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commit d9867528cf5e2985f72eca3cf66860dd5ea39589
parent 2846568781047bd7153b908a12f7d3f3e6882e77
Author: rob <>
Date:   Mon, 21 Nov 2022 00:14:50 +0200


Meurolink.fountain | 121+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
1 file changed, 118 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

diff --git a/eurolink.fountain b/eurolink.fountain @@ -7,14 +7,127 @@ Robins Trägård, Skinnarby, FIN a Rockman Brothers movie story by Beckmen Brothers -written and directed by Rob dedicated to All Free Software, Free Hardware, Free Speech, Free Thinkers, big respect and much love! +This is better read with an dialect. + "The Best Way To Stop it is To Do Better Brainwashing" -Coder -STORY TELLER -They say man can become a woman and change so that it looks like it. But really? cahnging cromosomes? nope it is impossible. Why they still fall for it? believing something as stupid as that. Good brainwashing. until they show me a man having a baby I gonna think they lost. You born what u born too. Cant change kromosome. They think they raise their voice a little and the evybadi hav to call man lady. wtf!? In movies even Arnold can have babies but movies make anything possibbe as you'll see in this movie. Some people just got really stupid and focus on them selfcenterd thinking all problems just from these wierd stupid things about them and believing throwing money they dont have on eerything solves eevrything without havin to solev nothin. What u do with these peoples, the retarded debt people, paper turning people with bullshit jobs who dont produce aythingof any value to whom whatsoever, who almost killed all of us! If we would have not run outta oil these peple would have killed us for sure. You dont play by their rules. and we ok! it just that a good amount of peoples still belive that crap. we got internet, its more decentrilzed than ever cuz its patched by the common people. the plebs. Magic internet money is dong just fine. (pcture of bitcoin, price now 420.535, went up to 1270.000). +Picture of ladybugs. Picture of dead chili. Picture of Aphids. +Pictures of chilipeppers dooin just fine. It's blue contry to the inside with green chiliplants and nice led full spectrum lights. Outside is lots of snow. We hear the coffe going in the background probably in kitchen, nope it's a coffe table near keyboard. There is a smoke going also. HOme rolled. + +We see Coder takin the pan with on going droppin coffe and then manages to somehow not spill any and puts pan with still droppin water on coffe maker plate the MOCCAMASTER, old and dirty. No, but that will only clean the plate and steam the room as Coder thinks to himself putting down the yellow green red painted humongus cup of coffee on the table touching the keyboard and almost spilling coffe on it. + +CLOSE UP Ladybugs eatings some Aphids. + +PUMPING TECHNO MUSIC alá MR ROBOT. CODER got some kinda machine that is rotating another thing and lazer sensors. CLOSE UP Lazer! + +EXT. TRACTOR WOODS +A tractor in the woods. Cutting down trees. There's someone with skiis in the woods on a hill. He stop byy just lookin. He goes for the hill. He skiis to the tractor lookin ginda stupid but cool i guess. He dont fall. He go to tractor. Tractor open door. Throws a box on the ground. We hear voice saying "Fix it!". + +CODER +Hey maan, u didnt need to throw it on the ground. + +VOICE IN TRACTOR +It was a gravity fall test. now we know if it dont break dont fix it. Fix it. It brokem, sometings up. yo. Fix it! it crap. + +Coder just show he dont now what up. + +CODER +Okey man I look into it. + +Coder pic up the box, it look ok, Coder's like sup man? ok, ok, i lookin in to it. goddam! + +Close up of coder he start thinkin, long time ago I did this stupid thing, wait a minute, yeah now I remember. He goes off a downhill, whoa, he almost drop the box. + +INT. CODER HOME + +Close UP Coder fixing the thing. Plugin the device in to this roatry thing he buildin. We see screen. COder is writing in the terminal. + +nmap 27.27.27.* + +We see Coder writing looking bored. He goes to the roatry thing on the table. Turns it around looks at the screen, hii bored. Back to screen hee now sshd in wizzard@oz he write + +vim main.c + +We go into c code we looks at it he go. + +CODER +Whadda fuuuck have i been smoking. + +He patches up the code. We see a better clean up to the roatry coder program he probably written cuz he goddam awesome, we then see hi build this gui to it just to show of his amazing skills in python3 GTK4. + +EXT. CODER YARD + +We back out. Coder leave house. There is a snow storm outside. Coder just go into the snow blaze. + +EXT. WOODS + +Coder open up tractor door. Still fuckin blazing outside. Looks like it rains ice. Coders hair is all frozen and fuck up. We see man in tractor turnin of radio. + +CODER +Yeah, you where right, now it's ok. + +We outside. Tractor turns on. Door doesnt want to shut cuz all of the snow. Coder is standing away from the tractor. He got skiglases on now. Alot of blazin snow. CLOSE UP him going downhill in the hill he make a jump into the blue blaze. + +INT. CODER HOME + +CODER +We imagine only what we've been told what's real. When we start to find out what's real, we get amazed, so amazed that we shut us in deeper to the abyss of false promecis. Imagine a world where your food grows from the ground into your house, fresh apple juice every mornin and it's delivarance a specific time of year and you pressed some, fermented some and made a cake outta some. No pollution. Only benefits. Good shit. + +And you get to climb that three, KID 1 climbing tree. KID 2 hang a freakn rope on one of the branches, KID 1 jump outta one window and swing around the tree, go inside another room through another window. Where a family eating an apple cake and whatching that same thing on an old TV that I just described, that TARZAN KID. Oh, and it's that same russian, that same russian family back in the script, ok lets do a RUSSIAN FAMILY. + +CODER +There's no one going into towns anymore. Some go. And you know the ones. One is The Maker mii Baker the Madbaker as someone calls him. Hell, I don't even know his real name. In fact, I don't even wana know. + +CODER +Some say he this crazy kung foo master from japan. I don't know. + +Picture of Kung Foo master in bakery. Making Rye Bread. Training hitting holes with wooden poles that fit perfect and goes to pwerfect position everytime. There is CHEF lookin at breads in an owen. + +INT. BREAD OWEN +inside bread owen, rye bread looking good. Chef is also looking good behind the owen window. + +CHEF +That's fine. That's fine. That's fine. + +He do somekind Kung Foo and throws the bread too Madbaker pole where he catches them in perfect places. He put poles into this matchine that looks lika a miniature of Elon Musks that air pipe thing that was going to get you from San Fransisco to LA in an hour or somtin. Anywas same kina thing but in miniature and they put bread in it sending them to Hellsinking. + +CODER +They get paid in this fuuck, I dont know, this EuroLink virtual world thing. You need to use this wierd ass system. Fakin vaacum seald they check it and sure it it too. + +Fine Ladies and Gentlemen eating rye bread in a restaurant in Helsinki, Some chef open a vacum seald rye bread a pack of 5, he puts he nose deep down and snort the fuck outta that bag. CUT TO CLOSE UP. He come uup Looking smiling and good. + +CODER +They can get some things from there. GASOLINE. Aand if u good u can hack it a little, try some things out. But it can get fucked up quickly there if you try messing with it, best way to do it is to get the hell out NOW! TURN ON, TUNE IN and DROP OUT. SOme things are really fucking wierd and fucked up these days. + +CODER +We got it pretty good. Got it together you know. No buddy want to mess with anybody from where im from. I meen, you have to stick with a pack. They try to come in to villages you now. Steal and rob everything you got, if you put up a fight, they try to kil you, they wana fight you, they crazy ass motherfuckers and they gonna kill you anyways. The SCANVENGERS. The pack is best as a village two to three hundred or so. And could you imagine, these villages where living the best days of their lands, they started producing everything for themselves again. Everybody got out into the lands, we still had the knowledge to do it. Even more than before. Never before had there been a Permanent Culture movement taking over this fast. We started taking more responsibilites, our lands florished. We saw more possibilites to create food and forrests than one could ever have imagined, we got busy living, IRLING, as we say it. + +Coder in his yard, sunny golden blue sky and that blue greenish thing that the plants get in the shadows which you can see those beautiful sunny days. He is doing this Permanent Culture thing. + +CODER +We preserved all of those beautifal perennialls and started livin and depend on our own invironment. It was freakin beautiful. We made our local grown food events. Our local cooked food dinner some aRrr own oome breewn rastabruuu and hooooomead liqurage! ands hooome the mighty of the mighty ooome gooon ganja iit reaal sun ool ool sunner maan it reaal sun oool oll warm this summer maan an it da beest. Then later outside and later inside parties with awesome musicans from Around I guess, Everyting was pretty nice in our community but the outside grew more wieard and fuckin mean by each year. And then this fucking SCANVENGERS. + +CODER +We still need wood. We put the last drops to do whatever is for sure a surplus. Wood. Nothing burns like wood. Now here's something I gotta tell ya. We got good at burning wood. Not wasting any of those gases, and we had the solution right in front of use all the time. The preppers knew. The cobhouse builders knew it and oboj have we been building Permanent Culture like never before and things are actually much better now than back when we grew food that we couldnt afford and it was killing us. The ongoing brainwashing was totally killed by the experts in the end, and in a funny way. Every single time. Life works in absolutely hilarious ways, anyways, there was a fork, people started just laughing at the people believin in Politics, or they just wanted to have nothin to do with them, as little as possible. These robbers are the bastards. Taking all your freedoms away on national debt. Seems like nobady can run a country these days, few exceptions, overall picture is not looking that dandy maan. We can't just run around this way, around and around chasing our own tail. Every single time. We can stop the war now man. Or later, I prefer now. There's no better surplus if we talking about not using gas or coal or oil. Wood is when you think the best way to start responsible living right here right now buddy! grow some trees and see them grow, climb in them! nurture them. Plant them on the best spots, where they got best water or you can wxperiment and groe wm in dry place wiht almost no water, u be surpised of what would come outta it. We need to stop depend on these bonuses we've grown to love to hate and we have just build these dandy cob hoiuse with the rocket stove. + +CODER +nope it is impossible! Why they still fall for it? believing something as stupid as that. Good brainwashing. We all fall for it, we always do, before we grow up. Something however are meant to be leaven and is meant to be the road to stick to and maybe try other paths only to find oneself on that same path. Back to the original you. You born what u born too. Cant change ur kromosome. It come down to that. They think they raise their voice a little and the evybadi hav to call man lady. wtf!? In movies even Arnold can have babies but movies make anything possibbe as you'll see in this movie! + +CODER +Some people just got really stupid and focus on them selfcenterd thinking all problems just from these wierd stupid things about them and believing throwing money they dont have on eerything solves eevrything without havin to solev nothin. What u do with these peoples, we the retarded debt people? + +Picture of scrolling through World Depth Clock + +CODER +I meen really?? What are we doing and why are we doing it? + +I meen look at it! I meaan it scam. Scam! everyting look around everythin a scam! + +CODER +paper turning people with bullshit jobs who dont produce aything of any value to whom whatsoever, who killing evybadi and evything it touches maan! If we would have not run outta oil these peple would have killed us for sure. Thank fucking god it got scares. You dont play by their rules. and we ok! it just that a good amount of peoples still belive that crap. we got internet, its more decentrilzed than ever cuz its patched by the common people. Magic internet money is dong just fine. (pcture of bitcoin, price now 420.535, went up to 1270.000). A scene where a camera tries to identify Coder. We only see the camera start searching for object. No answer CUT TO: @@ -112,6 +225,8 @@ Dansa Dansa! SCANVENGERS, they rob people from food and money and rape woman. Sometimes they even eat them. They drink käsidesi and look like shit. + + Some say they not actually in control of their bodies. THey say they somehow an avatar for other users on the eurolink protocol. INT. SCANVENGER Rob Family Scene