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GFXcanvas.ino (3671B)

      1 /***
      2 This example is intended to demonstrate the use of getPixel() versus
      3 getRawPixel() and the fast horizontal and vertical drawing routines
      4 in the GFXcanvas family of classes,
      6 When using the GFXcanvas* classes as the image buffer for a hardware driver,
      7 there is a need to get individual pixel color values at given physical
      8 coordinates. Rather than subclasses or client classes call getBuffer() and
      9 reinterpret the byte layout of the buffer, two methods are added to each of the
     10 GFXcanvas* classes that allow fetching of specific pixel values.
     12   * getPixel(x, y)   : Gets the pixel color value at the rotated coordinates in
     13 the image.
     14   * getRawPixel(x,y) : Gets the pixel color value at the unrotated coordinates
     15 in the image. This is useful for getting the pixel value to map to a hardware
     16 pixel location. This method was made protected as only the hardware driver
     17 should be accessing it.
     19 The GFXcanvas*SerialDemo classes in this example will print to Serial the
     20 contents of the underlying GFXcanvas buffer in both the current rotated layout
     21 and the underlying physical layout.
     22 ***/
     24 #include "GFXcanvasSerialDemo.h"
     25 #include <Arduino.h>
     27 void setup() {
     28   Serial.begin(115200);
     30   // first create a rectangular GFXcanvas8SerialDemo object and draw to it
     31   GFXcanvas8SerialDemo demo8(21, 11);
     33   demo8.fillScreen(0x00);
     34   demo8.setRotation(1); // now canvas is 11x21
     35   demo8.fillCircle(5, 10, 5, 0xAA);
     36   demo8.writeFastHLine(0, 0, 11, 0x11);
     37   demo8.writeFastHLine(10, 10, -11, 0x22);
     38   demo8.writeFastHLine(0, 20, 11, 0x33);
     39   demo8.writeFastVLine(0, 0, 21, 0x44);
     40   demo8.writeFastVLine(10, 20, -21, 0x55);
     42   Serial.println("Demonstrating GFXcanvas rotated and raw pixels.\n");
     44   // print it out rotated
     46   Serial.println("The canvas's content in the rotation of '0':\n");
     47   demo8.setRotation(0);
     48   demo8.print(true);
     49   Serial.println("\n");
     51   Serial.println("The canvas's content in the rotation of '1' (which is what "
     52                  "it was drawn in):\n");
     53   demo8.setRotation(1);
     54   demo8.print(true);
     55   Serial.println("\n");
     57   Serial.println("The canvas's content in the rotation of '2':\n");
     58   demo8.setRotation(2);
     59   demo8.print(true);
     60   Serial.println("\n");
     62   Serial.println("The canvas's content in the rotation of '3':\n");
     63   demo8.setRotation(3);
     64   demo8.print(true);
     65   Serial.println("\n");
     67   // print it out unrotated
     68   Serial.println("The canvas's content in it's raw, physical layout:\n");
     69   demo8.print(false);
     70   Serial.println("\n");
     72   // Demonstrate GFXcanvas1SerialDemo
     74   GFXcanvas1SerialDemo demo1(21, 11);
     75   demo1.fillScreen(0);
     76   demo1.setRotation(0);
     77   demo1.writeFastHLine(0, 0, 9, 1);
     78   demo1.setRotation(1);
     79   demo1.writeFastHLine(0, 0, 9, 1);
     80   demo1.setRotation(2);
     81   demo1.writeFastHLine(0, 0, 9, 1);
     82   demo1.setRotation(3);
     83   demo1.writeFastHLine(0, 0, 9, 1);
     84   demo1.setRotation(1);
     85   demo1.fillRect(3, 8, 5, 5, 1);
     87   Serial.println("\nThe GFXcanvas1 raw content after drawing a fast horizontal "
     88                  "line in each rotation:\n");
     89   demo1.print(false);
     90   Serial.println("\n");
     92   // Demonstrate GFXcanvas16SerialDemo
     94   GFXcanvas16SerialDemo demo16(21, 11);
     95   demo16.fillScreen(0);
     96   demo16.setRotation(0);
     97   demo16.writeFastHLine(0, 0, 9, 0x1111);
     98   demo16.setRotation(1);
     99   demo16.writeFastHLine(0, 0, 9, 0x2222);
    100   demo16.setRotation(2);
    101   demo16.writeFastHLine(0, 0, 9, 0x3333);
    102   demo16.setRotation(3);
    103   demo16.writeFastHLine(0, 0, 9, 0x4444);
    104   demo16.setRotation(1);
    105   demo16.fillRect(3, 8, 5, 5, 0x8888);
    107   Serial.println("\nThe GFXcanvas16 raw content after drawing a fast "
    108                  "horizontal line in each rotation:\n");
    109   demo16.print(false);
    110   Serial.println("\n");
    111 }
    113 void loop() {}