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screenplay.fountain (15906B)

      3 NOBODY, is sitting under a rock in the woods and grilling a rabbit. He got a high tech bow with arrows in a low tech wooden bag. He salt and crunch some dried chili peppers on the rabbit.
      5 He feasts while fireplace looking good then he finds stensöta and blueberry leaves under the snow and makes tea from melting snow in trangia while rolling a juju. 
      7 "Super Market Man" nametag on his coat and a japanese sign on the back, black on purple.
     11 Vi ser stora humongus träd och en källa med rinnande mörkt speglande vatten mot en guld himmel med vita moln, det är vinter. En gammal buss som håller på att rosta bort. Jättegrytor vid ett berg intill ett träsk.
     13 EXT. STAN - DAG
     16 Vi ser en vintrig bro, bron går rakt in i en kyrka. Nobody går inte över bron. Går över vägen och under bron.  Ingen trafik, inga heller andra mänskor. Grått, lite små mörkt. Under bron finns en röd paketbil. Ett tecken på bilens fönster med tre vågräta streck å ett rakt igenom dem lodrätt.
     18 Nobody öppnar sido dörren.
     20 Lägger på en apparat. Ser ut som en 70 tals portabel tv. Det är en våg i bilden. Nobody ställer in vågen och stänger av Tv:n. Han riktar nån sorts av antenn mot flere olika håll. Han lägger Antennen på ett stativ men lämnar på apparaten som är en liten låda som blinkar med en röd liten led lampa.
     24 NOBODY
     25 Non-violence. People talk about how to live life, with job 8 hours a day is the normal. 8 hours a day is the new normal, 8 hours a day is the new normal, 8 hours a day is the new normal.
     26 People are sweet and happy to each other. Let's make this world a beautiful place.
     27 Love one another, love is the answear to life. Heart to heart connections. Heart to heart. Listen to the heart. Share your heart. Think about heart. Heart, heart.
     28 Where is your heart.
     32 DOCTOR
     33 When you deliver di message. And if they cant hear you. They are not your  friends!!
     35 Doctor slaps a black old 60s telephone shut. He is in a big villa with lots of candy for soul.
     44 what do you think? I here people saying bitcoin is the new gold?
     46 MAN2 AT THE BAR
     47 No, man. took the gold pill, I shit you not. The Best and the most profitable coin is the shitcoin.
     48 Trust me, I'll tell you. God damn people are thinking Bitcoin is the new, Believeing in the Blockcahin ya'll
     49 FOR REAL I THINK Shitoshi came up with the real shit, pff. You might want to ask me why, Right? well I tell you... it's like this
     51 MAN2 AT THE BAR
     52 The shitcoin is the most natural goldchain piece of shit science together combined intertwined w/ Microbes, worms, I bet wormholes too.
     53 They come up to the surface when it rains, the wholes get filled with water at the same time they breathe threw their skins. Can you Believe it? threw their god damn skins. Man. Listen. 
     55 MAN2 AT THE BAR
     56 If you force it it's usually, shit. But man.
     57 These worms are our best dudes in the ground, getting land to breath again. It seems that humans are worse than
     58 ever to co-operate with each other. We want to co-operate with these motherfuckers and to help them/ help us
     59 to take us on another level of inter-dimensional living. Fuck me! They build the god damn wormholes. Man! 
     61 oh damn! I feel gotta go shit some GOLD now brother, Be right back! 
     65 INT. 
     67 More is outside. Complexity of what already exist can't be dumbd down.  Absoulutely everything is happening all the time. When noting happens there is death and after death there is birth from singular bordness, singularity depends on observers love and fear ratio. The true understanding of that we the observer are all the same and that everything that ever was, was made out of boredness of being forever alone. The true understanding is the most beautiful but also horrific idea. True, false. Without the observer there is nothing. A movie isn't a movie if nobody is watching.
     69 Everything is observed by everything distant by spacetime in a harmonious and dissonant dance of equalibrium to one another when distant observers all find true meaning working together, wether it's a war or a common peaceful goal.
     71 We can choose vibes, the major and minor, upbeat or down tempo we chose love over fear and we take the responsibilities up on our hands we shall put life back into the lands. I'm the soilniga baby ama goona loose ya gunnin seeds in my beds ya. Imma lettin u loose on the booze. Får de va lite snus?
     73 Then there's sorrow and hope, understanding and forgivness. Like in a symphony. There are those who understand this, people that are natural kind and have understanding and forgivness, kindness is about listening mostly. Then there are people not understanding and who feel intimidated by others, and feel the need to compete or conquer one another. They don't feel the same way connected. Everything is about posession and the fear of losing it. A percent are the rare ones that seek out for adventure, never to have a day alike. Fear of missing out?
     75 How good can you be?
     76 Where is the gardener? the true hero. Helping all life. The ecological doc. Why didnt anyone tell me that you can become a true hero. I would've begun much much earlier if someone would have showed me a little bit of what's going on in a garden full of life. It's only now when we are more connected that I've found people excited talking about nature and ways we can contribute to a living diverse ecosystem and have a food forrest. I just never heard or saw them when I grew up. There where some who knew a little about wild plants you can eat from the forrest, that was the coolest thing I thought back then.  Maybe they lived before me.   helping  Living with alot of animals. 
     78  Taking all  This is the fear of that. Nothingness. After you die, there will be nothing. Why do you feel to conquer After all it is only helping oneself in distant spacetime. All living creatures are the observer.There only needs to be one observer. It can 
     80 We been very excellent at studying different parts of our universe, taking it apart and testing the baundraris of gravity and machines. We've explored as mad docs all over the place, trying to find the next big leap forward, the dream of  and measuring, o'boy do we like measuring and 
     82  Sell all boxes but one or two and live outside. Be in now. 
     83 Be confident in what you do, take risks, first small ones then bigger, move slow, study your mistakes and take notice of your wins, stay humble and feel hungry to find things out. You are never full, never a master.
     84 If you think you know everything you are wrong and have forgot the most beautiful thought, you are beeing, you are existing in   To be astonished about the complexity of it all and to be feel existenance. should be enough and that you got to be the observer. Life in it's intertwined harmony kept co-evolving together with millions of other life in it's own most elegant of ways for millions of years. You can think of it as the most powerful machine ever going to be invented and turning it on, on a computing algorithm that will learn from copying, transforming and remixing it's frequencies into both harmonic patterns and dissonant ways, pulsing between them, ying and yang, lenght and time.  out of this suddenly things appear . This machine has been computing since the beginning of time, witch I would also call birth but lets get into that later.  frequencys and creates new frequencies
     86 The disrupter
     87 Think about our society. Think about the different professions. What was it you'd want to be? the cop? fireman? actor? writer? director, doctor, judge, cook, a cock, mechanic, carpenter, manager, scientist, astronaut, farmer? how about gardener? 95% of them all are to only serve our human needs. How many of the professions are there keeping and sustaining good life of all different living in it's most harmonious way, and from it by the principle of study, copy and remix life to the fullest on planet earth? You would think that keeping and sustaining good life of all living would be the reason to go to school. But it is not. Sadly, we must face the truth, and switch our thinking to 95% ecological thinking. This does not involve cutting down on emissions or any new regulation. It literally means 95% of us humans must learn to restore the land and live on it in it.
     89 How many of these jobs are there? and when did we learn about these things? in our schools?
     91 Yeah, but without just reading it from the book? There is a world outside the buildings. 95% of the time we're inside buildings in our schools and the time we are outside is sport activity, when are we supposed to have a time to look around? We are ignorant and I would go so far as to say arogant to the complex system from which we came. 95% of all what we do, is wrong and we should stop and follow another path.
     95  study the only ting that is real, much more so than all human made up accomplishements you when you need to fetch a ball and get it somewhere, it's all made up, dumb human made up acomplishments, almost everything is, 95%. It's a big deep hole that needs to be filled.
     97 In search of the real.
    101  outside the walls, sports hall, the shopping malls, inside climbing walls Where the really interesting things happen.  but actually get to experiment with life, if we would get to experience the life of the gaardener, I belive, 95% of all human wanted to live this man life, ha to da gaardneer! Even when only been with him fo tree weeks man. Planting a tree and taking care of and all helping life around the plant caring for all the bugs, the birds,  having your own garden, keeping your seasons seeds, growing your own medicine.
    103 It is here I
    105 Life aint in a box. It's an explosion. It's birth, conciounce, death. There's a subconcious left though through to the next explosion of birth, conciousness and death. Time is only how the counciousness clock is wired. Like a computer, it computs in hz.
    107 Wormholes
    111 EXT. CODERs Yard
    113 A sound best described as millions of computers talking. Changing frequencies. Low humming. Space craft. Rotating Earth.
    115 Closeup on mud and huge mushroom sprucing up from dead wood on the ground, CODERs feet walking in the mud. We see a red shed, RASTA walks along one of the walls with a morning coat and a mug in his one hand. He opens a hidden door on the side of the shed and gets in. He throws a carpet up which reveals a window wich he opens and chicken come running out. RASTA sits down on a chair and sips his drink, the chicken are looking at him. The chicken continue eating scraps of potatoes and beetroot and whatnot while the space computer earth sound fades slowly.
    117 INT. CODERs House
    119 Coder opens the door, a black cat runs in before him. He walks past a bunch of chili plants, there's some Aphids on some of them. Close up on a Aphid bug as a ladybugs larvae eats it alive. He walks in to the kitchen and fills up with more tea from a red teapot. He then Sits down by the computer, boots it up, starts writing in terminal.
    121 ssh -p 1337
    123 EXT. The City
    125 RASTA
    127 RASTAman is coming into town with his bicycle, He rides off-road in the forest Through a thick wall of spruce trees. He is going downhill fast and climbs up on the bike and jumps off, the bike goes between two rocks and stays there. RASTA lands on a huge giant rock. He takes three steps and jumps off the rock and takes his longboard from his back and lands on the road leading into town. In town he  then goes on throwing bags of weed into postboxes and secret hideouts as a return he get money from various places, example a doll, or a pot inside a pot.
    129 Then later he goes to the bakery to get some fresh baked bread Bra Bröd. Sits outside the bakery and eats the bread and sips on a beer.
    131 CODER
    133 Is is sitting and coding, lights coming from his little room. The Electric box is shaking, the sound is making everything shake. It is going underground, the roots come out from the ground. 
    135 Lighting is happening under the grounds like mycelium network.
    137 Close-up on a rising root coming from a crack
    139 WORLD
    141 Mainplot // What happens when we run out of oil?
    143 Have you taken the vaccination // The Chip // TV Commercial // Are you Linked In?
    147 Free yourself, your link, Freedom, Happiness is Freedom, No worries
    148 Boot yourself to happiness, chip the way now, just chip in. Chip yourself.
    153 They rob people from food and money and rape woman. Sometimes they eat even eat them. They drink käsidesi and look like shit. 
    155 INT. SCANVENGER Rob Family Scene
    157 SCANVENGERs pick up an axe, spade, and tools from the shed.
    159 CODER
    161 EXT. CODER hacking wirepole
    163 He climbs up radiotowers // wirepole to install raspberry pi antenna to shoot wifi Internet to his buddies. While he talks about lady bugs, borax and ants, aphids.
    167 EXT. BAKERY
    169 RASTA goes to the bakery to get bread. The bakery has Bars on the windows. The bread-o-mat which takes eurocoins, it delivers bread ( inside the bread-o-mat half of the breads are moldy) RASTA put coins and gets a dry bread. It falls down to a tray and brakes into thousands pieces cause it's dry. He gathers the pieces and eats them together with voinappi. At the same moment a couple scavengers rise up form the bush. 
    171 SCANVENGER 1 (O.S.) 
    172 U know what we want, get down on your knees.
    174 Points a gun at RASTA.
    176 RASTA turns around.
    178 SCANVENGER 1 
    179 That's right, get down asshole
    181 RASTA sighs and hears a sound from behind.
    183 SCANVENGER TWO approaches from behind RASTA with a grunting sound and points a knife at RASTA. RASTA looks at him.  
    185 RASTA
    186 Sighs
    188 SCANVENGER 1
    189 You get three seconds, one, two, three. Now you die.
    191 RASTA looks at SCANVENGER 1. SCANVENGER 1 looks at RASTA.
    193 The scavenger shoots. RASTA takes out his samurai sword his back and hits the bullet. A very sharp kling sound and a very loud ricochete swirling sound. The bullet hits the minigun, where there is a sign "AUTOMATIC INTRUDER DEFENDER". The bullet makes another ricochet sound. 
    195 SCANVENGER 1
    196 What the...
    198 SCANVENGER 1 turns his head looking at the swirling bullet passing by. The bullet hits the lightpole with a bell sound. OLD LADY passing by looks up at the lightpole. Bell sound gets wearry and and earie buzzing in a climbing high freaquense til lightbulbs breaks. SMACK, glass hits gravel. OLD LADY is now in the dark.
    200 SCANVENGER TWO looks at the lightpole and the bullet swirls by him fast and he is pissed scared.
    202 The bullet ricochets between two bars on the window. Making it sound like a train warning sound. The bullet then makes another richocchet and hits SCANVENGER 1 gun.
    204 SCANVENGER 1
    205 ...fuck!?
    207 The bullet hits SCANVENGER TWO knife as it drops. It makes another richochett sound and hits the factory window and an alarm goes off. Blinking red lights.
    210 INTRUDER ALERT! INTRUDER ALERT! Activating automatic intruder defender.
    212 The Minigun wakes up from its hybernation mode and raises it self horizontally. There is a camera that is moving around seeking targets. The Minigun starts spinning with a low sound and then shots SCANVENGER 1 into pieces. The Minigun then continues to search for more targets and it blows the old lady into pieces.
    214 The minigun turns towards RASTA.
    216 SCANVENGER TWO is freaking out. MINIGUN start shooting. SCANVENGERS head pops, RASTA ducks under SCANVENGER TWO's body and grabs his arm so SCANVENGER TWO falls on RASTAS back. MINIGUN shoots rounds in torso of SCANVENGER TWO, RASTA takes cover from SCANVENGER TWO body as he keeps running for the corner. SCAVENGERS TWO's arm blows off. His ass blow off. MINIGUN keeps minigunning. RASTA moving more quickly towards the building corner. The last limb blows of off SCAVENGER TWO who is now just looking like a big piece of minced meat. RASTA takes cover from the corner and throws the piece of bloody meat on the streets as the minigun still shooting at it.