commit 79c240d1532f2b06af8550cee75020fb9e2d3b19
parent 553a9f87165f8e1b7d9d972389a1d1b12d2b1458
Author: rbckman <rbckman@localhost.localdomain>
Date: Fri, 7 Sep 2018 16:47:50 +0300
trying to figure out github markdown
1 file changed, 47 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)
diff --git a/docs/ b/docs/
Build instructions for the lazy filmmaker camera.
[Buy the parts](#buy-the-parts)
-[3d printing](#3d printing)
-[Post processing](#Post processing)
-[Soldering buttons](#Soldering buttons)
-[Putting it together](#Putting it together)
-[Installing software](#Installing software)
+[3d printing](#3d-printing)
+[Post processing](#post-processing)
+[Soldering stuff](#soldering-stuff)
+[Putting it together](#putting-it-together)
+[Installing software](#installing-software)

@@ -287,8 +292,44 @@ So far I've come to this conclusion:
-Step four
+Soldering stuff
+Documentation on its way, if your in a hurry feel free to drop a message in [telegram](
Putting it together
+Documentation is on its way, if your in a hurry feel free to drop a message in [telegram](
+Installing software
+Download latest [Raspbian]( and follow [install instructions](
+[Ssh into]( Raspberry Pi and run:
+sudo raspi-config
+Expand file system, enable camera and then reboot.
+Run this to install git:
+sudo apt-get install git
+Git clone tarina and then run install script with sudo:
+git clone
+cd tarina
+sudo ./
+You'r ready to rumble:
+that's all folks...