filmpage.html (2177B)
1 $def with (film, scenes, str, filmfolder, counttakes, countshots, shots, scene, takes, shot, take) 2 $ video = '' 3 $if take != None: 4 <h1>$film | scene $scene | shot $shot | take $take</h1> 5 <h2><a href='?scene=$scene&shot=$shot'>go back</a></h2><br> 6 $ video = '/static/Videos/' + film + '/scene' + str(scene).zfill(3) + '/shot' + str(shot).zfill(3) + '/take' + str(take).zfill(3) + '.mp4' 7 $elif shot != None: 8 <h1>$film | scene $scene | shot $shot</h1> 9 <h2><a href='?scene=$scene'>go back</a></h2><br> 10 $ video = '/static/Videos/' + film + '/scene' + str(scene).zfill(3) + '/shot' + str(shot).zfill(3) + '/take' + str(takes).zfill(3) + '.mp4' 11 $elif scene != None: 12 <h1>$film | scene $scene</h1> 13 <h2><a href='/f/$film'>go back</a><h2><br> 14 $ video = '/static/Videos/' + film + '/scene' + str(scene).zfill(3) + '/scene.mp4' 15 $elif scene == None: 16 <h1>$film</h1> 17 $ video = '/static/Videos/' + film + '/' + film + '.mp4' 18 <video width="80%" controls> 19 <source src="$video" type="video/mp4"> 20 Your brower is caput 21 </video> 22 <p>Copy project to your destination:</p> 23 <pre>scp -r pi@tarina.local:~/Videos/$film ~/films/$film </pre> 24 25 $if shot != None: 26 $for t in range(takes): 27 $ thumbnail_url = '/static/Videos/' + film + '/scene' + str(scene).zfill(3) + '/shot' + str(shot).zfill(3) + '/take' + str(t+1).zfill(3) + '.jpeg' 28 <a href="?scene=$scene&shot=$shot&take=${str(t+1)}"><img width="80%" src="$thumbnail_url"/></a><br> 29 $elif scene != None: 30 $for s in range(shots) 31 $ t = countshots(film, filmfolder, scene) 32 $ p = counttakes(film, filmfolder, scene, s+1) 33 $ thumbnail_url = '/static/Videos/' + film + '/scene' + str(scene).zfill(3) + '/shot' + str(s+1).zfill(3) + '/take' + str(p).zfill(3) + '.jpeg' 34 <a href="?scene=$scene&shot=${str(s+1)}"><img width="80%" src="$thumbnail_url"/></a><br> 35 $else: 36 $for s in range(scenes): 37 $ t = counttakes(film, filmfolder, s+1, 1) 38 $ thumbnail_url = '/static/Videos/' + film + '/scene' + str(s+1).zfill(3) + '/shot001/take' + str(t).zfill(3) + '.jpeg' 39 <a href="?scene=${str(s+1)}"><img width="80%" src="$thumbnail_url"/></a><br>