
List of Authors

AuthorCommits (%)+ lines- linesFirst commitLast commitAgeActive days# by commits
rob15 (88.24%)5424213092023-11-222024-05-29189 days, 8:14:0451
rbckman2 (11.76%)6769922024-02-292024-02-290:00:1412

Cumulated Added Lines of Code per Author

Lines of code per Author

Commits per Author

Commits per Author

Author of Month

MonthAuthorCommits (%)Next top 5Number of authors
2024-05rob1 (100.00% of 1)1
2024-03rob3 (100.00% of 3)1
2024-02rob2 (50.00% of 4)rbckman2
2023-11rob9 (100.00% of 9)1

Author of Year

YearAuthorCommits (%)Next top 5Number of authors
2024rob6 (75.00% of 8)rbckman2
2023rob9 (100.00% of 9)1

Commits by Domains

DomainsTotal (%)
tarina.org17 (100.00%)
Commits by Domains