
git clone https://git.tarina.org/waterlife
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waterlife.py (7210B)

      1 import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
      2 import time
      3 import json
      4 import requests
      5 import socket
      6 import os
      7 import pickle
      8 import datetime
     10 #bygdis keypad dörrlås system
     12 keypass = ''
     13 passcodes = []
     14 rundir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
     15 if rundir != '':
     16     os.chdir(rundir)
     17 folder = os.getcwd()
     18 print(folder)
     19 f = open(folder+"/apikey", "r")
     20 apikey = f.readline().strip()
     21 open_door = False
     23 GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM)
     24 GPIO.setup(15, GPIO.OUT) #PUMP
     25 GPIO.setup(22, GPIO.OUT) #HOSE1
     26 GPIO.setup(27, GPIO.OUT) #HOSE2
     27 GPIO.setup(17, GPIO.OUT) #HOSE3
     28 GPIO.setup(26, GPIO.OUT) #HOSE4
     29 GPIO.setup(14, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_DOWN) #Öppen knappen
     30 GPIO.output(15,GPIO.HIGH)
     31 GPIO.output(22,GPIO.HIGH)
     32 GPIO.output(27,GPIO.HIGH)
     33 GPIO.output(17,GPIO.HIGH)
     34 GPIO.output(26,GPIO.HIGH)
     36 oldcode = ''
     38 def save_passcodes(passcodes):
     39     global folder
     40     with open('water.json', 'w') as out_file:
     41         json.dump(passcodes, out_file, sort_keys = True, indent = 4, ensure_ascii = False)
     42         print('save passcodes for offline mode')
     44 def load_passcodes():
     45     global folder
     46     try:
     47         with open('water.json') as data_file:
     48             passcodes = json.load(data_file)
     49         print('loaded passcodes')
     50         print(passcodes)
     51     except:
     52         passcodes = ''
     53     return passcodes
     55 def check_if_open():
     56     if GPIO.input(14):
     57         #print('Dörrn e ypi')
     58         GPIO.output(26, GPIO.HIGH)
     59         return True
     60     else:
     61         #print('Dörrn e stängd')
     62         GPIO.output(26, GPIO.LOW)
     63         return False
     65 def is_webz_on():
     66     try:
     67         socket.create_connection(("google.com",80))
     68         return True
     69     except:
     70         pass
     71     print('no internet connection!')
     72     return False
     74 def getcodes():
     75     global apikey
     76     url = 'https://water.tarina.org/waterapi?apikey='+apikey
     77     try:
     78         resp = requests.get(url=url)
     79         data = resp.json()
     80         save_passcodes(data)
     81         print(data)
     82     except:
     83         print('cant access water tarina')
     84         data = load_passcodes()
     85     return data
     87 def keylogger(code):
     88     global apikey, oldcode
     89     if oldcode != code:
     90         oldcode = code
     91         print('logging key ' + str(code))
     92         url = 'https://water.tarina.org/waterapi?apikey='+apikey+'&logger=' + str(code)
     93         try:
     94             resp = requests.get(url=url)
     95             print(resp)
     96         except:
     97             print('cant access water tarina')
     99 def doordebug():
    100     global apikey, open_door, keypass
    101     print('sending debug info to water api')
    102     doorstate=check_if_open()
    103     print(doorstate)
    104     debug=str(keypass)
    105     url = 'https://water.tarina.org/waterapi?apikey='+apikey+'&doorstate='+str(doorstate)+'&debug='+str(debug)
    106     try:
    107         resp = requests.get(url=url)
    108         print(resp)
    109     except:
    110         print('cant send debug info to water tarina')
    111     return
    113 def keybeep():
    114     GPIO.output(21,GPIO.HIGH)
    115     time.sleep(0.05)
    116     GPIO.output(21,GPIO.LOW)
    118 def failbeep():
    119     successbeep()
    120     successbeep()
    122 def successbeep():
    123     GPIO.output(21,GPIO.HIGH)
    124     time.sleep(0.25)
    125     GPIO.output(21,GPIO.LOW)
    127 def processKey(key):
    128     global keypass
    129     keybeep()
    130     print(key)
    131     keypass += key
    132     if len(keypass) == 4:
    133         check(keypass)
    134         keypass = ''
    135     print(keypass)
    137 def check(keypass):
    138     global passcodes, open_door
    139     print(passcodes)
    140     if keypass in passcodes:
    141         successbeep()
    142         open_door = True
    143         keylogger(keypass)
    144     else:
    145         failbeep()
    147 def opendoor():
    148     GPIO.output(26, GPIO.HIGH)
    149     GPIO.output(16,GPIO.HIGH)
    150     GPIO.output(20,GPIO.HIGH)
    151     time.sleep(5)
    153 def closedoor():
    154     GPIO.output(26, GPIO.LOW)
    155     GPIO.output(16,GPIO.LOW)
    158 start_time = time.time()
    159 get_code_time = time.time()
    160 waterschedule = load_passcodes()
    161 watering=False
    162 status='system running'
    163 oldstatus=''
    164 if is_webz_on():
    165     keylogger('system up running')
    166 else:
    167     print('offline')
    169 while 1:
    170     run_time = time.time() - start_time
    171     update = time.time() - get_code_time
    172     time.sleep(0.1)
    173     if update > 10:
    174         get_code_time = time.time()
    175         if is_webz_on():
    176             waterschedule = getcodes()
    177             if status != oldstatus:
    178                 keylogger(status)
    179                 oldstatus = status
    180         else:
    181             waterschedule = load_passcodes()
    182     if watering==False and waterschedule['system']=='on':
    183         if datetime.datetime.now().hour==waterschedule['bevattning1'] and datetime.datetime.now().minute==55:
    184             watering=True
    185             wateringstart=time.time()
    186             keylogger('watering started')
    187         elif datetime.datetime.now().hour==waterschedule['bevattning2'] and datetime.datetime.now().minute==55:
    188             watering=True
    189             wateringstart=time.time()
    190             keylogger('watering started')
    191     if watering == True and waterschedule['system']=='on':
    192         try:
    193             hose1=int(waterschedule['hose1']*60)
    194         except:
    195             hose1=0
    196         try:
    197             hose2=int(waterschedule['hose2']*60)
    198         except:
    199             hose2=0
    200         try:
    201             hose3=int(waterschedule['hose3']*60)
    202         except:
    203             hose3=0
    204         try:
    205             hose4=int(waterschedule['hose4']*60)
    206         except:
    207             hose4=0
    208         wateringtime = time.time()-wateringstart
    209         GPIO.output(15,GPIO.LOW)
    210         if wateringtime < hose1:
    211             status='watering with hose1 '+str(int(hose1-wateringtime))+' seconds left'
    212             GPIO.output(15,GPIO.LOW)
    213             GPIO.output(22,GPIO.LOW)
    214             GPIO.output(27,GPIO.HIGH)
    215             GPIO.output(17,GPIO.HIGH)
    216             GPIO.output(26,GPIO.HIGH)
    217         elif wateringtime > hose1 and wateringtime < hose1+hose2:
    218             status='watering with hose2 '+str(int((hose1+hose2)-wateringtime))+' seconds left'
    219             GPIO.output(15,GPIO.LOW)
    220             GPIO.output(22,GPIO.HIGH)
    221             GPIO.output(27,GPIO.LOW)
    222             GPIO.output(17,GPIO.HIGH)
    223             GPIO.output(26,GPIO.HIGH)
    224         elif wateringtime > hose1+hose2 and wateringtime < hose1+hose2+hose3:
    225             status='watering with hose3 '+str(int((hose1+hose2+hose3)-wateringtime))+' seconds left'
    226             GPIO.output(15,GPIO.LOW)
    227             GPIO.output(22,GPIO.HIGH)
    228             GPIO.output(27,GPIO.HIGH)
    229             GPIO.output(17,GPIO.LOW)
    230             GPIO.output(26,GPIO.HIGH)
    231         elif wateringtime > hose1+hose2+hose3 and wateringtime < hose1+hose2+hose3+hose4:
    232             status='watering with hose3 '+str(int((hose1+hose2+hose3+hose4)-wateringtime))+' seconds left'
    233             GPIO.output(15,GPIO.LOW)
    234             GPIO.output(22,GPIO.HIGH)
    235             GPIO.output(27,GPIO.HIGH)
    236             GPIO.output(17,GPIO.HIGH)
    237             GPIO.output(26,GPIO.LOW)
    238         elif wateringtime > hose1+hose2+hose3+hose4:
    239             GPIO.output(15,GPIO.HIGH)
    240             GPIO.output(22,GPIO.HIGH)
    241             GPIO.output(27,GPIO.HIGH)
    242             GPIO.output(17,GPIO.HIGH)
    243             GPIO.output(26,GPIO.HIGH)
    244             watering=False
    245             keylogger('watering done')
    246     else: 
    247         keylogger('system off')
    248         GPIO.output(15,GPIO.HIGH)
    249         GPIO.output(22,GPIO.HIGH)
    250         GPIO.output(27,GPIO.HIGH)
    251         GPIO.output(17,GPIO.HIGH)
    252         GPIO.output(26,GPIO.HIGH)
    253         watering=False