save the file at "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages"
+# wiring
+# Raspberry MAX6675
+# GND ------ GND
+# 5V ------ VCC
+# pin 18 ------ SCK
+# pin 22 ------ CS
+# pin 16 ------ SO
+# import max6675 module.
+import max6675
+# set the pin for communicate with MAX6675
+cs = 22
+sck = 18
+so = 16
+# max6675.set_pin(CS, SCK, SO, unit) [unit : 0 - raw, 1 - Celsius, 2 - Fahrenheit]
+max6675.set_pin(cs, sck, so, 1)
+ while 1:
+ # read temperature connected at CS 22
+ a = max6675.read_temp(cs)
+ # print temperature
+ print a
+ # when there are some errors with sensor, it return "-" sign and CS pin number
+ # in this case it returns "-22"
+ max6675.time.sleep(2)
+except KeyboardInterrupt:
+ pass