commit 235f0b60c217597c0e4fe328b28ac2d237e5d984
parent 643de1f21d0acfee4b6c47157f46ce8c336d9532
Author: rob <>
Date: Mon, 4 Mar 2024 15:46:55 +0200
soon out of beta
12 files changed, 1688 insertions(+), 24 deletions(-)
diff --git a/public_html/static/robstyle.css b/public_html/static/robstyle.css
@@ -0,0 +1,634 @@
+ font-family: "Latin-Mono-Regular";
+ src: url('fonts/lmmono10-regular.otf'),
+ url('fonts/lmmono10-regular.otf'); /* IE */
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+ src: url('fonts/lmmono10-italic.otf'),
+ url('fonts/lmmono10-italic.otf'); /* IE */
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+ font-family: "Roberta";
+ src: url('fonts/roberta.ttf'),
+ url('fonts/roberta.ttf'); /* IE */
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+ url('fonts/digital_counter_7.ttf'); /* IE */
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+ font-family: "Retro";
+ src: url('fonts/retro.ttf'),
+ url('fonts/retro.ttf'); /* IE */
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+ src: url('fonts/cyber.ttf'),
+ url('fonts/cyber.ttf'); /* IE */
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+ color: #fcdd09;
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+ padding: 0px;
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+ padding: 0px;
+ margin: 0px;
+ font-size: 20pt;
+ font-family: 'Latin-Mono-Italic', sans-serif;
+ font-weight: normal;
+ padding: 0px;
+ margin: 0px;
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+ font-weight: normal;
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+ font-family: 'Cyber', sans-serif;
+ font-weight: normal;
+ padding: 0px;
+ margin: 20px;
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+ font-size: 17pt;
+ line-height: 0px;
+ font-family: 'Retro', sans-serif;
+ font-weight: normal;
+ padding: 0px;
+ margin: 0px;
+ font-size: 12pt;
+ font-family: 'Digital', sans-serif;
+ font-weight: normal;
+ padding: 0px;
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+.bild p
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+ margin:0px;
+.bild h4
+ padding:5px;
+ margin: 0px auto;
+ height: auto;
+ width: 90%;
+ max-width: 900px;
+ margin: 0 auto;
+ padding-top: 5px;
+ width: 95%;
+ max-width: 400px;
+ height: auto;
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+ font-size:25pt;
+ padding-bottom: 10px;
+ text-align: left;
+ padding-left: 5%;
+ padding-top: 10px;
+ padding-bottom: 20px;
+#shoutbox p
+ margin: 2px;
+ margin-top: 10px;
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+ font-size: 11pt;
+ color: #98ffff;
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+ height:30px;
+ width: 100%;
+ font-size: 30px;
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+ opacity: 0.2;
+#tipjar img
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+ padding:2px;
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+#onair.neonoff {opacity: 0.2}
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+ color: #032604;
+ opacity: 0.5;
+ text-align: center;
+ padding-top: 5px;
+ padding-bottom: 5px;
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+#onairvideo.neongreenoff {opacity: 0.2}
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+ font-size: 15px;
+ color: #fcdd09;
+ opacity: 0.5;
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+ padding-top: 10px;
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+ font-size: 16px;
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+ width: 70%;
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+ padding-bottom: 20px;
+ margin: 10px auto;
+ scroll-margin-top: 10rem;
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+ padding-bottom: 20px;
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+ border-radius:5px;
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+ word-wrap: break-word; /* IE */
+ margin: 0px auto;
+ color: #888;
+ background-color: #111;
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+ height: 55px;
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+ white-space: pre-wrap; /* CSS3 */
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+ word-wrap: break-word; /* IE */
+ color: #fff;
+ text-decoration: bold;
+ background-color: #111;
+ border: 0px;
+ padding: 5px;
+ width: auto;
+ color: #fff;
+ text-decoration: bold;
+ background-color: #111;
+ border: 0px;
+ padding: 5px;
+ width: auto;
+ height:300px;
+ height:300px;
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+ font-family: "Latin-Mono-Regular";
+ color: #DB232C;
+ text-transform: uppercase;
+ text-align: center;
+ opacity: 0.2;
+ }
+.neon {
+ font-family: "Roberta";
+ color: #DB232C;
+ text-align: center;
+ opacity: 1;
+ }
+.neon {
+ animation: neon 20.9s infinite alternate;
+ -moz-animation: neon 20.9s infinite alternate;
+ -webkit-animation: neon 20.9s infinite alternate;
+.neongreenoff {
+ font-family: "Digital";
+ color: #23db29;
+ text-transform: uppercase;
+ text-align: center;
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+ text-transform: uppercase;
+ text-align: center;
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+ }
+.neongreen {
+ animation: neongreen 20.9s infinite alternate;
+ -moz-animation: neongreen 20.9s infinite alternate;
+ -webkit-animation: neongreen 20.9s infinite alternate;
+@keyframes neon {
+ 0%, 19%, 21%, 23%, 25%, 14%, 6%, 10% {
+ text-shadow: 0 0 1vw #FA1C16, 0 0 3vw #FA1C16, 0 0 10vw #FA1C16, 0 0 10vw #FA1C16;
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+ text-shadow: 0 0 .5vw #800E0B, 0 0 1.5vw #800E0B, 0 0 5vw #800E0B, 0 0 5vw #800E0B;
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+ 20%, 24%, 55% {
+ text-shadow: none;
+ box-shadow: none;
+ }
+ }
+@keyframes neongreen {
+ 0%, 19%, 21%, 23%, 25%, 14%, 26%, 10% {
+ text-shadow: 0 0 1vw #16fa1e, 0 0 3vw #16fa1e, 0 0 10vw #16fa1e, 0 0 10vw #16fa1e;
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+ text-shadow: none;
+ box-shadow: none;
+ }
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diff --git a/public_html/static/splash.css b/public_html/static/splash.css
@@ -0,0 +1,641 @@
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+ url('fonts/lmmono10-italic.otf'); /* IE */
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+ url('fonts/roberta.ttf'); /* IE */
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+ font-family: "Digital";
+ src: url('fonts/digital_counter_7.ttf'),
+ url('fonts/digital_counter_7.ttf'); /* IE */
+ }
+ font-family: "Retro";
+ src: url('fonts/retro.ttf'),
+ url('fonts/retro.ttf'); /* IE */
+ }
+ font-family: "Cyber";
+ src: url('fonts/cyber.ttf'),
+ url('fonts/cyber.ttf'); /* IE */
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+ margin:0 auto;
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+ font-size: 12pt;
+ color:#FFBA00;
+ text-decoration: none;
+ color: #fcdd09;
+ padding: 2px;
+ padding: 0px;
+ margin: 0px;
+ font-size: 100px;
+ color:#f8f9fa;
+ font-family: 'Roberta', sans-serif;
+ line-height: 75px;
+ font-weight: normal;
+ padding: 0px;
+ margin: 0px;
+ font-size: 50pt;
+ line-height: 55px;
+ font-family: 'Latin-Mono-Italic', sans-serif;
+ font-weight: normal;
+ padding: 0px;
+ margin: 0px;
+ font-size: 50pt;
+ line-height: 45px;
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+ font-family: 'Roberta', sans-serif;
+ font-weight: normal;
+ padding: 0px;
+ margin: 0px;
+ font-size: 35pt;
+ line-height: 40px;
+ font-family: 'Cyber', sans-serif;
+ font-weight: normal;
+ padding: 0px;
+ margin: 30px;
+ color:#f8f9fa;
+ font-size: 35pt;
+ line-height: 40px;
+ font-family: 'Retro', sans-serif;
+ font-weight: normal;
+ padding: 0px;
+ margin: 0px;
+ font-size: 30pt;
+ font-family: 'Digital', sans-serif;
+ font-weight: normal;
+ padding: 0px;
+ margin: 0px auto;
+ width: 80%;
+ font-style: normal;
+ font-weight: normal;
+td {
+ display: block;
+ clear:both;
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+ width: 70%;
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+ border-radius: 3px;
+ color: #fff;
+ border-radius: 3px;
+ font-size: 14pt;
+ font-family: 'Roberta', sans-serif;
+ background-color: #444;
+ border: 0px;
+ padding: 5px;
+ height: 30px;
+ width: 20%;
+ background-color: #ff0000;
+ border-radius: 30px;
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+ height: auto;
+ max-width: 500px;
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+ margin: 0px auto;
+ height: auto;
+ width: 90%;
+ text-align: center;
+ margin: 0px auto;
+ width: 80%;
+ height: auto;
+ text-align: center;
+ max-width: 500px;
+ margin: 0px auto;
+ width: 50%;
+ height: auto;
+ text-align: center;
+ max-width: 400px;
+ background-color: #29252b;
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+.bild p
+ font-size: 14px;
+ margin:0px;
+.bild h4
+ padding:5px;
+ margin: 0px auto;
+ height: auto;
+ width: 90%;
+ max-width: 900px;
+ margin: 0 auto;
+ padding-top: 5px;
+ width: 95%;
+ max-width: 400px;
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+ font-size:25pt;
+ padding-bottom: 10px;
+ text-align: left;
+ padding-left: 5%;
+ padding-top: 10px;
+ padding-bottom: 20px;
+#shoutbox p
+ margin: 2px;
+ margin-top: 10px;
+#matrix-shoutbox img
+ width: 90%;
+ font-size: 8pt;
+ color: #98ffff;
+ font-size: 11pt;
+ color: #98ffff;
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+ text-align: center;
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+ height:30px;
+ width: 100%;
+ font-size: 30px;
+ color: #DB232C;
+ opacity: 0.2;
+#tipjar img
+ max-width: 350px;
+ padding:2px;
+ background-color:#fff;
+ width: 35%;
+ border-radius: 2px;
+#onair.neon {opacity: 1}
+#onair.neonoff {opacity: 0.2}
+ font-family: "Digital";
+ font-size: 14px;
+ color: #032604;
+ opacity: 0.5;
+ text-align: center;
+ padding-top: 5px;
+ padding-bottom: 5px;
+#onairvideo.neongreen {opacity: 1}
+#onairvideo.neongreenoff {opacity: 0.2}
+#song {
+ font-family: "Digital";
+ font-size: 15px;
+ color: #fcdd09;
+ opacity: 0.5;
+ text-align: center;
+ padding-top: 10px;
+#lyssnare {
+ font-family: "Digital";
+ font-size: 15px;
+ color: #7CFC00;
+ opacity: 0.5;
+ text-align: center;
+ padding-top: 10px;
+ margin: 0px auto;
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+table, tbody, tr, td
+ width: 100%;
+input, select
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+ padding: 4px;
+ color: #fff;
+ background-color: #555;
+ font-size: 16px;
+ border: 0px;
+ width: 100%;
+ height: 20px;
+ margin:10px;
+ padding: 4px;
+ font-size: 18px;
+ color: #fff;
+ background-color: #333;
+ width: 90%;
+ white-space: pre-wrap; /* Since CSS 2.1 */
+ white-space: -moz-pre-wrap; /* Mozilla, since 1999 */
+ white-space: -pre-wrap; /* Opera 4-6 */
+ white-space: -o-pre-wrap; /* Opera 7 */
+ word-wrap: break-word; /* Internet Explorer 5.5+ */
+ width: 80%;
+ height:auto;
+ width: 70%;
+ height:auto;
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+ padding: 10px;
+ border-radius:5px;
+ padding-bottom: 20px;
+ margin: 10px auto;
+ scroll-margin-top: 10rem;
+ width: 80%;
+ padding: 10px;
+ border-radius:5px;
+ background-color:#333;
+ padding-bottom: 20px;
+ margin: 1px;
+ display:inline-block;
+ border-radius:5px;
+ background-color:#333;
+ margin:0 auto;
+ background-color:#333;
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+ font-size: 15px;
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+ padding-left: 20px;
+ padding-right: 20px;
+ text-align: left;
+ height: auto;
+ width: 90%;
+ padding-bottom: 20px;
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+ border-radius:5px;
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+ background-color: #111;
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+ white-space: -pre-wrap; /* Opera <7 */
+ white-space: -o-pre-wrap; /* Opera 7 */
+ word-wrap: break-word; /* IE */
+ margin: 0px auto;
+ color: #888;
+ background-color: #111;
+ border: 0px;
+ width: 100%;
+ height: 55px;
+ font-size: 10px;
+ text-align: center;
+ white-space: pre-wrap; /* CSS3 */
+ white-space: -moz-pre-wrap; /* Firefox */
+ white-space: -pre-wrap; /* Opera <7 */
+ white-space: -o-pre-wrap; /* Opera 7 */
+ word-wrap: break-word; /* IE */
+ color: #333;
+ text-decoration: bold;
+ background-color: #111;
+ border: 0px;
+ padding: 5px;
+ width: auto;
+ color: #333;
+ text-decoration: bold;
+ background-color: #111;
+ border: 0px;
+ padding: 5px;
+ width: auto;
+ height:300px;
+ height:300px;
+.neonoff {
+ font-family: "Latin-Mono-Regular";
+ color: #DB232C;
+ text-transform: uppercase;
+ text-align: center;
+ opacity: 0.2;
+ }
+.neon {
+ font-family: "Roberta";
+ color: #DB232C;
+ text-align: center;
+ opacity: 1;
+ }
+.neon {
+ animation: neon 20.9s infinite alternate;
+ -moz-animation: neon 20.9s infinite alternate;
+ -webkit-animation: neon 20.9s infinite alternate;
+.neongreenoff {
+ font-family: "Digital";
+ color: #23db29;
+ text-transform: uppercase;
+ text-align: center;
+ opacity: 0.2;
+ }
+.neongreen {
+ font-family: "Digital";
+ color: #D2974E;
+ text-transform: uppercase;
+ text-align: center;
+ opacity: 1;
+ }
+.neongreen {
+ animation: neongreen 20.9s infinite alternate;
+ -moz-animation: neongreen 20.9s infinite alternate;
+ -webkit-animation: neongreen 20.9s infinite alternate;
+@keyframes neon {
+ 0%, 19%, 21%, 23%, 25%, 14%, 6%, 10% {
+ text-shadow: 0 0 1vw #FA1C16, 0 0 3vw #FA1C16, 0 0 10vw #FA1C16, 0 0 10vw #FA1C16;
+ color: #DB232C;
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+ 50% {
+ text-shadow: 0 0 .5vw #800E0B, 0 0 1.5vw #800E0B, 0 0 5vw #800E0B, 0 0 5vw #800E0B;
+ }
+ 20%, 24%, 55% {
+ text-shadow: none;
+ box-shadow: none;
+ }
+ }
+@keyframes neongreen {
+ 0%, 19%, 21%, 23%, 25%, 14%, 26%, 10% {
+ text-shadow: 0 0 1vw #16fa1e, 0 0 3vw #16fa1e, 0 0 10vw #16fa1e, 0 0 10vw #16fa1e;
+ color: #26db23;
+ }
+ 50% {
+ text-shadow: 0 0 .5vw #0d7f0b, 0 0 1.5vw #0d7f0b, 0 0 5vw #0d7f0b, 0 0 5vw #0d7f0b;
+ }
+ 2%, 14%, 5% {
+ text-shadow: none;
+ box-shadow: none;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/public_html/templates/almost.html b/public_html/templates/almost.html
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+$def with (products,bag,sessionkey,productname,inbag,db,getprice,getrate,category,markdown)
+$ totsats = 0
+$ toteuro = 0
+$ x = 0
+$if sessionkey != 'empty':
+ <div id="bag">
+ <div id="insidebag">
+ in your cart:<br>
+ $for i in bag:
+ $code:
+ price = getprice(i.product)
+ quantity = i.quantity
+ p_totsats=i.quantity*price[0]
+ p_toteuro=i.quantity*price[1]
+ $i.quantity x $productname(i.product)
+ $p_totsats $p_toteuro€ <a href="/dropitem/$i.product">remove</a><br>
+ $code:
+ totsats += p_totsats
+ toteuro += p_toteuro
+ $if totsats > 0:
+ total: $totsats Satoshi or $toteuro €
+ <br>
+ <a href="/checkout">CHECKOUT --></a>
+ <br>
+ <code>~*~</code>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+$ siteconfig ='propaganda', what='id, name, description, description2')[0]
+<div class="introtext">
+$ goodies = db.query("SELECT * FROM propagandapics;")
+$for g in goodies:
+ $if g.soundname[-5:] == '.jpeg' or g.soundname[-4:] == '.png':
+ <div class="promopic">
+ <img src="/static/img/web/$g.soundname">
+ <br>
+ <br>
+ <code>~*~</code>
+ <br>
+ <br>
+ <div class="promotext">
+ $:markdown.markdown(
+ $:markdown.markdown(g.description)
+ $:markdown.markdown(g.description2)
+ <br>
+ <code>~</code>
+ <br>
+ </div>
+ </div>
diff --git a/public_html/templates/base.html b/public_html/templates/base.html
@@ -2,8 +2,8 @@ $def with (content)
<!doctype html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
- <title>Gonzo Pi shop | a retake on filmmaking</title>
- <link rel="stylesheet" href="/static/robstyle.css?v=95" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet"/>
+ <title>Gonzo Pi | a retake on filmmaking</title>
+ <link rel="stylesheet" href="/static/robstyle.css?v=127" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet"/>
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
<meta http-equiv="cache-control" content="no-cache">
diff --git a/public_html/templates/index.html b/public_html/templates/index.html
@@ -32,7 +32,10 @@ $ categories ='categories', what='id, category')
<div id="container">
<div class="intro">
-<img src="/static/img/thumb/logo.png">
+$#<img src="/static/img/thumb/logo.png">
@@ -58,7 +61,7 @@ $for i in products:
$ goodies = db.query("SELECT * FROM soundlink WHERE id='""';")
$for g in goodies:
$if g.soundname[-5:] == '.jpeg' or g.soundname[-4:] == '.png':
- <a href="/bigpic/$"><img class="imgprod" src="/static/img/web/$g.soundname"></a>
+ <a href="/bigpic/$"><img class="imgprod" src="/static/img/thumb/$g.soundname"></a>
diff --git a/public_html/templates/op.html b/public_html/templates/op.html
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ $def with (content)
<meta http-equiv="cache-control" content="no-cache">
- <a href="/config">Config</a> | <a href="/categories">Categories</a> | <a href="/products/">Products</a> | <a href="/shipping/">Shipping</a> | <a href="/orders">Orders</a> | <a href="/logout">Logout</a>
+ <a href="/propaganda">Propaganda</a> | <a href="/config">Config</a> | <a href="/categories">Categories</a> | <a href="/products/">Products</a> | <a href="/shipping/">Shipping</a> | <a href="/orders">Orders</a> | <a href="/logout">Logout</a>
<div id="container">
diff --git a/public_html/templates/paybtc.html b/public_html/templates/paybtc.html
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-$def with (invoice, btcaddress, btcuri, showpayment)
+$def with (invoice, btcaddress, btcuri, showpayment, bag, productname, db, getprice, getrate, ordertype, pendinginfo, eur_to_sat)
$ qr = '/static/qr/' + btcaddress + '.png'
function copy() {
@@ -8,25 +8,78 @@ function copy() {
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="60" />
+<div id="container">
-<h3>$invoice.totsats Satoshi</h3>
+<a href="/checkout">Go back!</a>
+in your order:<br>
+$ totsats=0
+$ toteuro=0
+$for i in bag:
+ $ goodies = db.query("SELECT * FROM soundlink WHERE id='" +i.product+"';")
+ $code:
+ price = getprice(i.product)
+ quantity = i.quantity
+ p_totsats=i.quantity*price[0]
+ p_toteuro=i.quantity*price[1]
+ $i.quantity x $productname(i.product)
+ $p_totsats $p_toteuro€<br>
+ $for g in goodies:
+ $if g.soundname[-5:] == '.jpeg' or g.soundname[-4:] == '.png':
+ <img src="/static/img/thumb/$g.soundname" style="width:120px">
+ <br>
+ $code:
+ totsats += p_totsats
+ toteuro += p_toteuro
+$if totsats > 0:
+ <br>
+$if ordertype() == 'digital':
+ <h2>Digital goods will be shipped to your email once invoice paid..</h2>
+ $ shippinginfo ='shipping', where="country='" + + "'", what='price, days')[0]
+ Shipping cost to $ is <br>$eur_to_sat(shippinginfo.price) Satoshi or ~ $(shippinginfo.price/100)€ <br>
+ Shipping estimate is $shippinginfo.days days<br>
+ $code:
+ totsats += eur_to_sat(shippinginfo.price)
+ toteuro += shippinginfo.price/100
+ <pre>
+ First Name: $pendinginfo.firstname
+ Last Name: $pendinginfo.lastname
+ Country: $
+ Address: $pendinginfo.address
+ Town: $
+ Postalcode: $pendinginfo.postalcode
+ Email: $
+ </pre>
+$if totsats > 0:
+ total: $totsats Satoshi ~ $(toteuro)€
+ with rate: $getrate()€/₿
+Order is only reserved once paid.
$if showpayment == []:
- <h3>Status: not paid</h3>
+ <h5>Status: not paid</h5>
$for i in showpayment:
- <h4>Status:</h4>
- <h4>txid: $i['txids']</h4>
- <h4>confirmations: $i['confirmations']</h4>
+ <h2>Status:</h2>
+ <h2>txid: $i['txids']</h2>
+ <h2>confirmations: $i['confirmations']</h2>
-<img src="$qr">
+<img style="width:220px" src="$qr">
<div id='hash'>
-<h4>bitcoin address:</h4>
+<h2>bitcoin address:</h2>
<textarea id='payid'>
-<h4>pay uri:</h4>
+<h2>pay uri:</h2>
<textarea id='payreq'>
@@ -34,3 +87,15 @@ $btcuri
<button id="copybutton" onclick="copy()">Copy</button>
<button id="backbutton" autofocus onclick="parent.location='/payln/$invoice.invoice_key'">Pay with Lightning</button>
+<a href="/checkout">Go back!</a>
diff --git a/public_html/templates/payln.html b/public_html/templates/payln.html
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-$def with (lninvoice,invoice,bag,productname,digitalkey,db,getprice,getrate)
+$def with (lninvoice,invoice,bag,productname,digitalkey,db,getprice,getrate,ordertype,pendinginfo,eur_to_sat)
$ qr = '/static/qr/' + invoice['invoice_key'] + '.png'
function copy() {
@@ -9,6 +9,8 @@ function copy() {
<div id="container">
$if lninvoice['status'] != 'paid':
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="30" />
<a href="/checkout">Go back!</a>
@@ -40,6 +42,36 @@ $for i in bag:
totsats += p_totsats
toteuro += p_toteuro
+$if ordertype() == 'digital':
+ <h2>Digital goods will be shipped to your email once invoice paid..</h2>
+ $ shippinginfo ='shipping', where="country='" + + "'", what='price, days')[0]
+ Shipping cost to $ is <br>$eur_to_sat(shippinginfo.price) Satoshi or ~ $(shippinginfo.price/100)€ <br>
+ Shipping estimate is $shippinginfo.days days<br>
+ $code:
+ totsats += eur_to_sat(shippinginfo.price)
+ toteuro += shippinginfo.price/100
+ <pre>
+ First Name: $pendinginfo.firstname
+ Last Name: $pendinginfo.lastname
+ Country: $
+ Address: $pendinginfo.address
+ Town: $
+ Postalcode: $pendinginfo.postalcode
+ Email: $
+ </pre>
+$if totsats > 0:
+ total: $totsats Satoshi $(toteuro)€
+ with rate: $getrate()€/₿
+Order is only reserved once paid.
$if totsats > 0:
total: $totsats Satoshi or $toteuro €<br>
@@ -48,11 +80,11 @@ $if totsats > 0:
<a href="lightning:$lninvoice['bolt11']"><img src="$qr"></a>
<div id='hash'>
<textarea id='payid'>
<textarea id='payreq'>
@@ -60,5 +92,15 @@ $lninvoice['bolt11']
<button id="copybutton" onclick="copy()">Copy</button>
<button id="backbutton" autofocus onclick="parent.location='/paybtc/$invoice.invoice_key'">Pay with Bitcoin on-chain</button>
+<a href="/checkout">Go back!</a>
diff --git a/public_html/templates/pending.html b/public_html/templates/pending.html
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ $else:
$if totsats > 0:
- total: $totsats Satosi $(toteuro)€
+ total: $totsats Satoshi $(toteuro)€
<a href="/checkout">Go back!</a>
diff --git a/public_html/templates/propaganda.html b/public_html/templates/propaganda.html
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+$def with (configform, picform, goodies, nocache)
+<div id="container">
+<div id="default">
+<form method="POST">
+<b>upload images</b>
+$if goodies != None:
+ $for i in goodies:
+ $if i.soundname[-5:] == '.jpeg' or i.soundname[-4:] == '.png':
+ <img src="/static/img/thumb/$i.soundname?nocache=$nocache">
+ $else:
+ <p>$i.soundname</p>
+ <br>
+ <a href='/propaganda?cmd=flipleft&soundname=$i.soundname'>flip to left</a> |
+ <a href='/propaganda?cmd=remove&soundname=$i.soundname'>remove</a> |
+ <a href='/propaganda?cmd=flipright&soundname=$i.soundname'>flip to right</a>
+ <br>
+ $picform.fill(, description=i.description, description2=i.description2, id=i.soundlink)
+ <form method="POST">
+ $:picform.render()
+ </form>
+ <hr>
+<form method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data" action="">
+<input type="file" name="imgfile"/> <br>
+<input name="upload", type="submit" value="upload" />
diff --git a/public_html/templates/splash.html b/public_html/templates/splash.html
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+$def with (content)
+<!doctype html>
+ <meta charset="utf-8">
+ <title>Gonzo Pi | a retake on filmmaking</title>
+ <link rel="stylesheet" href="/static/splash.css?v=98" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet"/>
+ <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
+ <meta http-equiv="cache-control" content="no-cache">
diff --git a/ b/
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ from bitcoinrpc.authproxy import AuthServiceProxy, JSONRPCException
urls = (
'/?', 'index',
+ '/almost?', 'almost',
'/putinbag/(.*)', 'putinbag',
'/dropitem/(.*)?', 'dropitem',
'/payln/(.*)', 'payln',
@@ -43,6 +44,7 @@ urls = (
'/op', 'op',
'/bitcoin', 'bitcoin',
'/shipping/(.*)', 'shipping',
+ '/propaganda?', 'propaganda',
'/config', 'config',
'/payments?', 'payments')
@@ -64,6 +66,7 @@ app = web.application(urls, globals())
store = web.session.DiskStore(basedir + 'sessions')
render = web.template.render(templatedir, base="base")
renderop = web.template.render(templatedir, base="op")
+rendersplash = web.template.render(templatedir, base="splash")
db = web.database(dbn='sqlite', db=basedir + "db/cyberpunkcafe.db")
session = web.session.Session(app,store,initializer={'login':0, 'privilege':0, 'bag':[], 'sessionkey':'empty'})
@@ -311,6 +314,35 @@ class index():
session.sessionkey = 'empty'
return render.index(products,bag,session.sessionkey,productname,inbag,db,getprice,getrate,i.category, markdown)
+class almost():
+ def GET(self):
+ checkforoldbags()
+ i = web.input(dropitem=None, putinbag=None,error=None,prod=None,category=None)
+ if session.sessionkey == 'empty':
+ session.sessionkey = hashlib.sha256(str(random.getrandbits(256)).encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()[15:35]
+ if i.dropitem != None:
+ session.bag = dropitems(i.dropitem)
+ print(session.bag)
+ if i.putinbag != None:
+ addtobag(i.putinbag)
+ return web.seeother('/#' + i.putinbag)
+ print('Cyberpunk cafe')
+ #print(session.bag)
+ products = db.query("SELECT * FROM products ORDER BY priority DESC")
+ try:
+ bag = db.query("SELECT * FROM customerbag WHERE sessionkey='" + session.sessionkey +"';")
+ except:
+ bag = None
+ try:
+ inbag = db.query("SELECT COUNT(*) AS inbag FROM customerbag where sessionkey='" + session.sessionkey +"';")[0]
+ inbag = int(inbag.inbag)
+ except:
+ inbag = None
+ if inbag < 1:
+ session.sessionkey = 'empty'
+ return rendersplash.almost(products,bag,session.sessionkey,productname,inbag,db,getprice,getrate,i.category, markdown)
class putinbag:
def GET(self, p):
@@ -488,7 +520,8 @@ class payln:
digitalkey ='digitalkey', where="invoice_key='"+invoice_key+"'")[0]
if lninvoice['status'] != 'paid':
bag = db.query("SELECT * FROM customerbag WHERE sessionkey='"+invoice_key+"';")
- return render.payln(lninvoice,invoice,bag,productname,digitalkey,db,getprice,getrate)
+ pendinginfo = getpendinginfo()
+ return render.payln(lninvoice,invoice,bag,productname,digitalkey,db,getprice,getrate,ordertype,pendinginfo,eur_to_sat)
class goodies():
def GET(self, digitalkey):
@@ -512,11 +545,13 @@ class paybtc:
confirmations = int(i['confirmations'])
if invoice.datepaid == None and confirmations > 6:
- msg = 'Tarina Shop order update! someone sent you Bitcoin! ' + baseurl + '/paybtc/' + invoice.invoice_key
+ msg = 'Gonzo Pi shop order update! someone sent you Bitcoin! ' + baseurl + '/paybtc/' + invoice.invoice_key
sendmail(webmaster, 'Tarina Shop', msg)
db.update('invoices', where="invoice_key='" + invoice.invoice_key + "'", status='paid', datepaid=time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'))
- return render.paybtc(invoice, btcaddress, btcuri, showpayment)
+ pendinginfo = getpendinginfo()
+ bag = db.query("SELECT * FROM customerbag WHERE sessionkey='"+invoice_key+"';")
+ return render.paybtc(invoice, btcaddress, btcuri, showpayment, bag, productname, db, getprice, getrate, ordertype, pendinginfo, eur_to_sat)
class orders():
def GET(self):
@@ -630,6 +665,125 @@ class op:
raise web.seeother('/login')
+class propaganda:
+ form = web.form.Form(
+ web.form.Textbox('name', web.form.notnull, description="Site name:"),
+ web.form.Textarea('description', web.form.notnull, description="Slogan:"),
+ web.form.Textarea('description2', web.form.notnull, description="Description:"),
+ web.form.Button('Save'))
+ picform = web.form.Form(
+ web.form.Textbox('name', web.form.notnull, description="Picture header:"),
+ web.form.Textarea('description', web.form.notnull, description="Description:"),
+ web.form.Textarea('description2', web.form.notnull, description="More:"),
+ web.form.Textarea('id', web.form.notnull, description="id:"),
+ web.form.Button('Save'))
+ def GET(self):
+ if logged():
+ i = web.input(cmd=None,soundname=None)
+ nocache = hashlib.sha256(str(random.getrandbits(256)).encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()[11:15]
+ if i.cmd == 'remove' and i.soundname != None:
+ try:
+ os.remove(staticdir+'/img/thumb/'+i.soundname)
+ os.remove(staticdir+'/img/web/'+i.soundname)
+ except:
+ print('notin to delete')
+ goodies = db.query("DELETE FROM propagandapics WHERE soundname='"+i.soundname+"';")
+ raise web.seeother('/propaganda')
+ if i.cmd == 'flipright' and i.soundname != None:
+ original_thumb ='/img/thumb/'+i.soundname)
+ original_web ='/img/web/'+i.soundname)
+ o_thumb=original_thumb.rotate(270)
+ o_web=original_web.rotate(270)
+ raise web.seeother('/propaganda')
+ if i.cmd == 'flipleft' and i.soundname != None:
+ original_thumb ='/img/thumb/'+i.soundname)
+ original_web ='/img/web/'+i.soundname)
+ o_thumb=original_thumb.rotate(90)
+ o_web=original_web.rotate(90)
+ raise web.seeother('/propaganda')
+ configsite = self.form()
+ picturetext = self.picform()
+ try:
+ oldsiteconfig ='propaganda', what='id, name, description, description2')[0]
+ configsite.fill(, description=oldsiteconfig.description, description2=oldsiteconfig.description2)
+ except:
+ print('no non no')
+ goodies = db.query("SELECT * FROM propagandapics;")
+ return renderop.propaganda(configsite, picturetext, goodies, nocache)
+ else:
+ raise web.seeother('/login')
+ def POST(self):
+ addcategory = self.form()
+ i = web.input(imgfile={}, name=None, id=None)
+ if != None:
+ db.update('propagandapics', where='soundlink="''"',, description=i.description, description2=i.description2 )
+ raise web.seeother('/propaganda')
+ if != None:
+ #db.insert('propaganda',, description=i.description, description2=i.description2 )
+ db.update('propaganda', where='id=1',, description=i.description, description2=i.description2 )
+ if i.imgfile != {}:
+ if i.imgfile.filename == '':
+ print('hmmm... no image to upload')
+ raise web.seeother('/config/')
+ print('YEAH, Upload image!')
+ ##---------- UPLOAD IMAGE ----------
+ filepath=i.imgfile.filename.replace('\\','/') # replaces the windows-style slashes with linux ones.
+ #split and only take the filename with extension
+ #soundpath=filepath.split('/')[-1]
+ #if soundpath == '':
+ # return render.nope("strange, no filename found!")
+ #get filetype, last three
+ imgname=filepath.split('/')[-1] # splits the and chooses the last part (the filename with extension)
+ filetype = imgname.split('.')[-1].lower()
+ if filetype == 'jpg':
+ filetype = 'jpeg'
+ soundname = imgname.split('.')[0]
+ #lets remove unwanted characters yes please!
+ sound = ''
+ for p in soundname.lower():
+ if p in allowedchar:
+ sound = sound + p
+ if sound == '':
+ raise web.seeother('/upload?fail=wierdname')
+ soundname = sound + '_Gonzo_Pi.' + filetype
+ print(soundname)
+ print("filename is " + imgname + " filetype is " + filetype + " soundname is " + soundname + " trying to upload file from: " + filepath)
+ #if filetype != 'wav' or 'ogg' or 'flac' or 'jpeg' or 'jpg' or 'mp3':
+ # web.seeother('/upload?fail=notsupported')
+ #imghash = hashlib.md5(str(random.getrandbits(256)).encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()
+ #imgname = imghash
+ #imgname = str(len(os.listdir(imgdir))).zfill(3) + '.jpeg'
+ soundlink = hashlib.sha256(str(random.getrandbits(256)).encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()[9:36]
+ imgdir = staticdir+'upload/'+soundlink+'/'
+ os.system('mkdir -p ' + imgdir)
+ fout = open(imgdir + soundname,'wb') # creates the file where the uploaded file should be stored
+ fout.write( # writes the uploaded file to the newly created file.
+ fout.close() # closes the file, upload complete.
+ db.insert('propagandapics', soundlink=soundlink, soundname=soundname,
+ if filetype == 'jpeg' or filetype == 'png':
+ ##---------- OPEN FILE & CHEKC IF JPEG --------
+ image = + soundname)
+ #if image.format != 'JPEG':
+ # os.remove(imgdir +'/'+ soundname)
+ # raise web.seeother('/products/' + idvalue)
+ ##---------- RESIZE IMAGE SAVE TO PRODUCT-----------
+ imgdir=staticdir+'img'
+ try:
+ os.makedirs(imgdir + '/web/', exist_ok=True)
+ os.makedirs(imgdir + '/thumb/', exist_ok=True)
+ except:
+ print('Folders is')
+ image.thumbnail((1500,1500), Image.ANTIALIAS)
+ + '/web/'+soundname)
+ image.thumbnail((500,500), Image.ANTIALIAS)
+ + '/thumb/'+soundname)
+ raise web.seeother('/propaganda')
class config:
form = web.form.Form(
web.form.Textbox('name', web.form.notnull, description="Site name:"),