thankyou.html (1093B)
1 $def with (lninvoice, invoice, bag, productname, float) 2 $ qr = '/static/qr/' + lninvoice['label'] + '.png' 3 <script> 4 function copy() { 5 let textarea = document.getElementById("payreq"); 6; 7 document.execCommand("copy"); 8 } 9 </script> 10 <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="60" /> 11 <h2>Thank you for you payment!</h2> 12 in your order (click to remove):<br> 13 $for i in bag: 14 $code: 15 price = i.quantity * float(i.price/100) 16 <a href="/dropitem/$i.product">$i.quantity x $productname(i.product)</a> $price€ <br> 17 <img src="/static/img/$i.product/thumb/000.jpeg" style="width:120px"><br> 18 19 <h3>$float(invoice.amount/100)€</h3> 20 <h3>$invoice.totsats Satoshi</h3> 21 <h3>$lninvoice['status']</h3> 22 <br> 23 <img src="$qr"> 24 <div id='hash'> 25 <h4>id:</h4> 26 <textarea id='payid'> 27 $lninvoice['label'] 28 </textarea> 29 <h4>bolt11:</h4> 30 <textarea id='payreq'> 31 $lninvoice['bolt11'] 32 </textarea> 33 <br> 34 <button id="copybutton" onclick="copy()">Copy</button> 35 <button id="backbutton" autofocus onclick="parent.location='/paybtc/$invoice.invoice_key'">Pay with Bitcoin on-chain</button> 36 </div>