gonzopi-manual.md (26295B)
1 2  3 4 <br> 5 6  7 8 It's a video camera with tape and scissors! 9 --------------------------------------------------------- 10 Press view button while a scene is selected will glue all last takes of all shots in that scene together and play it. Press view while a film is selected will glue all scenes in that film together. 11 12 And multitrack audio dubbing 13 ---------------------------- 14 Pressing enter/middle button on a film, scene or shot will take you to a multitrack dub settings menu. Here you can press record to begin a new audio dub track, you can have as many dub tracks as you need. Next time you view your shot, scene or film it will be mixed in. 15 16  17 18 Control the GonzoPi with a keyboard or through the network or with physical buttons; Enter, Up, Down, Left, Right, Record, Retake, View and Remove. 19 20 Retake 21 ------- 22 After recording, press record to make next shot or press retake and you'll be filming a new take, the last take in a shot is chosen when viewing a scene or the whole film. 23 Hint! pressing record while browsing existing takes, shots and scenes will take you to the last shot in that scene. Pressing retake will do just that, a retake. Makes perfectly sense, right? Fiddle around with it, you'll totally get it. 24 25 \break 26 27 Keys 28 ==== 29 30 ### Buttons 31  32 33  34 35 ### Keyboard 36  37 38 With keys up and down you change a specific setting, for example shutter speed. With keys left and right you change what settings to change. With view, you can view the last shot or if you have a specific scene highlighted the camera would automatically glue all shots together and play that scene for you, same goes for film. With remove you can remove a specific take, shot, scene or film. With the retake button you retake a bad take, this is how the camera keeps track of your good takes. The last take is always the chosen one. 39 40 Special keys on the keyboard (CAPITAL): 41 42 H = Hide / Show Help 43 44 C = Copy scene/shot 45 46 M = Move (as in cut and paste) scene/shot 47 48 I = Insert empty, copied or cut scene/shot 49 50 S = Screen On / Off 51 52 Spacebar / PageUp = Rec / Stop 53 54 PageDown = Retake 55 56 Tab = View 57 58 A = Hide / Show Menu 59 60  61 62 Menus 63 ===== 64 A short explanation of all the settings and why they are where they are. 65 66 ### Film, scene, shot and take 67 The idea of the workflow is: film only the essential, you can merge your shots of a scene and view it on the spot and do a retake if you need to fix something rather than filming a bunch and fixing it later while editing. When you get the hang of it there won't be not much editing later. 68 69 ### Dubbing 70 If you press enter while you've highlighted the film name or a scene you'll be entering dub settings menu. (ADD:d:1.0/o:1.0) this indicates the volume of the (d)ub to the previous (o)riginal mix. So, for example if you want the dub volume to be 50% of the previous audio, the settings would look like this (ADD:d:0.5/o:1.0). A good all-around background music volume level is only 10% so it would look like this (ADD:d:0.1/o:1.0). The other setting is fade in and out in seconds (in: 0.5) (out: 1.0) whould be half a second in and a second out. Now if you press enter while the ADD is highlighted you'll be dubbing. You can change the settings later if you come back to the menu. 71 72 ### Shutter, iso, red, blue 73 Shutter and iso are well know basic camera concepts. With red and blue you control the colors. If you press enter while on any of these then it will go into auto mode and if you press it again it will go back to manual mode with the current auto settings. I'm using this feature to quickly find a reasonable good value before I'm locking and tuning the settings manually to my likings. Cuz you always will know better than the robots! 74 75 ### Bright, cont, sat 76 Color grade on the go with brightness, contrast and saturation. You will probably have to play with theses to figure out what you want. Remember that as you're making your film ready while you're shooting it take by take, there's no color grading later on so you'll have to settle on your color grade before you film. To get that good old spaghetti western look go with the contrast at -19. 77 78 ### Flip, beep, lenght 79 If you go gonzo, flippin it is the way to go! beep is a countdown timer from the moment you press rec or retake to when it actually starts filming. Lenght let's you put in the lenght of your take before you actually start filming. Both of these are very useful if you film action alone and can't reach for the buttons. 80 81 ### Mic, phones, comp 82 Control teh level of your mic and headphones. Comp is a basic compressor so your message comes across and we hear ya! it's quite harsh at the moment but I like it when it goes craking up abit like in the good old 70s cinema. 83 84 ### Timelapse 85 Do a timelapse when you need to tell about time. There's an under menu here where you can choose the intervall of the takes, now this isn't really a traditional timelapse, it will instead do a 0.2 sec video at each intervall or it can be set to your likings but 0.2 is good for a traditional timelapse effect. At the bottom of the screen is a calculation of how long the clip will be if you do the timelapse for an hour. I'd say don't over do it! a 10 - 20 sec clip is already quite a stretch but its up to you, you're the movie film director. 86 87 ### Dsk, shutdown, srv, wifi 88 Disk space, showing you how much of space left on your sd card. Shutdown, when your really done! it's good to do this before cutting the power or otherwise there's a small chance of sd card corruption. Srv is a network server, if your connected to a network and put this on you should be able to go to any browser on any device and watch your movie films (that is if you've rendered them first), just go to http://gonzopi.local or it might be that you have to know the ip address of your gonzopi (you'll find it when you've connected it. Press enter on wifi. There it is on the bottom of the screen, looks like this If you press enter on wifi you will be transported to a glorious program called Wicd curses, here you really need to have a keyboard to set up your connections. Hints are down on the screen what buttons to press. To get back into Gonzopi press "q". 89 90 ### Update and upload 91 Update the camera to the most exclusive version, this is still pretty much a-work-in-progress and as a warnign expect some bugs! don't worry I'll be improving things but it takes time. Upload your film to the web, there is a youtube uploader mod you can install but you'll have to do some configs to make it work for you. Details coming soon. Reach out to the matrix room if you're in a hurry.. 92 93 to get the youtube api secrets `wget https://gonzopi.org/yt/.client_secrets.json` 94 95 ### Backup 96 It's good to always backup your stuff! Plug in your usb drive and just press enter and sit back and relax as the wonderful work of computer copying does the magic. While you're at it open a beer cuz it can take quite a while if you got much stuff on there. Now, this should be working on almost all hard drives but there are some that still use a very old file system called fat, and its as lazy as its given name and doesnt store critical information we would want, because we want the copying to only copy our new takes or retakes. So please use new drives like ntfs systems or ext or whatever they all are called. You'll find all your takes even the shitty ones on your harddrive in a directory called /gonzopifilms/. One more thing, there are some drives that are very power hungry and doesnt come with it's own power source, now these drives are very bad for this particular use because the Gonzopi has limited amounts of power for usb use, so to be sure it's gonna work, use powered hard drives that has got a power cord. 97 98 ### Load and new 99 You can have many on going films, load em up or start as many films as you like. 100 101 ------------------------------ 102 103 ### [Building, repairing & modding] 104 1. [Get the parts](#get-the-parts) 105 2. [3d printing](#3d-printing) 106 3. [Post processing](#post-processing) 107 4. [Wiring](#wiring) 108 5. [Putting it together](#putting-it-together) 109 6. [Installing software](#installing-software) 110 7. [Tested lenses](#tested-lenses) 111 112 Building, repairing and modding 113 =============================== 114 115 Get the parts 116 -------------- 117 118  119 120 Here is a list of parts that will work, there are other parts that probably will work but requires some hacking. 121 122 123 Raspberry pi 3 B 124 ---------------- 125 Price ~30 eur 126 127 The heart of Gonzopi. Why Raspberry pi you ask? There are several reasons: 128 129 * Huge support. 130 * The great Debian based os Raspbian (beeing a debian nerd myself). 131 * Low price. 132 * Picamera. 133 134 The 3B+ is too powerhungry for the Powerbooster 1000C thats why I went with 3B 135 136 **Links** 137 [Raspberry pi site](https://raspberrypi.org) 138 **Buy** 139 [Aliexpress](https://www.aliexpress.com/store/product/Raspberry-Pi-3-Model-B-Raspberry-Pi-Raspberry-Pi3-B-Pi-3-Pi-3B-With-WiFi/3242037_32900816535.html?spm=2114.search0104.3.113.7a702274lCPIr4&ws_ab_test=searchweb0_0,searchweb201602_5_10065_10068_5016020_5015416_10059_10696_100031_5015320_10084_10083_10103_451_10618_452_5016116_10304_10307_10820_10821_10302,searchweb201603_55,ppcSwitch_2&algo_expid=0a48bb10-5985-49ff-be76-433eb1f8685b-15&algo_pvid=0a48bb10-5985-49ff-be76-433eb1f8685b&priceBeautifyAB=0) 140 141 142 64 Gb Samsung Evo+ Micro SD 143 --------------------- 144 Price ~10 eur 145 146 This is a good performance card. 147 148 [Aliexpress](https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32676225311.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.0.0.11ed1b664kPdEf&algo_pvid=d9155fff-7ddc-47bb-9512-f7e686fe69ac&algo_expid=d9155fff-7ddc-47bb-9512-f7e686fe69ac-0&btsid=e2f36205-1c37-47bc-9a94-c006837f0992&ws_ab_test=searchweb0_0,searchweb201602_7,searchweb201603_55) 149 150 151 Raspberry Pi High Quality Camera (recommended) 152 ---------------------------------------------- 153 Price ~60 eur 154 155 This is the recommended camera module for Gonzopi, 12.3 megapixel Sony IMX477 sensor, 7.9mm diagonal image size, and back-illuminated sensor architecture, with adjustable back focus and support for C- and CS-mount lenses. 156 157 **Links** 158 **Buy** 159 [Raspberry pi](https://www.raspberrypi.org/products/raspberry-pi-high-quality-camera/?resellerType=home) 160 161 162 Arducam 5 MP OV5647 camera module with CS lens 163 ---------------------------------------------- 164 Price ~30 eur 165 166 This module and lens gives good hd video quality with the ability to manually focus and replace lenses. See tested lenses down below. 167 168 **Links** 169 [Arducam](http://arducam.com/) 170 **Buy** 171 [ebay](https://www.ebay.com/itm/OV5647-Camera-Board-w-CS-mount-Lens-for-Raspberry-Pi-3-B-B-2-Model-B-/281212355128?txnId=1913825600018) 172 173 Pimoroni Hyperpixel 4 inch screen 174 ----------------------------- 175 Price ~35 eur 176 177 Bright 4 inch responsible screen. Beware when installing the screen, it's quite britle! 178 179 **Links** 180 [Pimoroni](https://learn.pimoroni.com/tutorial/sandyj/getting-started-with-hyperpixel-4) 181 **Buy** 182 [Pimoroni](https://shop.pimoroni.com/products/hyperpixel-4) 183 [Farnell](https://fi.farnell.com/pimoroni/pim370/hyperpixel-board-raspberry-pi/dp/3401805) 184 185 Ugeek 3.5 inch 800x480 TFT screen 186 --------------------------------- 187 Price ~35 eur 188 189 Best 3.5 inch screen that I could find. Features worth mentioning: 190 191 * 800x480 pixels 192 * Very responsible 11 ms. 193 * High contrast. 194 * Sunlight readable. (even though it is readable in full power mode, it boots into medium power and to change it yo to push a physical button which isnt really dooable cuz of tha casing. you cant easily change the settings, I am abandoning this screen due to this) 195 * I2C Master. 196 197 This is not a touchscreen but I dont think touchscreens are good for cameras anyway. 198 199 **Links** 200 [Raspberrypiwiki](http://www.raspberrypiwiki.com/index.php/3.5_inch_TFT_800x480@60fps) 201 **Buy** 202 [Aliexpress](https://www.aliexpress.com/store/product/U-Geek-Raspberry-Pi-3-5-inch-800-480-TFT-Screen-HD-HighSpeed-LCD-Module-3/1954241_32672157641.html) 203 204 205 USB via vt1620a sound card 206 -------------------------- 207 Price ~1 eur 208 209 Really cheap usb soundcard. It has been working suprisingly well. Have not tested other cards yet. 210 211 **Buy** 212 [Aliexpress](https://www.aliexpress.com/item/Professional-External-USB-Sound-Card-Adapter-Virtual-7-1-Channel-3D-Audio-with-3-5mm-Headset/32588038556.html?spm=2114.01010208.8.8.E8ZKLB) 213 214 215 3.7v 7800mAh li-ion Battery 216 --------------------------- 217 Price ~17 eur 218 219 I have tried several batteries, the adafruit 6800mAh is also fine. 220 221 **Buy** 222 [Aliexpress](https://www.aliexpress.com/item/free-shipping-3-7v-7800mah-18650-li-ion-rechargeable-battery-pack-18650-3P-lithium-ion-battery/32823635264.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.49ba4c4dyoKkZS) 223 224 Or you can buy 3 pcs of 3.7V 18650 Lithium cells and protect them with an Lithium Battery Protection Board Overcharge Over-discharge. 225 226 [Aliexpress](https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32826851071.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.27424c4dUBojcv) 227 228 Here's a pack with 40 pcs of 2600mAh 3.7V 18650 cells. 229 230 [Aliexpress](https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32795814865.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.27424c4dUBojcv) 231 232 Type-C 5v 2A 3.7V Li-ion battery charger booster module 233 ------------------------------------------------------- 234 Price ~2€ 235 236 Enough juice in this booster charger to run teh pi 3b without dropping voltage. 237 238 **Buy** 239 [Ebay](https://www.ebay.com/itm/Type-C-USB-5V-2A-3-7V-18650-Lithium-Li-ion-Battery-Charging-Board-Charger-Module/383717339632?var=652109038482) 240 241 Adafruit Powerboost 1000C 242 ------------------------- 243 Price ~23 eur 244 245 Seems to be dropping voltage every now and then resulting in dropped frames. Check the Type-C power booster. 246 247 **Links** 248 [Adafruit](https://www.adafruit.com/product/2465) 249 **Buy** 250 [Ebay](https://www.ebay.com/itm/Adafruit-PowerBoost-1000-Charger-Rechargeable-5V-Lipo-USB-Boost-1A-1000C-A/282083284436?epid=2256108887&hash=item41ad7955d4%3Ag%3ALesAAOSwkQZbYXrn&_sacat=0&_nkw=powerboost+1000c&_from=R40&rt=nc&_trksid=m570.l1313) 251 [Aliexpress](https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32881790567.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.0.0.9e3b51caWDCb6A&algo_pvid=b569f235-3038-4305-abdc-24a84a3cd534&algo_expid=b569f235-3038-4305-abdc-24a84a3cd534-0&btsid=c7684116-cb0b-4c9c-967c-0deb42c7a73e&ws_ab_test=searchweb0_0,searchweb201602_7,searchweb201603_55) 252 253 254 8x8x5MM DIP-4 Silicone Switch Mute Silent button 255 ------------------------------------------------ 256 Price ~2 eur/20 pcs 257 258 You can only buy a pack of 20 pcs but these buttons are good and silent! Not necessary if you want to control with keyboard like Rii mini 8+ 259 260 **Buy** 261 [Ebay](http://www.ebay.com/itm/151723036469?_trksid=p2057872.m2749.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT) 262 [Aliexpress](https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32777086031.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.0.0.5cfc6136IYeRxe&algo_pvid=f4209ce9-f7c5-47f1-8d98-6b0cd8affb32&algo_expid=f4209ce9-f7c5-47f1-8d98-6b0cd8affb32-0&btsid=7ceb3856-696f-4ddd-9858-84c295f67c48&ws_ab_test=searchweb0_0,searchweb201602_7,searchweb201603_55) 263 264 265 MCP23017-E/SP DIP-28 16 bit I / O expander I2C 266 ----------------------------------------------- 267 Price ~1 eur 268 269 This will be connected to the screen I2C port. This is not necessary if you intend to control the camera with a keyboard like the Rii mini i8+ 270 271 **Buy** 272 [Aliexpress](https://www.aliexpress.com/item/10PCS-MCP23017-E-SP-DIP-28-MCP23017-16-Bit-I-O-Expander-with-I2C-Interface-IC/32665631086.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.27424c4dn4m008) 273 274 275 2x8cm double side copper prototype pcb 276 -------------------------------------- 277 Price ~0.20 eur/pcs 278 279 PCB board to solder all connections on the MCP23017-E/SP 280 281 **Buy** 282 [Aliexpress](https://www.aliexpress.com/item/5pcs-2x8cm-double-Side-Copper-prototype-pcb-2-8-panel-Universal-Board-for-Arduino-Free-Shipping/32820588012.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.27424c4dPM5vVF) 283 284 285 Piezo electronic buzzer 286 ----------------------- 287 Price ~1 eur 288 289 Very useful for timing shots! 290 291 **Buy** 292 [Aliexpress](https://www.aliexpress.com/store/product/New-Arrival-Durable-3-24V-Piezo-Electronic-Buzzer-Alarm-95DB-Continuous-Sound-Beeper-For-Arduino-Car/1959068_32666789405.html?spm=2114.search0204.3.1.4cef4057RBI3xn&ws_ab_test=searchweb0_0,searchweb201602_3_10065_10068_10059_5015413_5015313_10696_100031_10084_10083_5016113_10103_451_10618_452_10304_10307_10820_10821_10302_5016013,searchweb201603_45,ppcSwitch_4_ppcChannel&algo_expid=c84318cd-b50e-4370-9cad-6ae9bc7963ae-0&algo_pvid=c84318cd-b50e-4370-9cad-6ae9bc7963ae&priceBeautifyAB=0) 293 294 295 Latching push button switch mini 296 --------------------------------- 297 Price ~1 eur/10 pcs 298 299 This serves as the microphone and screen on/off button 300 301 **Buy** 302 [Aliexpress](https://www.aliexpress.com/item/10Pcs-Set-1A-30V-DC-250V-Black-Latching-On-Off-Mini-Torch-Push-Button-Switch-G08/32756874522.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.27424c4ddFzv3i) 303 304 305 Latching push button switch 10mm 306 -------------------------------- 307 Price ~5 eur/24 pcs 308 309 I use this as the powerbutton. I have tried different versions of safe shutdown buttons for the Raspberry pi but they have not worked as I wanted (they draw power even when Pi is powered off, this is not good). I have solved the problem with a menu button to safely shut down the camera. 310 311 **Buy** 312 [Aliexpress](https://www.aliexpress.com/item/24pcs-latching-push-button-switch-10mm-fixed-pushbutton-switch-latching-maintained-push-buttons/32770346793.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.27424c4ddFzv3i) 313 314 315 Nut 1/4 -20 UNC 304 A2 316 ----------------------- 317 Price ~2 eur/10 pcs 318 319 This is the standard camera stand nuts. If you never use a stand then you dont need this. 320 321 **Buy** 322 [Ebay](https://www.ebay.com/itm/1-4-20-UNC-304-A2-Stainless-Steel-Hex-Full-Nuts-Qty-10PCS-/222134363896?hash=item33b83d66f8)<br> 323 324 325 MAX9812 Microphone amplifier 326 ---------------------------- 327 Price ~2 eur 328 329 This makes suprisingly good sounding sound! The original piece that I used is out of production, I have now found a similar module but I need to change the 3d module a little bit because the new module is alot smaller which is good. Need to test these new ones! 330 331 **Buy** 332 [Aliexpress](https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32793366801.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.0.0.3343b3e4A9qKJg&algo_pvid=b104d20a-b6da-4c46-9be9-d2b8ff358af1&algo_expid=b104d20a-b6da-4c46-9be9-d2b8ff358af1-6&btsid=40518322-e328-4247-9132-570609040804&ws_ab_test=searchweb0_0,searchweb201602_7,searchweb201603_55) (out of stock) 333 [Ebay](https://www.ebay.com/itm/MAX9812-Microphone-Amplifier-Sound-MIC-Voice-Module-For-Arduino-3-3V-3-5V/123891576683?hash=item1cd8836f6b:g:aL4AAOSwtchdaPPB) (out of stock) 334 335 New module (still untested) [Aliexpress](https://www.aliexpress.com/item/33052676199.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.0.0.2f162176RNC7gL&algo_pvid=4ad3160a-b57e-4a87-ac6c-f32584343324&algo_expid=4ad3160a-b57e-4a87-ac6c-f32584343324-0&btsid=0ab6fa8115836622569272085ec52c&ws_ab_test=searchweb0_0,searchweb201602_,searchweb201603_) 336 Bigger electrec mics (if needed) [Aliexpress](https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32639718325.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.27424c4d7cO7CI) 337 338 3.5mm Female stereo headset interior PCB mount 339 ---------------------------------------------- 340 Price ~1 eur/10 pcs 341 342 Microphone input. 343 344 **Buy** 345 [Ebay](https://www.ebay.com/itm/10pcs-3-5mm-Female-5-Pins-Stereo-Headset-Interior-PCB-Mount-Audio-Jack-Socket-/252376936189?hash=item3ac2d66efd) 346 347 348 LR44 Batteries 349 -------------- 350 Price ~2 eur/10 pcs 351 352 Microphone batteries 353 354 **Buy** 355 [Aliexpress](https://www.aliexpress.com/store/product/10PCS-Lot-100-Genuine-wholesale-GP-A76-GPA76-LR44-AG13-LR44-SR44-battery-LR44-357-AG13/1120058_32739450265.html?spm=2114.search0104.3.44.5b5d32dbJK5uJ1&ws_ab_test=searchweb0_0,searchweb201602_5_10065_10068_5015418_5016020_10059_10696_100031_5015320_10084_10083_10103_451_10618_452_10304_10307_10820_10821_5016118_10302,searchweb201603_55,ppcSwitch_2&algo_expid=8af0bcbe-dcb8-4f9a-bd47-084a4d77561a-6&algo_pvid=8af0bcbe-dcb8-4f9a-bd47-084a4d77561a&priceBeautifyAB=0) 356 357 358 Screws M3x12mm 359 ----------- 360 Price ~2 eur/25 pcs 361 362 These hold the camera together. 363 364 **Buy** 365 Your local harware store 366 367 [Ebay](https://www.ebay.com/itm/50X-Stainless-M1-6-M2-M3-M4-Countersunk-Flat-Head-Cross-Miniature-Screw-Bolts/392195849737?hash=item5b50b1be09:m:mGdurHGRlBzB-IIMJirP3Dw) 368 369 370 Screws M3x30mm 371 --------------- 372 Price ~2 eur/30 pcs 373 374 These hold picamera-body to the body. 375 376 **Buy** 377 [Ebay](https://www.ebay.com/itm/20-pcs-M3-Screw-Diameter-3mm-Length-30mm-M3x30-Stainless-Steel-DIY/181846978737?epid=886666073&hash=item2a56ecb0b1:g:F1MAAOxyUylTSh9n) 378 379 380 Screws 2.2x9.5mm 381 ---------------- 382 Price ~1 eur/20 pcs 383 384 These hold the camera/mic together. 385 386 **Buy** 387 [Ebay](https://www.ebay.com/itm/M2-2x9-5mm-Stainless-Steel-Phillips-Round-Pan-Head-Self-Tapping-Screws-50pcs/391417337610?epid=1563431736&hash=item5b224a970a:g:oC8AAOSwqDhbAlml) 388 389 LR44 Button cell socket holder 390 -------------------------------------- 391 Price ~1 eur/pcs 392 393 We only need the metal parts from these, if you have som thin metal you could cut these yourself. 394 395 **Buy** 396 [Aliexpress](https://www.aliexpress.com/item/4-Pcs-Black-Plastic-Button-Coin-Cell-Battery-Socket-Holder-for-2-x-AG13-LR44/33013344736.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.671b4c4djbzZzg) 397 398 3.5mm Jack to jack aux cable 399 ---------------------------- 400 Price ~1 eur 401 402 From microphone to mic-in. 403 404 **Buy** 405 [Aliexpress](https://www.aliexpress.com/store/product/1-Piece-Short-0-2M-20cm-Red-3-5mm-Jack-to-Jack-Aux-Cable-Male-to/505072_32833465555.html?spm=2114.search0104.3.9.383e3c3dVjq9DY&ws_ab_test=searchweb0_0,searchweb201602_5_10065_10068_5016020_10059_10696_100031_5015320_5016120_10084_10083_5015420_10103_451_10618_452_10304_10307_10820_10821_10302,searchweb201603_55,ppcSwitch_2&algo_expid=9ba0b376-e66f-48d2-9ccd-ecc1e8794812-1&algo_pvid=9ba0b376-e66f-48d2-9ccd-ecc1e8794812&priceBeautifyAB=0) 406 407 408 Rii mini i8+ mini keyboard 409 -------------------------- 410 Price ~17 eur 411 412 Wireless control over camera. You will also need this for wifi settings etc. (Recommended) This is one of the best mini keyboards I've tried. 413 414 **Buy** 415 [Aliexpress](https://www.aliexpress.com/item/Rii-mini-i8-Russian-English-Spanish-Hebrew-Version-Wireless-Backlit-Keyboard-with-Touchpad-for-PC-Smart/32450468690.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.27424c4dKdqpVO) 416 417 Parts grand total ~200 eur 418 419 Optional parts 420 ============== 421 422 Gonzopi viewfinder 423 ----------------- 424 425 This is a 3.5 inch viewfinder for Gonzopi that you can 3d print and make by buying these three parts. 426 427 Lens D42 F110mm 428 --------------- 429 Price ~10 eur 430 431 **Buy** 432 [Aliexpress](https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32958816619.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.6fb54c4dGb4wI7) 433 434 Rubber Eyepiece 435 --------------- 436 Price ~4 eur 437 438 **Buy** 439 [Aliexpress](https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32780859922.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.27424c4dmVqriG) 440 441 Magnets 25mm x 5mm x 1.5mm 442 -------------------------- 443 Price ~3 eur 10 pcs 444 445 **Buy** 446 [Aliexpress](https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32963277127.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.27424c4dRc1vCZ) 447 448 449 3d printing 450 =========== 451 452 While waiting for ordered parts lets 3d print the rest of the parts. I recommend printing with a solid 100% infill. Now it is pretty crucial that you have a good calibrated printer so that you don't over/under print. Some parts need to be very precise to work. 453 454 You'll find all the 3d parts in a [blender file](3d/gonzopi.blend) in the [3d folder](3d/). 455 456 [gonzopi-body.stl](3d/gonzopi-body.stl) 457 458  459 460 [gonzopi-button-plate-bottom.stl](3d/gonzopi-button-plate-bottom.stl) 461 462  463 464 [gonzopi-button-plate-upper](3d/gonzopi-button-plate-upper.stl) 465 466  467 468 [gonzopi-hdmi-cap](3d/gonzopi-hdmi-cap.stl) 469 470  471 472 [gonzopi-left-side](3d/gonzopi-left-side.stl) 473 474  475 476 [gonzopi-picamera-body](3d/gonzopi-picamera-hq-body.stl) 477 478  479 480 [gonzopi-right-side](3d/gonzopi-right-side.stl) 481 482  483 484 [gonzopi-screen-lid](3d/gonzopi-screen-lid-hyperpixel.stl) 485 486  487 488 Wiring 489 ====== 490 491  492 493  494 495  496 497  498 499 500 Installing software 501 =================== 502 503 Download latest [Raspbian](https://www.raspberrypi.org/downloads/raspbian/) and follow [install instructions](https://www.raspberrypi.org/documentation/installation/installing-images/README.md). 504 [Ssh into](https://www.raspberrypi.org/documentation/remote-access/ssh/) Raspberry Pi and run: 505 506 Go to home folder 507 ``` 508 cd /home/pi 509 ``` 510 Install git 511 ``` 512 sudo apt-get install git 513 ``` 514 Git clone gonzopi and then run install script with sudo: 515 ``` 516 git clone https://github.com/rbckman/gonzopi.git 517 cd gonzopi 518 sudo ./install.sh 519 ``` 520 You'r ready to rumble: 521 ``` 522 python3 gonzopi.py 523 ``` 524 Happy filming! 525 526  527 528 529 Tested lenses 530 ============= 531 532 Here is what I'm testing right now. 533 534 2.8mm 3MP F1.2 CS 535 ----------------- 536 Price ~ 6 € 537 538 This is a good wide all around lens. Recomended! 539 [Aliexpress](https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32973023765.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.0.0.4e9c3761rLgRE0&algo_pvid=f9a62bbd-7981-48cb-a080-c39336b9f53f&algo_expid=f9a62bbd-7981-48cb-a080-c39336b9f53f-1&btsid=028c8b49-83e8-4c56-9b8b-6c32c36e65d9&ws_ab_test=searchweb0_0,searchweb201602_7,searchweb201603_55) 540 541 2.5mm 3MP F1.2 CS 542 ----------------- 543 Price ~ 6 € 544 545 This is an even wider lens. Seems to be the same manufacterer. 546 [Aliexpress](https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32970488708.html?spm=a2g0o.detail.1000023.1.782e6003A85K1u) 547 548 Yumiki 6-60mm 1/3" CS Lens CCTV Lens IR F1.6 Manual Zoom Manual Iris 549 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 550 551 [Aliexpress](https://www.aliexpress.com/item/6-60mm-1-3-CS-Lens-CCTV-Lens-IR-F1-6-Manual-Zoom-Manual-Iris-for/32793850795.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.27424c4dmtk6IZ) 552 553 554 Camera Lens 2.8-12mm Varifocal 555 ------------------------------ 556 557 This lens is good. Will write a longer review once I have more filming hours. 558 559 [Aliexpress](https://www.aliexpress.com/item/Megapixel-Fixed-Iris-HD-CCTV-Camera-Lens-2-8-12mm-Varifocal-HD-Security-Camera-Lens-Manual/32644427822.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.27424c4dmtk6IZ) 560 561 --- 562