1 SparkFun CCS811 Arduino Library 2 ======================================== 3 4  5 6 [*SparkFun CCS811 (SEN-14193)*]( 7 8 This is an arduino IDE library to control the CCS811. 9 10 This has been tested with Arduino Uno, ESP32, and Teensy 3.2 using Arduino 1.8.1. 11 12 Repository Contents 13 ------------------- 14 15 * **/examples** - Example sketches for the library (.ino). Run these from the Arduino IDE. 16 * **/extras** - Contains class diagrams for the driver. Ignored by IDE. 17 * **/src** - Source files for the library (.cpp, .h). 18 * **keywords.txt** - Keywords from this library that will be highlighted in the Arduino IDE. 19 * **** - General library properties for the Arduino package manager. 20 21 Examples 22 -------------- 23 24 * BaselineOperator - Save and restore baselines to the EEPROM 25 * BasicReadings - Get data from the CCS811 as fast as possible 26 * BME280Compensated - Compensate the CCS811 with data from your BME280 sensor 27 * Core - Shows how the underlying hardware object works 28 * NTCCompensated - Compensate the CCS811 with data from a supplied NTC Thermistor 29 * setEnvironmentalReadings - Compensate the CCS with random data 30 * TwentyMinuteTest - Report data with timestamp. 31 * WakeAndInterrupt - Shows how to use the nWake and nInt pins 32 33 Documentation 34 -------------- 35 36 * **[Installing an Arduino Library Guide](** - Basic information on how to install an Arduino library. 37 * **[Product Repository](** - Main repository (including hardware files) for the CCS811 Breakout. 38 * **[Hookup Guide](** - Basic hookup guide for the CCS811 Breakout. 39 40 Products that use this Library 41 --------------------------------- 42 43 * [SEN-14193]( CCS811 Breakout board 44 45 Version History 46 --------------- 47 48 * [V 1.0.0]( -- Initial commit of Arduino compatible library. 49 50 License Information 51 ------------------- 52 53 This product is _**open source**_! 54 55 Please review the file for license information. 56 57 If you have any questions or concerns on licensing, please contact 58 59 Distributed as-is; no warranty is given. 60 61 - Your friends at SparkFun. 62