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      5 <title>index.html - - Unnamed repository; edit this file &#39;description&#39; to name the repository.
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     13 <table><tr><td><a href="../../../../"><img src="../../../logo.png" alt="" width="32" height="32" /></a></td><td><h1></h1><span class="desc">Unnamed repository; edit this file &#39;description&#39; to name the repository.
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     17 <div id="content">
     18 <p> index.html (1800B)</p><hr/><pre id="blob">
     19 <a href="#l1" class="line" id="l1">      1</a> $def with (products, b, bag, str, int, float, sessionkey, productname)
     20 <a href="#l2" class="line" id="l2">      2</a> $ tot = 0
     21 <a href="#l3" class="line" id="l3">      3</a> $ x = 0
     22 <a href="#l4" class="line" id="l4">      4</a> 
     23 <a href="#l5" class="line" id="l5">      5</a> &lt;div id=&quot;logocontainer&quot;&gt;
     24 <a href="#l6" class="line" id="l6">      6</a> &lt;div id=&quot;logo2&quot;&gt;
     25 <a href="#l7" class="line" id="l7">      7</a> &lt;img class=&quot;logo&quot; src=&quot;/static/logo.png&quot;&gt; 
     26 <a href="#l8" class="line" id="l8">      8</a> &lt;/div&gt;
     27 <a href="#l9" class="line" id="l9">      9</a> &lt;div id=&quot;logo&quot;&gt;
     28 <a href="#l10" class="line" id="l10">     10</a> &lt;h1&gt;GETDA&lt;br&gt;FUCK&lt;br&gt;OUTTA&lt;br&gt;HERE&lt;/h1&gt;
     29 <a href="#l11" class="line" id="l11">     11</a> &lt;/div&gt;
     30 <a href="#l12" class="line" id="l12">     12</a> &lt;p&gt;Good Old Shit Shop&lt;/p&gt;
     31 <a href="#l13" class="line" id="l13">     13</a> &lt;/div&gt;
     32 <a href="#l14" class="line" id="l14">     14</a> &lt;br&gt;
     33 <a href="#l15" class="line" id="l15">     15</a> 
     34 <a href="#l16" class="line" id="l16">     16</a> &lt;div id=&quot;productlist&quot;&gt;
     35 <a href="#l17" class="line" id="l17">     17</a> $for i in products:
     36 <a href="#l18" class="line" id="l18">     18</a>     &lt;div class=&quot;dashiit&quot; id=&quot;$;&gt;
     37 <a href="#l19" class="line" id="l19">     19</a>     $code:
     38 <a href="#l20" class="line" id="l20">     20</a>         sat = str(int(b.convert_to_btc(i.price/100, &#39;EUR&#39;) * 100000000))
     39 <a href="#l21" class="line" id="l21">     21</a>     &lt;h2&gt;
     40 <a href="#l22" class="line" id="l22">     22</a>     $
     41 <a href="#l23" class="line" id="l23">     23</a>     &lt;/h2&gt;
     42 <a href="#l24" class="line" id="l24">     24</a>     &lt;p&gt;$i.description&lt;/p&gt;
     43 <a href="#l25" class="line" id="l25">     25</a>     $for p in i.images:
     44 <a href="#l26" class="line" id="l26">     26</a>         &lt;a href=&quot;/bigpic/$$p&quot;&gt;&lt;img src=&quot;/static/img/$$p&quot;&gt;&lt;/a&gt;
     45 <a href="#l27" class="line" id="l27">     27</a>     &lt;br&gt;
     46 <a href="#l28" class="line" id="l28">     28</a>     $if i.available &gt; 0:
     47 <a href="#l29" class="line" id="l29">     29</a>         Price $sat Satoshi ~ $(&quot;%1.2f&quot; % float(i.price/100))&amp;euro; &lt;a href=&quot;?putinbag=$$;&gt;order&lt;/a&gt;&lt;br&gt;
     48 <a href="#l30" class="line" id="l30">     30</a>         Available $str(i.available) pcs
     49 <a href="#l31" class="line" id="l31">     31</a>     $else:
     50 <a href="#l32" class="line" id="l32">     32</a>         SOLD OUT! check back later.
     51 <a href="#l33" class="line" id="l33">     33</a>     &lt;/div&gt;
     52 <a href="#l34" class="line" id="l34">     34</a>     &lt;br&gt;
     53 <a href="#l35" class="line" id="l35">     35</a>     &lt;small&gt;~-~&lt;/small&gt;
     54 <a href="#l36" class="line" id="l36">     36</a>     &lt;br&gt;
     55 <a href="#l37" class="line" id="l37">     37</a> &lt;/div&gt;
     56 <a href="#l38" class="line" id="l38">     38</a> &lt;p&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
     57 <a href="#l39" class="line" id="l39">     39</a> &lt;h3&gt;rate is $int(b.get_latest_price(&#39;EUR&#39;))&amp;euro;/btc&lt;/h4&gt;
     58 <a href="#l40" class="line" id="l40">     40</a> &lt;small&gt;powered by &lt;a href=&quot;;&gt;c-lightning&lt;/a&gt;, &lt;a href=&quot;;&gt;lightning-charge&lt;/a&gt; and &lt;a href=&quot;;&gt; &lt;/a&gt;&lt;/small&gt;
     59 <a href="#l41" class="line" id="l41">     41</a> &lt;br&gt;
     60 <a href="#l42" class="line" id="l42">     42</a> &lt;br&gt;
     61 <a href="#l43" class="line" id="l43">     43</a> &lt;br&gt;
     62 <a href="#l44" class="line" id="l44">     44</a> &lt;br&gt;
     63 <a href="#l45" class="line" id="l45">     45</a> &lt;br&gt;
     64 <a href="#l46" class="line" id="l46">     46</a> &lt;br&gt;
     65 <a href="#l47" class="line" id="l47">     47</a> &lt;br&gt;
     66 <a href="#l48" class="line" id="l48">     48</a> &lt;div id=&quot;bag&quot;&gt;
     67 <a href="#l49" class="line" id="l49">     49</a> $if bag != []:
     68 <a href="#l50" class="line" id="l50">     50</a>     &lt;div id=&quot;insidebag&quot;&gt;
     69 <a href="#l51" class="line" id="l51">     51</a>     in your order (click to remove): 
     70 <a href="#l52" class="line" id="l52">     52</a>     $for i in bag: 
     71 <a href="#l53" class="line" id="l53">     53</a>         $code:
     72 <a href="#l54" class="line" id="l54">     54</a>             price = i.quantity * float(i.price/100)
     73 <a href="#l55" class="line" id="l55">     55</a>         $#&lt;img src=&quot;/static/img/$i.product/thumb/000.jpeg&quot; style=&quot;width:50px&quot;&gt;
     74 <a href="#l56" class="line" id="l56">     56</a>         &lt;a href=&quot;/dropitem/$i.product&quot;&gt;$i.quantity x $productname(i.product)&lt;/a&gt; $price&amp;euro; | 
     75 <a href="#l57" class="line" id="l57">     57</a>         $code:
     76 <a href="#l58" class="line" id="l58">     58</a>             tot += price
     77 <a href="#l59" class="line" id="l59">     59</a> $if tot &gt; 0:
     78 <a href="#l60" class="line" id="l60">     60</a>     &lt;br&gt;
     79 <a href="#l61" class="line" id="l61">     61</a>     total: $(tot)&amp;euro; or in real money $int(b.convert_to_btc(tot, &#39;EUR&#39;) * 100000000) Satoshi
     80 <a href="#l62" class="line" id="l62">     62</a>     &lt;a href=&quot;/checkout&quot;&gt;Checkout&lt;/a&gt;
     81 <a href="#l63" class="line" id="l63">     63</a>     &lt;/div&gt;
     82 <a href="#l64" class="line" id="l64">     64</a> &lt;/div&gt;
     83 </pre>
     84 </div>
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     86 </html>