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tarinactrl.py (11442B)

      1 #!/usr/bin/env/ python
      2 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
      4 #code by rbckman
      5 #freesoftware, copy,share&remix=care
      7 import os
      8 import time
      9 import config
     10 import socket
     11 from blessed import Terminal
     12 from multiprocessing import Process, Queue
     13 import ifaddr
     15 term = Terminal()
     17 searchforcameras=True
     18 networks=[]
     19 adapters = ifaddr.get_adapters()
     20 for adapter in adapters:
     21     print("IPs of network adapter " + adapter.nice_name)
     22     for ip in adapter.ips:
     23         if '::' not in ip.ip[0] and '' != ip.ip:
     24             print(ip.ip)
     25             networks.append(ip.ip)
     27 network=networks[0]
     29 ##--Cameras---
     31 cameras = []
     32 camerasoff =[]
     33 port = config.port
     34 nextstatus = ''
     35 serverstatus = None
     36 os.system('clear')
     37 selected = 1
     38 camselected=0
     39 newselected=0 
     40 mastersound=None
     41 camera_recording=None
     42 sleep=0.2
     43 rectime=None
     44 pingip=0
     45 local_ip=''
     47 ##---------------Connection----------------------------------------------
     49 def pingtocamera(host, port, data):
     50     print("Sending to "+host+" on port "+str(port)+" DATA:"+data)
     51     s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
     52     s.settimeout(0.1)
     53     newcamera=''
     54     try:
     55         while True:
     56             s.connect((host, port))
     57             s.send(str.encode(data))
     58             newcamera=host
     59             print("Sent to server..")
     60             break
     61     except:
     62         print('did not connect')
     63     s.close()
     64     return newcamera
     66 def sendtocamera(host, port, data):
     67     print("Sending to "+host+" on port "+str(port)+" DATA:"+data)
     68     s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
     69     #s.settimeout(5)
     70     try:
     71         while True:
     72             s.connect((host, port))
     73             s.send(str.encode(data))
     74             print("Sent to server..")
     75             break
     76     except:
     77         print('did not connect')
     78     s.close()
     80 ##--------------Listen for Clients-----------------------
     82 def listenforclients(host, port, q):
     83     s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
     84     s.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
     85     s.bind((host,port))
     86     try:
     87         s.listen(5)
     88         c, addr = s.accept()
     89         while True:
     90             data = c.recv(1024)
     91             if not data:
     92                 break
     93             ctrltime=time.time()
     94             tarinadata=data.decode()
     95             #lag=ctrltime-float(tarinatime)
     96             #status = addr[0], str(lag*1000), tarinatime
     97             status = addr[0], tarinadata
     98             c.close()
     99             q.put(status)
    100             break
    101     except:
    102         q.put('')
    104 def printmenu(camera_recording,selected,cameras,camselected,serverstatus,rectime):
    105     print(term.home+term.clear)
    106     print(time.time())
    107     print(rectime)
    108     print('your ip: '+network)
    109     print('-~-')
    110     print('Tarina CTRL')
    111     print('-~-')
    112     if serverstatus != None:
    113         try:
    114             print(serverstatus[0])
    115             print(serverstatus[1])
    116         except:
    117             print('')
    118     if camera_recording != None:
    119         print("Camera "+ str(camera_recording)+" is camera_recording! Shut up. And Action!")
    120     a=0
    121     print('-~-')
    122     for i in menu:
    123         if a != selected:
    124             print(menu[a])
    125         else:
    126             print(menu[a]+'<---')
    127         a=a+1
    128     a=0
    129     print('-~-')
    130     for i in cameras:
    131         if i in camerasoff:
    132             if a != camselected:
    133                 print(term.grey("["+str(a)+"] camera"+str(a+1)+" "+i))
    134             else:
    135                 print(term.grey("["+str(a)+"] camera"+str(a+1)+" "+i+" <-----"))
    136         else:
    137             if a != camselected:
    138                 print("["+str(a)+"] camera"+str(a+1)+" "+i)
    139             else:
    140                 print("["+str(a)+"] camera"+str(a+1)+" "+i+" <-----")
    141         a=a+1
    142     print('-~-')
    144 ##----------------------Main loop starts-------------------------
    146 def main(serverstatus):
    147     global nextstatus, selected, cameras, menu, camselected, camera_recording, sleep, rectime, pingip,searchforcameras
    148     if camera_recording != None:
    149         menu = ["Quit","New FILM","Sync FILM","New SCENE","Sync SCENE","Stop","Retake","Search","Snapshot"]
    150     else:
    151         menu = ["Quit","New FILM","Sync FILM","New SCENE","Sync SCENE","Record","Retake","Search","Snapshot"]
    152     newselected=camselected
    153     with term.cbreak():
    154         val=term.inkey(timeout=0)
    155     if val.is_sequence:
    156         event=val.name
    157     elif val:
    158         event=val
    159     else:
    160         event=''
    161     print(event)
    162     if event == "KEY_ESCAPE":
    163        nextstatus = ''
    164        serverstatus = 'exit'
    165     elif event == "KEY_ENTER" and menu[selected] == "Search":
    166         print('Searching for cameras')
    167         if searchforcameras == True:
    168             searchforcameras = False
    169         else:
    170             searchforcameras = True
    171     elif event == "KEY_ENTER" and menu[selected] == "Quit":
    172         print('take care, bye, bye, then')
    173         serverstatus = 'exit'
    174     elif event == "KEY_ENTER" and menu[selected] == "New FILM":
    175         newfilmname=input("new film name:")
    176         a=0
    177         for i in cameras:
    178             if i not in camerasoff:
    179                 sendtocamera(i,port,'NEWFILM:'+newfilmname)
    180             a=a+1
    181     elif event == "KEY_UP":
    182         if selected > 0:
    183             selected = selected - 1
    184     elif event == "KEY_DOWN":
    185         if selected < len(menu):
    186             selected = selected + 1
    187     elif event == "R":
    188         a=0
    189         for i in cameras:
    190             if i not in camerasoff:
    191                 if a == camselected:
    192                     if camera_recording == camselected:
    193                         sendtocamera(i,port,'STOPRETAKE')
    194                         camera_recording=None
    195                     else:
    196                         sendtocamera(i,port,'RETAKE')
    197                         camera_recording=camselected
    198                 else:
    199                     if camera_recording != None:
    200                         sendtocamera(i,port,'PLACEHOLDER')
    201             a=a+1
    202     elif event == "KEY_ENTER" and menu[selected] == 'Sync SCENE':
    203         #for p in cameras[1:]:
    204         #    if p not in camerasoff:
    205         #        if camera_recording == None:
    206         #            sendtocamera(cameras[0],port,'SYNCIP:'+p)
    207         if camselected != 0:
    208             sendtocamera(cameras[0],port,'SYNCIP:'+cameras[camselected])
    209     elif event == "KEY_ENTER" and menu[selected]=='New SCENE':
    210         a=0
    211         for i in cameras:
    212             if i not in camerasoff:
    213                 sendtocamera(i,port,'NEWSCENE')
    214             a=a+1
    215     elif event == "KEY_ENTER" and menu[selected]=='Ping':
    216         a=0
    217         for i in cameras:
    218             if i not in camerasoff:
    219                 sendtocamera(i,port,'PING')
    220             a=a+1
    221     elif event == "KEY_PGUP" and camera_recording == None or event=="KEY_ENTER" and menu[selected]=='Record':
    222         a=0
    223         for i in cameras:
    224             if i not in camerasoff:
    225                 if a == camselected:
    226                     sendtocamera(i,port,'REC')
    227                     camera_recording=camselected
    228                     rectime=time.time()
    229                 #elif a == mastersound:
    230                 #    if camera_recording == a:
    231                 #        sendtocamera(i,port,'STOP')
    232                 #    else:
    233                 #        sendtocamera(i,port,'RECSOUND')
    234                 #   if camera_recording != mastersound:
    235                 #        time.sleep(sleep)
    236                 #       sendtocamera(i,port,'RECSOUND')
    237                 else:
    238                     sendtocamera(i,port,'PLACEHOLDER')
    239                 a=a+1
    240     elif event == "KEY_PGUP" and camera_recording or event=="KEY_ENTER" and menu[selected]=='Stop':
    241         a=0
    242         for i in cameras:
    243             if i not in camerasoff:
    244                 if a == camselected:
    245                     if camera_recording == camselected:
    246                         sendtocamera(i,port,'STOP')
    247                         camera_recording=None
    248                 elif a == mastersound:
    249                     if camera_recording == a:
    250                         sendtocamera(i,port,'STOP')
    251                     else:
    252                         sendtocamera(i,port,'RECSOUND')
    253                     #if camera_recording != mastersound:
    254                     #    time.sleep(sleep)
    255                     #    sendtocamera(i,port,'RECSOUND')
    256                 #else:
    257                     #sendtocamera(i,port,'PLACEHOLDER')
    258                 a=a+1
    260     elif event == "0":
    261         newselected = 0
    262     elif event == "1":
    263         newselected = 1
    264     elif event == "2":
    265         newselected = 2
    266     elif event == "3":
    267         newselected = 3
    268     elif event == "4":
    269         newselected = 4
    270     elif event == "-":
    271         if cameras[camselected] not in camerasoff:
    272             camerasoff.append(cameras[camselected])
    273     elif event == "+":
    274         if cameras[camselected] in camerasoff:
    275             camerasoff.remove(cameras[camselected])
    276     if camselected != newselected:
    277         if camera_recording != None:
    278             #change camera
    279             a=0
    280             for c in cameras:
    281                 if c not in camerasoff:
    282                     print(c)
    283                     if a == camselected: 
    284                         if a == mastersound:
    285                             sendtocamera(c,port,'STOP')
    286                             time.sleep(sleep)
    287                             sendtocamera(c,port,'RECSOUND')
    288                         else:
    289                             sendtocamera(c,port,'STOP')
    290                             time.sleep(sleep)
    291                             sendtocamera(c,port,'PLACEHOLDER')
    292                     elif a == newselected:
    293                         if a == mastersound:
    294                             sendtocamera(c,port,'STOP')
    295                             time.sleep(sleep)
    296                         sendtocamera(c,port,'REC')
    297                         camera_recording=newselected
    298                         rectime=time.time()
    299                     else:
    300                         if a == mastersound:
    301                             sendtocamera(c,port,'STOP')
    302                             time.sleep(sleep)
    303                             sendtocamera(c,port,'RECSOUND')
    304                         else:
    305                             sendtocamera(c,port,'STOP')
    306                             time.sleep(sleep)
    307                             sendtocamera(c,port,'PLACEHOLDER')
    308                             #time.sleep(2)
    309                     a=a+1
    310         camselected=newselected
    312     # ping ip every 10 sec while not camera_recording to connect cameras
    313     if searchforcameras == True:
    314         if camera_recording == None:
    315             if pingip < 256:
    316                 pingip+=1
    317             else:
    318                 pingip=0
    319                 searchforcameras=False
    320             newcamera=pingtocamera(network[:-3]+str(pingip),port,'PING')
    321             if newcamera != '':
    322                 if newcamera not in cameras and newcamera not in networks:
    323                     cameras.append(newcamera)
    324                     print("Found camera! "+newcamera)
    325     printmenu(camera_recording,selected,cameras,camselected,serverstatus,rectime)
    326     if searchforcameras == True:
    327         print('-~-')
    328         print('pinging ip: '+network[:-3]+str(pingip))
    329     return serverstatus
    331 if __name__ == '__main__':
    332     serverstatus=None
    333     q = Queue()
    334     p = Process(target=listenforclients, args=('', port, q))
    335     p.start()
    336     while serverstatus != 'exit':
    337         serverstatus = main(serverstatus)
    338         if p.is_alive() == False:
    339             serverstatus = q.get()
    340             p = Process(target=listenforclients, args=('', port, q))
    341             p.start()
    342         time.sleep(0.02)
    343     p.terminate()
    344     quit()