1 # 2 # Note that two different ALSA card state management schemes exist and they 3 # can be switched using a file exist check - /etc/alsa/state-daemon.conf . 4 # 5 6 [Unit] 7 Description=Save/Restore Sound Card State 8 ConditionPathExists=!@daemonswitch@ 9 ConditionPathExistsGlob=/dev/snd/control* 10 After=alsa-state.service 11 12 [Service] 13 Type=oneshot 14 RemainAfterExit=true 15 ExecStart=-@sbindir@/alsactl -E HOME=@alsactlhome@ restore 16 ExecStop=-@sbindir@/alsactl -E HOME=@alsactlhome@ store 17 StandardOutput=syslog